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Water bill (Aysa) skyrocketed up 400% from normal bill. Any others?

Wow I got my water bill today and it skyrocketed upwards. The building shares the water bill between all the owners. My apartment is empty much of the year so I lose out on it but I was surprised with the jump up. Almost 100,000 pesos!
Wow I got my water bill today and it skyrocketed upwards. The building shares the water bill between all the owners. My apartment is empty much of the year so I lose out on it but I was surprised with the jump up. Almost 100,000 pesos!
My friends water bill has been going up all year. Some have tripled over the past year. All of these utility bills are going up. That sounds steep. You might want to ask your administration about it but lots of friends are telling me about much higher water, gas and electricity bills.