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Price of Beef will skyrocket at Parillas and steak restaurants! Good time to become a vegeterian!

I couldn't believe the post about El Preferido de Palermo that I read above. I walked by the restaurant last night. I went to eat there in September and the prices are double the prices from when I visited. The prices posted were correct! A milenesa nappolitana for $40 US dollars. Add in French fries and a drink and standard 10% tip and the price per person goes over $60 US dollars.

Inflation is crazy and spiraling out of control. It will hurt the tourism industry in Argentina. If you look at tourism # they down 25% since same time last year. I predict many people will cancel their trips as word spreads that prices are getting crazy high now. Don Julio is even higher.

There are some touristy spots that charge much higher than everyone else. Those two places you mentioned always have tourists lined up. They won't stop raising the prices until people stop going there. Best way to control the prices of restaurants that overprice their menu is STOP going to them.
There are some touristy spots that charge much higher than everyone else. Those two places you mentioned always have tourists lined up. They won't stop raising the prices until people stop going there. Best way to control the prices of restaurants that overprice their menu is STOP going to them.
The super cheap days are over. Prices will probably keep going up. Expat parade is over. CFK and Massa and others like them were better for expats. Prices will keep going up over the next year.
There are some touristy spots that charge much higher than everyone else. Those two places you mentioned always have tourists lined up. They won't stop raising the prices until people stop going there. Best way to control the prices of restaurants that overprice their menu is STOP going to them.
I think people are using the worst-case examples. Don Julio and even El Preferido de Palermo are two of the most expensive places in town. I do acknowledge there is inflation going on and things are getting more expensive. But it's still a bargain compared to the USA. You can go to lots of restaurants that aren't in touristy Soho or Hollywood and still eat reasonably. You can't go to almost any decent steak place in much of the USA and get it for anything near what you can pay in Buenos Aires.

You have to do an apples to apples comparison. Don Julio is one of the most expensive places in town. So you compare that to one of the most expensive steak places in most major cities and it's going to cost a fortune. I was recently in Mexico City and went to Quintonil and also Pujol and outrageous prices. Granted, 2 of the most expensive places in Mexico City but my point is that you can find extreme examples of high price places in any major metropolitan city.

You can still eat at reasonable prices at many restaurants that aren't too touristy here in Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires restaurants are much cheaper than the USA at comparable places. Someone yesterday posted the price they paid at KFC. I haven't eaten at KFC in years in the USA but I can guarantee you a meal will cost more than the $4 US the OP said they paid.
I think people are using the worst-case examples. Don Julio and even El Preferido de Palermo are two of the most expensive places in town. I do acknowledge there is inflation going on and things are getting more expensive. But it's still a bargain compared to the USA. You can go to lots of restaurants that aren't in touristy Soho or Hollywood and still eat reasonably. You can't go to almost any decent steak place in much of the USA and get it for anything near what you can pay in Buenos Aires.

You have to do an apples to apples comparison. Don Julio is one of the most expensive places in town. So you compare that to one of the most expensive steak places in most major cities and it's going to cost a fortune. I was recently in Mexico City and went to Quintonil and also Pujol and outrageous prices. Granted, 2 of the most expensive places in Mexico City but my point is that you can find extreme examples of high price places in any major metropolitan city.

You can still eat at reasonable prices at many restaurants that aren't too touristy here in Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires restaurants are much cheaper than the USA at comparable places. Someone yesterday posted the price they paid at KFC. I haven't eaten at KFC in years in the USA but I can guarantee you a meal will cost more than the $4 US the OP said they paid.
I agree. You can still eat a decent steak here for not much compared to first world countries and cities. You can't compare Don Julio and El Preferido. Most don't know but the owner of Don Julio bought El Preferido de Palermo in 2019 before COVID. It was renovated during COVID. After buying it, he has the same model as Don Julio. "

Get good international press and on some big restaurant list and jack up the prices. The prices are crazy now there too. Mostly just tourists lined up. Not saying the food is bad as they do a good job there but the plan is to stick it to the tourists which doesn't seem like a bad one seeing still lines there. Those 2 places are the definition of tourist trap restaurants. Why wouldn't the owner jack up prices if silly gringos are willing to pay it?
I agree. You can still eat a decent steak here for not much compared to first world countries and cities. You can't compare Don Julio and El Preferido. Most don't know but the owner of Don Julio bought El Preferido de Palermo in 2019 before COVID. It was renovated during COVID. After buying it, he has the same model as Don Julio. "

Get good international press and on some big restaurant list and jack up the prices. The prices are crazy now there too. Mostly just tourists lined up. Not saying the food is bad as they do a good job there but the plan is to stick it to the tourists which doesn't seem like a bad one seeing still lines there. Those 2 places are the definition of tourist trap restaurants. Why wouldn't the owner jack up prices if silly gringos are willing to pay it?
I did not know that the owner of Don Julio bought this restaurant. It used to be a typical bodegon that was very affordable until 2022 even after the new owner (if true) took over. Now the prices are crazy high like many other restaurants in BA. It's not just the touristy places that are expensive now.

I find it hard to get a meal in BA for less than $20 USD in many places now. With the crazy inflation under Milei, I worry and wonder how the typical Porteño will be afford to eat soon.
I did not know that the owner of Don Julio bought this restaurant. It used to be a typical bodegon that was very affordable until 2022 even after the new owner (if true) took over. Now the prices are crazy high like many other restaurants in BA. It's not just the touristy places that are expensive now.

I find it hard to get a meal in BA for less than $20 USD in many places now. With the crazy inflation under Milei, I worry and wonder how the typical Porteño will be afford to eat soon.
@Larry I agree with your premise that inflation has picked up but STILL disagree with you that prices are as expensive as the USA. You can get plenty of meals less than 24,000 pesos in Buenos Aires right now. Get a grip. It's not as bad as USA.
@Larry I agree with your premise that inflation has picked up but STILL disagree with you that prices are as expensive as the USA. You can get plenty of meals less than 24,000 pesos in Buenos Aires right now. Get a grip. It's not as bad as USA.
I disagree with you. Go to most cities around the world for a similar type of real in a similar restaurant in BA and you can probably get a cheaper meal there vs. BA now. I am not just talking about touristy places either. You can eat in many places in many cities for less than BA now. Spain has affordable food in many cities. BA isn't cheap any more.
I am with Larry. Lots of things here in Buenos Aires are not too much cheaper than the US today. If you are just coming for cheap then probably better to try other cities around the world. Prices of clothes, electronics, imported stuff here are crazy. Go to the store and you will see a lot of stuff just piled up and no one is buying it.

Hell look at the price of toilet paper! It is like $1 US per roll in many stores. Lots of stuff here is more expensive than the USA.
I am with Larry. Lots of things here in Buenos Aires are not too much cheaper than the US today. If you are just coming for cheap then probably better to try other cities around the world. Prices of clothes, electronics, imported stuff here are crazy. Go to the store and you will see a lot of stuff just piled up and no one is buying it.

Hell look at the price of toilet paper! It is like $1 US per roll in many stores. Lots of stuff here is more expensive than the USA.
Ha! Funny you mentioned the crazy cost of toilet paper. I was just thinking the same thing the other day. More expensive to wipe your ass than eat.
This menu is correct that earlyretirement posted. I ate here last night with my assistant and a new novio I met. I paid for dinner and I dropped $500+ USD on the 3 of us. We did have some leftovers but go figure my date ordered the Bife de Lomo! It was over $100 USD by the time you add in the tip. And of course he was ordering expensive wine all night!
Is this for real? You dropped $500 US Dollars for dinner for only 3 people. Is Don Julio really that expensive?