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Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

According to the only official report, both candidates received a number of votes that exactly matches the percentage with one decimal point reported, with no rounding. Mathematically, it's almost impossible! As time goes on, more evidence of the outrageous fraud committed by Nicolás Maduro's regime in the presidential elections is coming to light.

As the porteños say, "what can you expect from a mule but a kick"... Pablo Moyano supporting Maduro's government. The CGT tried to distance itself from him and issued a statement calling for the publication of the election tally reports.


Nicolás Maduro angered Elon Musk, leading to the loss of his government verification on the social media platform X, owned by Musk. This followed a clash between the Venezuelan dictator and the entrepreneur over electoral fraud in Venezuela. Now, Maduro only has a blue checkmark confirming his identity.
Right now, he’s probably the most hated person.

This election is becoming increasingly fraudulent. It has now been confirmed that, with help from China, employees of the Chavista National Electoral Council (CNE) are printing fake electoral certificates. This serious allegation was made by Francisco “Pacho” Santos, the former vice president of Colombia.

Brazil has assumed representation of Argentina's interests in Venezuela.

Brazil has assumed representation of Argentina's interests in Venezuela.

Actually maybe this will be a good opportunity for Milei to start good relations with Brazil and Lula now. Doesn't make sense not to have a close relationship.

It seems Nicolás Maduro really managed to annoy Elon Musk. This action by Musk shows his rejection of authoritarianism and his willingness to use his power to make a statement. What do you think? What else will happen with this drama on social media?

The news keeps coming about the widespread disagreement with this fraudulent election manipulated by the dictator.

An award for Maduro?? Did this really happen? Wow...another reason to fervently hope this lady NEVER comes back to power...my god! Never forget!!!

Yes, 'Kirchnerists' / 'Peronists' always supported Chavez and Maduro and they still do. That's why I don't like people that follow these political parties, is not the same as being Republican or Democrat. They support dictatorial governments and is not something that can be simply considered as 'difference of opinions'.
It's awesome to see all the support from President Milei to Venezuela. Sometimes you forget just how many there are in Buenos Aires. Great to see this. CRAZY that CFK is still sticking behind Maduro. Kircherismo is dying and her inability to read the room is going to speed it up.

If Cristina stops supporting Maduro she will lose most of her followers. Maduro's dictatorship was Cristina's wet dream for Argentina: she controlled the central bank, the justice and the people in need through assistance from the government but fortunately she could not control the military which is essential to build a dictatorship.
Yes, 'Kirchnerists' / 'Peronists' always supported Chavez and Maduro and they still do. That's why I don't like people that follow these political parties, is not the same as being Republican or Democrat. They support dictatorial governments and is not something that can be simply considered as 'difference of opinions'.
Yes they have always supported Chavez and Maduro but I FINALLY have friends that were loyal Peronists but with this latest scuffle with Maduro and CFK supporting him, that is not something they will stand behind. Of course there will be people that support her no matter what but I know a few people that this was the tipping point and they are finally seeing the light.
Yikes! Over 2,000 people have gotten arrested and in prison in Venezuela.

If Cristina stops supporting Maduro she will lose most of her followers. Maduro's dictatorship was Cristina's wet dream for Argentina: she controlled the central bank, the justice and the people in need through assistance from the government but fortunately she could not control the military which is essential to build a dictatorship.
Well, it might be an act, but she did call on Maduro to show the voting records. Although with her, you never really know…
