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Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

Well, it might be an act, but she did call on Maduro to show the voting records. Although with her, you never really know…

She said: "I ask the voting records to be published for the legacy of Hugo Chávez" She's trying to separate herself from Maduro's dictatorship that she supported for 2 decades but also giving a wink to the lefties by talking Chávez legacy (another dictator)
Her comments were not well received by Maduro’s inner circle. Diosdado Cabello, the number two of the Venezuelan dictator, implicitly targeted the former president, saying, “They betrayed the legacy of (Néstor) Kirchner, Perón, and their own people.”

She said: "I ask the voting records to be published for the legacy of Hugo Chávez" She's trying to separate herself from Maduro's dictatorship that she supported for 2 decades but also giving a wink to the lefties by talking Chávez legacy (another dictator)
I think if anything what Maduro did and calling himself a Peronist is the best thing that could have happened for liberty and freedom and waking people up in Argentina that what they supported with Kirchnerismo is just wrong. She is trying to distance herself but people know she it is all one of the same thing.
Her comments were not well received by Maduro’s inner circle. Diosdado Cabello, the number two of the Venezuelan dictator, implicitly targeted the former president, saying, “They betrayed the legacy of (Néstor) Kirchner, Perón, and their own people.”

She just wants to save her own 4$$ like she always did. She supported Maduro for 20 years because she wanted the same for Argentina, fortunately she failed with Milani. Now he's not useful anymore to her, so she sends this message but with good words about Chavez to keep her followers happy.
Anonymous threatens to reveal information on human rights violations and even videos of child abuse by Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello. I just hope the dictatorship in Venezuela ends and the will of the people is respected. If this helps achieve that, then it's welcome. Anonymous should expose them and reveal the truth.

I don't think we really need Anonymous to reveal anything. People know about human rights violations there for decades. You would need to be living in a cave not to know about it. Still, it will be great to see the videos. With social media now governments can't stop the viral nature of movements. Look in the UK what is going on. People are banding together. This is why governments don't want Tik Tok. Now that X is owned by Musk, they can't stop the sharing of true information.

In some ways a blessing but other ways a curse.
She just wants to save her own 4$$ like she always did. She supported Maduro for 20 years because she wanted the same for Argentina, fortunately she failed with Milani. Now he's not useful anymore to her, so she sends this message but with good words about Chavez to keep her followers happy.
Yes all these people know have a huge problem because they have to show some support but not too much support. Now with how viral things are with social many of these left wing nuts like Cristina and Lula understand that the entire world will realize how wrong they are. They have to put some distance between their past support. Depending on how bad things get, most likely Maduro's only outcome will be public execution. He probably has some window of time where he can peacefully surrender in exile. After a tipping point you will see his bloody face on all the news channels.
She just wants to save her own 4$$ like she always did. She supported Maduro for 20 years because she wanted the same for Argentina, fortunately she failed with Milani. Now he's not useful anymore to her, so she sends this message but with good words about Chavez to keep her followers happy.
Things are changing fast around the world. One could argue that a President like Javier Milei gave people in Venezuela hope that they don't have to stay with the same regime in place for decades. That is is possible for change. If/when Maduro leaves office the dominos will continue to fall. Probably Lula, Petro and others will get voted out next elections.
Maduro is up to 2,228 people arrested. The # is probably even higher than that.

Maduro is up to 2,228 people arrested. The # is probably even higher than that.

It's sad to see the terrible abuse of power and human rights violations being carried out by this dictator just for having different opinions. This is how they kidnapped a coordinator from Corina Machado's party. It’s truly outrageous; before she was arrested, she did a live broadcast that later went viral.

Dictator Maduro announced that he is going to cut ties with WhatsApp, stating, "They are threatening Venezuela." It's ironic for him to say that when he is the one threatening and endangering the lives of innocents who are simply protesting against a corrupt government system.

Maduro shutting down Twitter in Venezuela for 10 days is a severe attack on freedom of expression. It's clear that he's doing this to prevent people from speaking out and showing what’s really happening in the country. By cutting off such a crucial platform, he’s trying to control the narrative and keep people uninformed. This kind of censorship is extremely troubling, as it restricts citizens' ability to share their experiences and connect with the outside world. This move further confirms the dictatorial nature of the regime taking hold in Venezuela.

After Maduro blocked the use of X for 10 days, Anonymous in Venezuela is stepping up to help people bypass this censorship. They’re showing users how to install PROTON VPN, a tool that allows them to circumvent the restrictions imposed by Nicolás Maduro's regime.

Through a detailed tutorial, Anonymous is guiding Venezuelans through the process of installing PROTON VPN, helping them stay connected and access information despite the government's limitations. This kind of support is crucial for maintaining freedom of expression and connectivity in an increasingly restrictive environment. Bravo for Anonymous! :)

A New Cuba? Maduro wants to regulate social media in Venezuela, which could lead to total isolation. By limiting access and controlling online information, a situation is being created where communication and freedom of expression are increasingly restricted. This measure not only aims to silence the opposition but also to keep the population isolated from external influences and the reality outside the country.

Of course Maduro doesn't want to do a new election. He would badly lose there too.

That kind of thing only happens in Maduro's dictatorship:

$90,000 USD disappeared from the Argentine embassy's account in Venezuela: they claim it was due to a hack. 😕

Maduro is a lunatic. How can people still support this nut? I just read that he said he was moving up Christmas to October 1. 🤡🤡

He definitely sounds like he has gone off the deep end. He put up big screens showing cartoons of him fighting with Elon Musk. Strange.

Looks like Maduro isn't going anywhere. What a 🤡.

Just saw that he issued arrest warrants for Milei and his sister and Bullrich. 😂
