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Water bill (Aysa) skyrocketed up 400% from normal bill. Any others?


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I just got my Aysa water bill today. It normally is very very low but today I got a bill for 83,000 pesos. Anyone else get a big increase in their water bill? We only have 2 people in our apartment. This is over 4 X what it usually is. I asked my doorman and he said the rates drastically increased. I can't see how people on peso salaries can stomach this increase.
I just got my Aysa water bill today. It normally is very very low but today I got a bill for 83,000 pesos. Anyone else get a big increase in their water bill? We only have 2 people in our apartment. This is over 4 X what it usually is. I asked my doorman and he said the rates drastically increased. I can't see how people on peso salaries can stomach this increase.
All my utility bills have steadily increased. One of my friends with a big apartment had a shocking electricity bill the other day. I never heard anything like it. The subsidies are all ending but I am not sure yet where rates will end up. I don't think they can raise rates too much or they will have mass rioting going on from people already struggling to get by.
I just got my Aysa water bill today. It normally is very very low but today I got a bill for 83,000 pesos. Anyone else get a big increase in their water bill? We only have 2 people in our apartment. This is over 4 X what it usually is. I asked my doorman and he said the rates drastically increased. I can't see how people on peso salaries can stomach this increase.
There must be an error if it's 4 times what it usually is. Have you asked the doorman if your neighbors also got the same increase?
My local friends have complained about higher utility bills lately. For many years everything was regulated. A good friend just got a 400,000 peso electricity bill! They say it is usually 65,000 peso. A large 4 bedroom apartment but still nuts! That is about $400 USD for a one month bill! Times are changing.
My local friends have complained about higher utility bills lately. For many years everything was regulated. A good friend just got a 400,000 peso electricity bill! They say it is usually 65,000 peso. A large 4 bedroom apartment but still nuts! That is about $400 USD for a one month bill! Times are changing.
Time to start switching off the lights we don't need to have on all the time. I learned to do that quickly during my years in SoCal.
Time to start switching off the lights we don't need to have on all the time. I learned to do that quickly during my years in SoCal.
Yes that is correct. Electricity here was previously so cheap and subsidized so all of us have just left AC and all the lights on. The government wants to end all of that. I believe it's tiered pricing so the more you use it is much more expensive after you surpass the next level. I also had a friend that always leaves everything on report she got a shockingly high bill.

I have a feeling next summer many people will get a shock of their lifetime with the energy bills. It's been subsidized for so long and all of that is ending.
Yes that is correct. Electricity here was previously so cheap and subsidized so all of us have just left AC and all the lights on. The government wants to end all of that. I believe it's tiered pricing so the more you use it is much more expensive after you surpass the next level. I also had a friend that always leaves everything on report she got a shockingly high bill.

I have a feeling next summer many people will get a shock of their lifetime with the energy bills. It's been subsidized for so long and all of that is ending.
True. My electricity bill used to be ridiculously cheap. Less than $20 USD per month. My last bill went up to around $65 USD per bill. I need to get a better idea of how much it jumps up with the tiers. I understand about the government needing to remove subsidies and allow the utility companies to increase rates. I just hope it doesn't turn out like the healthcare premium increases.
I just got my Aysa water bill today. It normally is very very low but today I got a bill for 83,000 pesos. Anyone else get a big increase in their water bill? We only have 2 people in our apartment. This is over 4 X what it usually is. I asked my doorman and he said the rates drastically increased. I can't see how people on peso salaries can stomach this increase.
My water usage is included in my HOA bill. However, my HOA bill has drastically gone up since December. It still is reasonable compared to comparable property I own in the States. But my electricity bill has also gone up. IIRC I usually pay less than $30 dollars per month and my last bill was around $60 equivalent. But I did have a longer term tenant so that probably accounts for the increased bill although last year I had long-term tenants and it was never that much.
Time to start switching off the lights we don't need to have on all the time. I learned to do that quickly during my years in SoCal.
Local residents will probably figure out how to turn things off now. My friends that live in BA always leave everything on. I would be shocked that we would leave to go out all day and they would leave all the lights and AC on all the time. You can do that when the government was paying the bill! People will need to learn to adjust.
this habit of leaving everything on is not typical of Argentines, I think we are very careful in this sense.
Many, many moons ago, in Toronto, ON, Canada, I witnessed a conversation between roommates, one of them from Germany, the other one from the US. The German guy says as they are leaving the room, Let's go, we are running late and, for once, will you turn the lights off? The other guy says, But why, it's included in the rent. And the German guy goes, It doesn't matter knucklehead! You keep wasting energy for no reason! 😀
Today more than ever we must be careful and responsible...otherwise we will work only to pay the utility bills. They say that one learns and complies only when one's pocket is touched haha 😂 so say the porteños.
That's right, @thor. That's the quickest way to get people to comply. I turn lights off as I leave a room, have done that all my life.

Incidentally, those who rent furnished apartments long term, should check that all fixtures have LED bulbs. Some of the Airbnbs we stayed at here still had old halogen lighting.
Many, many moons ago, in Toronto, ON, Canada, I witnessed a conversation between roommates, one of them from Germany, the other one from the US. The German guy says as they are leaving the room, Let's go, we are running late and, for once, will you turn the lights off? The other guy says, But why, it's included in the rent. And the German guy goes, It doesn't matter knucklehead! You keep wasting energy for no reason! 😀
This is true and even something I need to be more aware. I mostly rent Airbnbs and when I leave I just keep everything on. Lately I am seeing owners are giving certain amounts of kwh free and anything above that they are charging now. This will probably be the new normal with rates surging not only in Argentina but other places too. We should be more careful not to waste energy.
You're right! Now more than ever, we must be mindful of our consumption. These significant increases make us aware of how important it is to take those precautions and be more responsible.
This is the sad reality of today, increases and increases and increases....

This is why people are so unhappy, and why there are so many strikes and mobilizations.
Though on the other hand, I understand that some increases were inevitable, it's a harsh blow for those who work hard every day for a wage that can't keep up with inflation... quite sad. :(