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Milei - Time magazine

Half me friends love him and half hate him. Same as my family. I did not vote for him but I agree better to wait until next year to judge. To be on cover of Time Magazine is special. I admit that. And even my family that hate him think some things he do is good like finding all the stealing by other government worker.
Half me friends love him and half hate him. Same as my family. I did not vote for him but I agree better to wait until next year to judge. To be on cover of Time Magazine is special. I admit that. And even my family that hate him think some things he do is good like finding all the stealing by other government worker.
That's the same as me. I'd say it is evenly split with half that hate him and half that love him. I try to avoid politics. I see that Milei is now in El Salvador! My, my he gets around. He was just in the United States a few days ago.

It's a good thing he is in El Salvador. That country needs our support and we need theirs. For LatAm to change for the better, governments must unite.
It is remarkable what Bukele has done there. I have several friends in El Salvador and they tell me it was very dangerous before but their President totally turned that country around.
It is remarkable what Bukele has done there. I have several friends in El Salvador and they tell me it was very dangerous before but their President totally turned that country around.
Yes remarkable how he has turned that country around. I visited before and it was crime ridden and not safe. Now it is one of the safest countries in the world. Seems like countries in Latin America will see that shifting over to the right is the solution to improve the economy and get tough on crime.

@Sunny I saw this video today and thought of your post. Amazing how many people recognized Milei! I like this guy's comparison of Trump and Milei.
It is incredible how much press and attention Milei is getting around the world. That is incredible that a hot dog vender in NYC will know who he is! I doubt there was any time in history that that many people will recognize a President of Argentina.

Even here in Australia they constantly have Milei on the news.

Wally, wow, that's such a great video! It is incredible but, at this point, I'd say that if Jimmy Kimmel had his cousin Sal show that photo to the dumb Hollywood Boulevard people, even they would recognize Javier Milei. The reach and power of social media is frightening.
I am not sure many Americans would recognize Kamala Harris the US Vice President. I honestly think Javier Milei might have more recognition to many Americans vs. Kamala Harris due to social media. I agree with you Sunny the power is scary. Probably why US government want to ban Tik Tok. Things can spread so quickly and no way to prevent people from quickly sharing the truth.
@Sunny I saw this video today and thought of your post. Amazing how many people recognized Milei! I like this guy's comparison of Trump and Milei.

Ha! That is nuts even the hot dog stand guy knew it was Milei!!! Sometimes I forget how often he is on social media. On Twitter it was the #1 trending topic when he was fighting with the President of Spain. Sometimes I come on this forum and see a lot of political stuff but I forget that probably nothing like this has ever happened in Argentina with such a change and I can't imagine what all of you are going through that either are from Argentina or lived there for many years. It must be a monumental change.
Tough times for Argentines. But, look at that inflation rate dropping & approval rating.

Viva la libertad, carajo!

I've only been in town a week and what I observe is the people genuinely love this President. Even the poor. I talked to so many taxi drivers and Uber drivers that love Milei. I am fluent in Spanish and just came from Colombia. BA is very upscale compared to other cities in South America I visited.

On the news I keep seeing even the poor that support this President. Cool to see.

I've only been in town a week and what I observe is the people genuinely love this President. Even the poor. I talked to so many taxi drivers and Uber drivers that love Milei. I am fluent in Spanish and just came from Colombia. BA is very upscale compared to other cities in South America I visited.

On the news I keep seeing even the poor that support this President. Cool to see.
Yep. Great city. Lots of European flair here. Compared to other cities in Latin America it doesn't even feel like I am in Latin America sometimes.