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Price of Beef will skyrocket at Parillas and steak restaurants! Good time to become a vegeterian!

No need to stress about cutting down on spending—it's happening to lots of folks. I notice people just window shopping, leaving stores with just a few pesos worth of stuff. I recently bought some good wine and other items, and the total came to 27k. The seller looked twice at the screen, almost like they expected me to change my mind or something. When picking wine, nobody even glanced at the pricey section (6k+), which used to be popular before. Times are changing.
Wines, they're like the ageless wonders, patiently biding their time. Now, beef carcasses (or Media Reses, for the fancy term) at slaughterhouses, they're not as patient – they've got deadlines, they need to find new homes, and fast! It's like a race against time for those meaty fellas.
While my memory of 1999 prices is a bit fuzzy (it was my first visit here), I distinctly recall shelling out $5 for a lomo sandwich at an ordinary downtown restaurant. Back then, I considered it a steal, especially when comparing it to the cost of a steak sandwich in NYC. Now, if folks were dropping $10 at Don Julio in 2003, that's a whole other ballgame.
I went to the supermarket yesterday and saw tons and tons of beef. It looks like they were marking much of it down. I just snapped this photo. This is a huge piece of beef and very affordable. It's SO expensive for beef in the USA, especially on Southern California.





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I went to the supermarket yesterday and saw tons and tons of beef. It looks like they were marking much of it down. I just snapped this photo. This is a huge piece of beef and very affordable. It's SO expensive for beef in the USA, especially on Southern California.

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My sister said the stores she visited also are discounting the prices they marked up before because it wasn't selling. She see many discounts going on.
Coto has also reduced meat prices this weekend.

This si pretty significant as Coto are the biggest retail sellers of meat in Argentina.

Alfredo Coto started out his career as a butcher.
Yes I also noticed the same thing. There was a big increase and then it seems like people slowed down or stopped buying in protest or at least I noticed a big supply in the supermarket. Then I see a lot of sales now just like the photos show from earlyretirement but the restaurants all seem like they are still higher.
Yes I also noticed the same thing. There was a big increase and then it seems like people slowed down or stopped buying in protest or at least I noticed a big supply in the supermarket. Then I see a lot of sales now just like the photos show from earlyretirement but the restaurants all seem like they are still higher.
Yep. I noticed the same at my Coto supermarket. Some discounts are significant from the previous prices they raised them to. And once they did I see stuff flying off the shelves again. I agree steak at restaurants has gone up the past few months. I was at Kansas last night and the prices have gone up pretty significantly for the beef dishes. Really all the prices there look like they have raised them from I was last there a few months ago.
No need to stress about cutting down on spending—it's happening to lots of folks. I notice people just window shopping, leaving stores with just a few pesos worth of stuff. I recently bought some good wine and other items, and the total came to 27k. The seller looked twice at the screen, almost like they expected me to change my mind or something. When picking wine, nobody even glanced at the pricey section (6k+), which used to be popular before. Times are changing.
this is a strange anecdote. i see quite the opposite; no one seems to act any different, or care. i saw 100 people lined-up at Plaza Mayor in Monserrat a couple weeks ago, waiting on a 9000-Peso pan dulce that i found to be pretty gross.

people are buying the usual bullshit that they don't need. instead of buying beer/wine in bulk, regular people are just buying single cans/bottles. gas stations are full of cars waiting in line for gas all day. your 27,000 Peso expense claim needs to be backed with a receipt, otherwise you're just projecting a vision of BsAs that you want to be true, whereas i've been tracking costs for weeks and don't see any of what you say to be based on reality, even in expensive Palermo Chico.

very affordable
yeah even the expensive 8000-14000 Peso/kg cuts are still crazy cheap. NY Strips in the USA normal cities are $18 USD/pound. on-sale Top Sirloin is $10 USD/pound, but most people pay about $15 USD/pound for a good grocery store steak. that's like $33 USD per kilo or something, which would be 33,000 Pesos/kg. Buenos Aires is still 4x cheaper or about 25% the cost of USA stuff.

i also have some more updates from the Avocado fake-news BS. i went back to the Carrefour Market and Dia stores that had no meat a couple days...those slackers just didn't put a sign up that their main cooler was broken! i see the signs now, in the Dia poulty section, and the massive beef section of Carrefour Market (attached). no meat shortages, just lazy managers not putting signs up to explain.


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Someone posted a menu of Don Julio's last week with steaks over $100 USD. I'm not sure if it was fake or photoshopped or if the restaurant just came to their senses and lowered their prices. I just walked by and I don't see any steaks over $100 USD. Still, much higher than other places in town.

Still, I think they should charge as much as they can if they are still busy. I just walked by at 3:15 PM and it still had a few people waiting in line to eat. As you guessed, all tourists mostly speaking English. I admit, they do have great food there. I've been there over 150+ times over the years before it got all touristy.

Prices as of today - January 14, 2023



Someone posted a menu of Don Julio's last week with steaks over $100 USD. I'm not sure if it was fake or photoshopped or if the restaurant just came to their senses and lowered their prices. I just walked by and I don't see any steaks over $100 USD. Still, much higher than other places in town.

Still, I think they should charge as much as they can if they are still busy. I just walked by at 3:15 PM and it still had a few people waiting in line to eat. As you guessed, all tourists mostly speaking English. I admit, they do have great food there. I've been there over 150+ times over the years before it got all touristy.

Prices as of today - January 14, 2023

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Thanks for posting the prices! I was wondering what the recent prices are. I saw some Twitter posts but the price seems like it's flip flopping at Don Julio. Thanks for posting this. Helpful! Still looks darn expensive to me compared to other places for steak!
Someone posted a menu of Don Julio's last week with steaks over $100 USD. I'm not sure if it was fake or photoshopped or if the restaurant just came to their senses and lowered their prices. I just walked by and I don't see any steaks over $100 USD. Still, much higher than other places in town.

Still, I think they should charge as much as they can if they are still busy. I just walked by at 3:15 PM and it still had a few people waiting in line to eat. As you guessed, all tourists mostly speaking English. I admit, they do have great food there. I've been there over 150+ times over the years before it got all touristy.

Prices as of today - January 14, 2023

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Wow tira de asado for $74 US dollars? That is steep!
Wow tira de asado for $74 US dollars? That is steep!
This menu is correct that earlyretirement posted. I ate here last night with my assistant and a new novio I met. I paid for dinner and I dropped $500+ USD on the 3 of us. We did have some leftovers but go figure my date ordered the Bife de Lomo! It was over $100 USD by the time you add in the tip. And of course he was ordering expensive wine all night!
You invited him to wine! Surely a beer was good enough for jim....
Ha! So true! The guy has champagne tastes. I asked him where he wanted to go to dinner. He turned me down for the date and said I was too old for him. I wouldn't take no for an answer. I told him I would treat him to a date at any restaurant in BA! He asked me ANY? I said yes. So he said Don Julio! I told him no way we can get in. He told me he would go and put our name on a list. We waited 1.5 hours for a table.

Worse thing is he didn't speak English and I don't speak a word of Spanish. And I don't like to use Google Translate all night so I brought my assistant that translated all night. That was another mouth to feed! I asked my date to split a steak with me and he said no. My assistant wanted his own steak too. Me made 3.

We went through 4 bottles of expensive wine. I thought I would get some action. But Julio my date was so drunk by the time dinner ended (he also got some cocktails) that this flaming hot cheeto got no action. I asked him when our next date is and he asked me if we can go to La Cabrera! It's cheaper to find a pro!
Ha! So true! The guy has champagne tastes. I asked him where he wanted to go to dinner. He turned me down for the date and said I was too old for him. I wouldn't take no for an answer. I told him I would treat him to a date at any restaurant in BA! He asked me ANY? I said yes. So he said Don Julio! I told him no way we can get in. He told me he would go and put our name on a list. We waited 1.5 hours for a table.

Worse thing is he didn't speak English and I don't speak a word of Spanish. And I don't like to use Google Translate all night so I brought my assistant that translated all night. That was another mouth to feed! I asked my date to split a steak with me and he said no. My assistant wanted his own steak too. Me made 3.

We went through 4 bottles of expensive wine. I thought I would get some action. But Julio my date was so drunk by the time dinner ended (he also got some cocktails) that this flaming hot cheeto got no action. I asked him when our next date is and he asked me if we can go to La Cabrera! It's cheaper to find a pro!
Ha! Ha!

That is one expensive dinner. I do like the food here at Don Julio but I haven't been here in a while. Not so much for the prices but the wait time. I don't think any place is worth waiting 1.5 hours for. I walked by today after lunch today with @GlasgowJohn and even at 3:30 PM on a Tuesday it was totally packed. I asked the hostess how long the wait was and she said 1 hour and 15 minutes. On a tuesday afternoon at 3:30 PM when many locals aren't even in town.

I used to own a few apartments just a block down at Guatemala 4551 and I'd put my name down and just hang out at my apartment and watch some TV or worked and then walk over. But sold all those places.

All the tourists waiting in line at Don Julio's on January 16, 2024 at 3:30 PM.

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Thanks for posting the prices! I was wondering what the recent prices are. I saw some Twitter posts but the price seems like it's flip flopping at Don Julio. Thanks for posting this. Helpful! Still looks darn expensive to me compared to other places for steak!
You will see this yo yo effect more and more. I'm seeing it in the supermarkets. Very crazy right now. Products I am seeing one day to the next inflate and go down. For example I bought some AAA batteries today. 10 batteries for $22,000. I went into the same shop yesterday to see and it was 18,000 pesos. Tomorrow it may go back down.

Chino supermarkets used to be more than big chains and the convenience was worth it to me if they were around my apartment. But now I see big chain grocery stores more than chinos. Prices are all over the place with this inflation. Same things I buy can yo yo in price. I think this will happen on bigger scale next few months.
This menu is correct that earlyretirement posted. I ate here last night with my assistant and a new novio I met. I paid for dinner and I dropped $500+ USD on the 3 of us. We did have some leftovers but go figure my date ordered the Bife de Lomo! It was over $100 USD by the time you add in the tip. And of course he was ordering expensive wine all night!
Is so crazy for me read you all pay $500 dollars US for a dinner for 3 persons. That is the amount some locals make working for 1 month.

The inflation getting so bad. 28% inflation in December and they say 30% for January, it look like we will have imminent social crisis. Basis minimum to survive in CABA you must make 500,000 pesos. This not include the rent, to avoid poverty level. This is 3X minimum wage, and if you include the rent, utility will go up very high, and wages no go up, the prospect of a severe recession become very high. We will have a majority poverty level in 2024 for Milei.

I admit not all Milei fault but he make problem very bad and problem worse. You cant go so quickly for all the poor. It trainwreck waiting to happen.
Is so crazy for me read you all pay $500 dollars US for a dinner for 3 persons. That is the amount some locals make working for 1 month.

The inflation getting so bad. 28% inflation in December and they say 30% for January, it look like we will have imminent social crisis. Basis minimum to survive in CABA you must make 500,000 pesos. This not include the rent, to avoid poverty level. This is 3X minimum wage, and if you include the rent, utility will go up very high, and wages no go up, the prospect of a severe recession become very high. We will have a majority poverty level in 2024 for Milei.

I admit not all Milei fault but he make problem very bad and problem worse. You cant go so quickly for all the poor. It trainwreck waiting to happen.
At least people are finally realizing what I have been warning about is happening. I go to many restaurants are prices are approaching USA prices. Not just Don Julio but that is the best example. I saw @earlyretirement photo of El Preferido and $40 USD for a Milenesa is USA prices. No one can deny it now as there is proof. I have been warning of this for some time.

The prices are going up a lot, and it's not just a normal inflation like 2023—it feels like someone is taking advantage of the situation. Not everyone in the country, especially those in power, is helping to fix things. It's like people are making money from the problems, and everyone who can is joining in, leaving those at the bottom with very little.

I understand it's a free market economy, but the market wasn't doing well before, and now it's even worse under Milei. It's impossible to find a good balance in these conditions, at least not until the buying power gets really low or something even worse happens.

I don't blame only Milei; he said he was going to do exactly what he is doing so no one should be surprised. I argued against his method as I worried this would happen. But there should be someone making sure businesses don't take advantage if they're not being fair. That's not happening, so it's like a free-for-all.

I have NO hope that things will get better in the near term, but in my opinion, we were already in a bad situation with about 59% of people struggling with poverty at the end of last year. It looks like this will go up.
I couldn't believe the post about El Preferido de Palermo that I read above. I walked by the restaurant last night. I went to eat there in September and the prices are double the prices from when I visited. The prices posted were correct! A milenesa nappolitana for $40 US dollars. Add in French fries and a drink and standard 10% tip and the price per person goes over $60 US dollars.

Inflation is crazy and spiraling out of control. It will hurt the tourism industry in Argentina. If you look at tourism # they down 25% since same time last year. I predict many people will cancel their trips as word spreads that prices are getting crazy high now. Don Julio is even higher.