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Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - From Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) to Today

I am seeing people are starting to speak out against Milei and Caputo's economic plan. I just read that they fired Cavallo's daughter because her dad was speaking out against Milei. That seems petty.

Milei is a sob. This is the beginning of the end. It is clear that what they are doing with the bicycle financing is not going to work. It is making everything too expensive and going to eventually crash again. Experts are starting to speak out and now Milei and Caputo are fighting. Caputo will try to quit again like last time. People never learn. I have been saying this since the beginning.
Now this madman says the peso could go to 600 to $1. Before people thought he might be crazy but people are starting to realize that he is crazy.

Finally I have some friend that admit that things will not end up well. I have many friend from around world that come here and visit me. Spain, Italy, UK, USA, Australia, Portugal and they all say how expensive things are. Prices keep going up in restaurant. Beef prices keep going up.

All the school price keep going up. Medicines are expensive and increasing. All the utilities go up. Transportation is up. I think by end of this year people will see these policy not work.

Argentina’s Deregulation Minister takes the chainsaw to laws and government ministries

A race against time and still sounds like Argentina is a basketcase.
Great article in the Economist that talks about how President Milei deregulated the mate industry ending the National Institute of Yerba Mate's (yes that is a real thing) ability to set minimum prices

.Prices of mate dropped by more than 50% in real terms and consumers benefited by paying 30% less for mate.

The same thing happened before with Carlos Menem who got rid of the commission in 1991. There were artificially high prices that resulted in over-planting. A federal court has ordered the suspension of President Milei's deregulation for yerba mate.

As more industries are deregulated, prices should come down.

It turns out Milei is just another corrupt politician that is only looking out for himself to make $$$.

It turns out Milei is just another corrupt politician that is only looking out for himself to make $$$.

What a shame. I thought he wasn't corrupt and cared about Argentina. I don't know anything at all about crypto but I asked my brother who works on Wall Street and he said that Milei definitely had to be in on the scam or know about it.
