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Sky-high inflation takes a toll on mental health in Argentina - AL JAZEERA


Well-known member
More bad news for Argentina. The economic problems are causing mental issues now because of Milei's policies causing economic anxiety.

Argentina has the highest per-capita rate of psychologists in the world. Many are reporting a spike in economic anxiety.
That put Argentina’s national “mood” among the lowest of the 39 countries surveyed, tied with Peru and only a couple percentage points above Poland, which came in last at 65 percent.

“Everybody is in a bad mood. The situation is truly exhausting, and people are getting sick,” Bieber said. “When you go to the doctor or the therapist, they tell you to calm down. But how are you supposed to calm down with all of this happening?”

More bad news for Argentina. The economic problems are causing mental issues now because of Milei's policies causing economic anxiety.

Argentina has the highest per-capita rate of psychologists in the world. Many are reporting a spike in economic anxiety.
That put Argentina’s national “mood” among the lowest of the 39 countries surveyed, tied with Peru and only a couple percentage points above Poland, which came in last at 65 percent.

“Everybody is in a bad mood. The situation is truly exhausting, and people are getting sick,” Bieber said. “When you go to the doctor or the therapist, they tell you to calm down. But how are you supposed to calm down with all of this happening?”

The guy has only been in office 9 days yet the poor economy is all his fault? No matter who was in office there is no slowing down this inflation for a while.
Argentina has always had a really high # of therapists. But for good reason as there are so many issues there and the economy is always bad.

The numbers are shocking from this article however, "In Argentina, the problem may be particularly acute. More than half of the participants in a 2022 study about the country’s psychological health, conducted by the University of Buenos Aires, said they were experiencing a “crisis”.

I agree no matter who won the election they would be going through this turmoil and the worst part to imagine is that it's only going to get worse. It's going to be a painful next 6-12 months.
No doubt these are very hard times for the locals. My heart breaks when I see these kind of statistics. It's going to be a tough next 12 months. Reality is setting in for most locals. Their day of reckoning has come. You can't blame this on any one person. That has been a culmination of bad ideas and bad policies for a long time. It doesn't matter if you're a person or a nation. When you spend more than you make, it's not going to end up well. Argentina is seeing that now.
More bad news for Argentina. The economic problems are causing mental issues now because of Milei's policies causing economic anxiety.

Argentina has the highest per-capita rate of psychologists in the world. Many are reporting a spike in economic anxiety.
That put Argentina’s national “mood” among the lowest of the 39 countries surveyed, tied with Peru and only a couple percentage points above Poland, which came in last at 65 percent.

“Everybody is in a bad mood. The situation is truly exhausting, and people are getting sick,” Bieber said. “When you go to the doctor or the therapist, they tell you to calm down. But how are you supposed to calm down with all of this happening?”

And you think this magical Milei inflation wouldn't be happening under Massa? LOL.
I think this would be happening no matter what. Of course the other side will blame the other. I have to admit things are getting high. I just paid 2,700 pesos for a red pepper at the supermarket!
This is nothing. Everything is going up! I was so hungry for a tuna fish sandwich. How I wish restaurants here would make a good tuna fish but no one does.

Crazy as ten days ago I buy on Mercado Libre for it was 1,750 pesos and today it's 4,000 pesos!

This is nothing. Everything is going up! I was so hungry for a tuna fish sandwich. How I wish restaurants here would make a good tuna fish but no one does.

Crazy as ten days ago I buy on Mercado Libre for it was 1,750 pesos and today it's 4,000 pesos!

If you think that is bad I went to my neighborhood store owned by a nice Chinese man and the price was 4,600 pesos! You always have to comparison shop. The same type of things happen in times of crazy inflation or hyperinflation. People hoard stuff to sell it later.
If you think that is bad I went to my neighborhood store owned by a nice Chinese man and the price was 4,600 pesos! You always have to comparison shop. The same type of things happen in times of crazy inflation or hyperinflation. People hoard stuff to sell it later.
I noticed the Chinese corner markets are always more expensive now. A few weeks ago some things were the same thing or less on things but now I noticed they are always more expensive now.
This is nothing. I heard the subway and bus tickets are going way way up in January. I don't take the subway but most of my local friends do and they said it will be painful for them. I supported Milei but I'm not sure sticking this to the lower and middle classes is the way to solve things. But I don't pretend to have the answers either but making it worse for poor and middle class is going to make this blow up.
I noticed the Chinese corner markets are always more expensive now. A few weeks ago some things were the same thing or less on things but now I noticed they are always more expensive now.
All my local friends I have met lately are doing more comparison shopping. They used to just pop down to the corner market but now they say they are comparing prices online.

I started doing the same thing. I thought it would be easier for me to find work here but I'm figuring out that without a DNI I'm not that marketable so I need to find a way to make money fast!

I am comparing prices of groceries online with Jumbo, Carrefour and Mercado Libre.
It was at Jumbo.
Just keep in mind Jumbo is more expensive than many places. I used to always go there as they have a bunch of specialty foods and they would have Dr. Pepper there which I love. I was just there a few weeks ago shopping for groceries and buying some wine for a parilla I was going to. I couldn't believe how cheap it is compared to the USA. People complain about prices but try shopping in the USA in many major metro cities. I live in San Diego and it's obscene how little $100 US dollars gets there. Granted, San Diego is ranked as the most expensive city in the USA

One thing I noticed was the supermarket isn't nearly as busy as it used to be. I'm sure the poor economy is taking a toll with people going to the store less. I saw a LOT of alcohol just chock full on the shelves and they were having to heavily discount it. In fact, a LOT of stuff was just piled up. I was amazed at how inexpensive many things were. Granted for local salaries it is a lot but I was thinking of expats with US income you can still live great in BA if you're a digital nomad and making foreign currency.

I just found a back up of my grocery receipt. It was so long I just took a photo of the bottom. I filled up an entire basket including I think 5 bottles of wine and champagne and it was good Luigi Bosca brand. It was less than $70 US. I got 1,000 pesos to $1 US from the casa de Cambio during that trip. I literally had 4 very full of those big reusable bags. You can see all the % discounts at the bottom of the receipt. Back home just one small bag of stuff is $100 US. And alcohol is crazy expensive in San Diego.

One of my best friends @Johnny was coming the next day so I stocked our place full of stuff and $70 US.

And here is a receipt from the corner store where we got some stuff. These places are typically more than the bigger stores. I always stay in Recoleta or Palermo in my own properties or I will rent one. But both of my apartments in Recoleta and Palermo Hollywood were already booked. I tried to find a 2 bedroom with 2 king beds and there NONE even booking 7 weeks ahead of time. None in Recoleta or Palermo for our dates. I don't like being all the way up in Belgrano as that is too far of a hike but we had to.

Exchange rate while we were there was 1,000 pesos to $1 US at the casa de Cambio.

Thanks for posting the receipts. Expats like to bitch and complain all the time. It's still very cheap here compared to back home. My buddy came and visited me. Felt sorry that I'm on divorce #4. The first morning we went to my local corner bakery and he ordered a cappuccino and a medialuna and I got an expresso and a pastry. The bill was only 7,800 pesos. That's less than $8 bucks folks! He said back home in San Francisco that would have been about $34 US.

We have it very lucky here. No one can complain. Dirt cheap here.
Thanks for posting the receipts. Expats like to bitch and complain all the time. It's still very cheap here compared to back home. My buddy came and visited me. Felt sorry that I'm on divorce #4. The first morning we went to my local corner bakery and he ordered a cappuccino and a medialuna and I got an expresso and a pastry. The bill was only 7,800 pesos. That's less than $8 bucks folks! He said back home in San Francisco that would have been about $34 US.

We have it very lucky here. No one can complain. Dirt cheap here.
Yes for all you it is very cheap. For us locals it very expensive. Remember in your country you all make much money. I have friends in San Francisco and with hourly and tips they make $30 US per hour. They say everything more expensive there. Here we make almost nothing.

I love you foreingers. I don't like so much expats complaining all the time when you have USD $. Sometimes when I feel sorry for myself I come to this website and laugh at all expats with USD $ saying they have no money.
Yes for all you it is very cheap. For us locals it very expensive. Remember in your country you all make much money. I have friends in San Francisco and with hourly and tips they make $30 US per hour. They say everything more expensive there. Here we make almost nothing.

I love you foreingers. I don't like so much expats complaining all the time when you have USD $. Sometimes when I feel sorry for myself I come to this website and laugh at all expats with USD $ saying they have no money.
To be fair @Che Vos many of us are on fixed incomes. We aren't money bags. Some of my friends here just live on Social Security payments which is not a lot of money. Yes, the income is in US dollars but it's not as much as you might think.