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Mileizuela situation - Gas shortage in Argentina


Well-known member
I posted this in @Sunny's thread about Cordoba gas shortage but it's clear this is now a nationwide issue. I thought all of you Milei lovers were saying these kind of things only happen under Massa. So many issues this country is facing and Milei thinks everything is fixed and spending more time outside of Argentina than in it.

Everyday this country get worse. More starving people. More poverty. More expensive. It clear Milei doesn't want to help Argentina. He want to be social media star and want to sell his book. We have many problems here that need to be solved. He spending too much he time traveling trying to be media star. People finally seeing his poor decisions will cause many problems for Argentina.
Things will normalize soon. Argentina just confirmed that Petrobras accepted the payment from Argentina and they are loading one of the LNG ships. Should take 2-3 days for things to get back to normal.
What a relief that things will be normal soon. I couldn't believe how cold it is now. I thought it was still nice in May. July must be freezing when I'm coming! It sounds like a big recession now. I've been seeing tons of layoffs. It looks like lots of companies are laying off or firing employees.

What a relief that things will be normal soon. I couldn't believe how cold it is now. I thought it was still nice in May. July must be freezing when I'm coming! It sounds like a big recession now. I've been seeing tons of layoffs. It looks like lots of companies are laying off or firing employees.
You can never predict if things will be normal soon. More and more protests every day. The full effects of all of these job terminations will be felt in a few months when more people go to the street.

But Milei got a selfie with Elon Musk! What might have started as a noble cause for Milei has turned into him just wanting to promote himself.

By July it will be worse.
@Larry , is it Mileis fault that the daily temperature this month of May has been 5c o average below the normal month of May_

Just checking , as you know all the answers.
Excuses excuses. My point is you can't just keep cutting investments and not plan ahead. I don't have all the answers but I don't pretend to like Milei does. Do you agree @GlasgowJohn with all his many international trips abroad? Do you agree that you would withhold many tons of food to the known food banks that are reputable? Do you agree with all the tens of thousands of layoffs? Do you agree with his circus party book release the other night?

Do you think that people won't lose patience? They are already losing patience and you know it will get much worse.

You can never predict if things will be normal soon. More and more protests every day. The full effects of all of these job terminations will be felt in a few months when more people go to the street.

But Milei got a selfie with Elon Musk! What might have started as a noble cause for Milei has turned into him just wanting to promote himself.

By July it will be worse.
Wowzers. I keep delaying my trip for one reason or another. Are you sure July will be worse? Is this rioting or protests going on in touristy areas? Will I be ok in Recoleta or Palermo? I thought this stuff only goes on downtown? I hope things don't get worse. I will watch how things play out.
Wowzers. I keep delaying my trip for one reason or another. Are you sure July will be worse? Is this rioting or protests going on in touristy areas? Will I be ok in Recoleta or Palermo? I thought this stuff only goes on downtown? I hope things don't get worse. I will watch how things play out.
You will be ok in touristy areas. You might not even know anything was going on in Palermo. But today Avenida Callao was partly closed down for a protest.

And what about the famous Nestor Kirchner gas pipeline inaugurated last July_

No gas coming through?

There is a small problem.

The two construction companies downed tools last November when the Alberto and Sergio roadshow refused to pay their last invoices for $US 35 MILLION.

Again I cannot believe that this would happen - two upright gentlemen who always paid their debts?
And what about the famous Nestor Kirchner gas pipeline inaugurated last July_

No gas coming through?

There is a small problem.

The two construction companies downed tools last November when the Alberto and Sergio roadshow refused to pay their last invoices for $US 35 MILLION.
Again I cannot believe that this would happen - two upright gentlemen who always paid their debts?