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What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

I'm sorry you can't find any of the dozen places I've gotten coffee for $3ish.
Leaving a city you love rather than moderating your lifestyle doesn't seem logical, but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
It is pathetic that you have to rave about finding a $3 dollar coffee as an accomplish in BA. That is expensive!!

So much unneeded suffering. Things were bad before but things are worse now. Prices are 4X higher across many bills for me.
Who was it that said "There are 4 kinds of countries: developed countries, developing countries, Japan and Argentina"?
I still think people underestimate the power of not printing money.
It's the one thing no previous government here has tried.
Argentina does seem like it is in its own category. It would be stressful if I relocated there. The difficult thing is not knowing how things will be. I am impressed people like you Dave and @FuturoBA are relocating there. Do you guys worry about future cost of living? Or do you assume that it is at peak and will go down? Can it keep going up higher?

I do not understand this. I don't understand things there because everyone that I know makes little wages and everything is very expensive now.
Argentina does seem like it is in its own category. It would be stressful if I relocated there. The difficult thing is not knowing how things will be. I am impressed people like you Dave and @FuturoBA are relocating there. Do you guys worry about future cost of living? Or do you assume that it is at peak and will go down? Can it keep going up higher?

I do not understand this. I don't understand things there because everyone that I know makes little wages and everything is very expensive now.
I don't know how much things will change or what will happen, but I've budgeted in some buffer for if things continue to rise and plan A, B, C etc for what I can do.

1 Come prepared. Just like Argentina won't always be cheap like it was 2 years ago, chances are it won't become expensive forever. And have with a budget that can absorb such fluctuations

2. Be willing to modify lifestyle - no need to eat out or go for $5 coffees everyday. All that adds up and know where costs can be cut.

3. Always have a means of income or secondary way to supplement, either remote or seasonal.

The important thing is to be adaptable - for those unwilling or unable - then adjustments are going to be much more difficult. I gathered living here won't be on easy mode and made peace with it.
I don't know how much things will change or what will happen, but I've budgeted in some buffer for if things continue to rise and plan A, B, C etc for what I can do.

1 Come prepared. Just like Argentina won't always be cheap like it was 2 years ago, chances are it won't become expensive forever. And have with a budget that can absorb such fluctuations

2. Be willing to modify lifestyle - no need to eat out or go for $5 coffees everyday. All that adds up and know where costs can be cut.

3. Always have a means of income or secondary way to supplement, either remote or seasonal.

The important thing is to be adaptable - for those unwilling or unable - then adjustments are going to be much more difficult. I gathered living here won't be on easy mode and made peace with it.
Thank you. That is exactly what I was thinking. Things can't keep going up. The price increases seem unsustainable to me. My friends there all complain it go up each month. They have their savings in dollars so it very hard for them. Sell their savings to pay bills. Thanks for answering. I would love to move there. I love it. I traveled to some countries in South America but no place has feel like BA.
Exactly. Prices won't go up forever. We get these cycles and then they correct. I am not sure how long this will last but probably once the currency controls end the dollar will get stronger. Salaries do not support the current price of things. Usually things here shoot too much and probably things have overshot to the expensive side. Things can't keep going up forever like this. Beef prices jumped up again. Not sustainable to keep jumping up like this. They make a lot of excuses why but I don't buy it.
Exactly. Prices won't go up forever. We get these cycles and then they correct. I am not sure how long this will last but probably once the currency controls end the dollar will get stronger. Salaries do not support the current price of things. Usually things here shoot too much and probably things have overshot to the expensive side. Things can't keep going up forever like this. Beef prices jumped up again. Not sustainable to keep jumping up like this. They make a lot of excuses why but I don't buy it.
Do you know when they will end the controls for currency? All the locals tell me the peso is too strong but when will it correct? I thought steak would be very cheap here. I always hear about Argentine beef so I thought it would be cheap but it is actually not as cheap as I thought it would be.

I thought people were poor here and do not make much money but it doesn't seem like it with the prices of everything.
Do you know when they will end the controls for currency? All the locals tell me the peso is too strong but when will it correct? I thought steak would be very cheap here. I always hear about Argentine beef so I thought it would be cheap but it is actually not as cheap as I thought it would be.

I thought people were poor here and do not make much money but it doesn't seem like it with the prices of everything.
The CEPO (currency controls) won't end until at least after the elections. There are mid-term elections in October and the government will be too scared to lift currency controls before then. The IMF is expected to do a new loan deal in the next few months which Argentina desperately needs before they would lift currency controls.

Inflation is slowing down but it was crazy last year. Many things are still going up in price like beef, telecommunications, healthcare, transportation and utilities will probably keep going up too. Private school education keeps going up too.
Exactly. Prices won't go up forever. We get these cycles and then they correct. I am not sure how long this will last but probably once the currency controls end the dollar will get stronger. Salaries do not support the current price of things. Usually things here shoot too much and probably things have overshot to the expensive side. Things can't keep going up forever like this. Beef prices jumped up again. Not sustainable to keep jumping up like this. They make a lot of excuses why but I don't buy it.
I agree about the increases in beef prices. Just obscene. Beef prices jumped up anywhere from 7% to 15% last month which is insane.

I was recently in Paris 2 weeks ago and restaurant prices are cheaper there than Buenos Aires at many places. You know it is sad when steak is cheaper in Paris than Buenos Aires.

I was surprised how reasonable restaurants are in Paris. I go every 2 years and expected general food inflation to be like the rest of the world but food was relatively inexpensive there compared to the USA and Argentina.

Here are a few receipts of meals in Paris. I was with my family of 5 for all of them and one of them had 6 people as my wife's cousin joined us for dinner at one place. And all nice places. And the Euro isn't too much lower than the USD now.

6 people including 4 steaks. And keep in mind the tip is already included in the price.


Really great food. Great pizzas and pasta.


Nice restaurant near Place des Vosges. The Malenesas were huge and came with a side of spaghetti. I paid more at El Preferido de Palermo.

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I'm sorry you can't find any of the dozen places I've gotten coffee for $3ish.
Leaving a city you love rather than moderating your lifestyle doesn't seem logical, but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
It is funny when you find coffee for $3 bucks and consider it a win. I went to a lot of cafes in Palermo. I didn't shop around and just went where it was convenient and a bunch of coffee the same price as I would find in the U.S.
I was surprised how reasonable restaurants are in Paris. I go every 2 years and expected general food inflation to be like the rest of the world but food was relatively inexpensive there compared to the USA and Argentina.
Wow these are great prices. I haven't been to Paris in a few years. I thought it would be worse. Those prices are great! I didn't think food was cheap in BA and some places like Sushi were outrageous.
I was recently in Paris 2 weeks ago and restaurant prices are cheaper there than Buenos Aires at many places. You know it is sad when steak is cheaper in Paris than Buenos Aires.

I was surprised how reasonable restaurants are in Paris. I go every 2 years and expected general food inflation to be like the rest of the world but food was relatively inexpensive there compared to the USA and Argentina.

Here are a few receipts of meals in Paris. I was with my family of 5 for all of them and one of them had 6 people as my wife's cousin joined us for dinner at one place. And all nice places. And the Euro isn't too much lower than the USD now.

6 people including 4 steaks. And keep in mind the tip is already included in the price.
I have been posting for over a year how food is cheaper all over Europe vs. Buenos Aires. Even in expensive cities like Paris. Go all over Europe to Spain, Italy, France and many other places and it is more affordable than BA. I got a pizza the other day and it was 30,000 pesos! Look in Paris and you are paying almost half that.

How can steak be more in Paris than Buenos Aires???
Argentina does seem like it is in its own category. It would be stressful if I relocated there. The difficult thing is not knowing how things will be. I am impressed people like you Dave and @FuturoBA are relocating there. Do you guys worry about future cost of living? Or do you assume that it is at peak and will go down? Can it keep going up higher?

I do not understand this. I don't understand things there because everyone that I know makes little wages and everything is very expensive now.
It is very stressful for us. Every time we think costs will not go up more it does. Look at beef. How can they keep raising the cost for us? It was already at unaffordable prices and now they go ever higher. Things will go like this and then crash. It happen several times before. No one can try to argue that beef should be more expensive here than abroad. My friend came from Orlando to BA last week and tell me how even in her town good steak is less than some restaurants in BA.

Now shocking to see in Paris food so cheap compared to BA.
It is very stressful for us. Every time we think costs will not go up more it does. Look at beef. How can they keep raising the cost for us? It was already at unaffordable prices and now they go ever higher. Things will go like this and then crash. It happen several times before. No one can try to argue that beef should be more expensive here than abroad. My friend came from Orlando to BA last week and tell me how even in her town good steak is less than some restaurants in BA.
I can't imagine what it is like to make a peso income and go through these increases in both pesos and in USD prices.

I am coming back in June but I keep reading online from expats and tourists of increasing prices. And this was before beef prices went up 10% to 15%.

I can't imagine what it is like to make a peso income and go through these increases in both pesos and in USD prices.

I am coming back in June but I keep reading online from expats and tourists of increasing prices. And this was before beef prices went up 10% to 15%.

Those are actually not too bad! I went to a place in Palermo and a rib eye was about $70 dollars! I can get a rib eye less than that back home!
Those are actually not too bad! I went to a place in Palermo and a rib eye was about $70 dollars! I can get a rib eye less than that back home!
Like anywhere in any city there are going to be affordable places and expensive places. BA is no different. Agree steak has gone up and is still going up. Frustrating seeing that when inflation is going down. Lots of locals have cut back on beef.
I have been posting for over a year how food is cheaper all over Europe vs. Buenos Aires. Even in expensive cities like Paris. Go all over Europe to Spain, Italy, France and many other places and it is more affordable than BA. I got a pizza the other day and it was 30,000 pesos! Look in Paris and you are paying almost half that.

How can steak be more in Paris than Buenos Aires???
From a tourist's perspective BA is still quite cheap. Flights and accommodations are your biggest expense for families and those are far cheaper for BA than anywhere in Europe. Flights to Europe are about 50% more than BA and accommodations in Italy are probably 4x. I've heard Spain and Portugal are much cheaper for accommodations but that'll have to be next year. In BA we could stay at one of the best available 3br AirBnBs and eat at Don Julio every night, and it would still cost far less than Italy.
From a tourist's perspective BA is still quite cheap. Flights and accommodations are your biggest expense for families and those are far cheaper for BA than anywhere in Europe. Flights to Europe are about 50% more than BA and accommodations in Italy are probably 4x. I've heard Spain and Portugal are much cheaper for accommodations but that'll have to be next year. In BA we could stay at one of the best available 3br AirBnBs and eat at Don Julio every night, and it would still cost far less than Italy.
Interesting to hear about flight prices. What airports are you flying out of Craig? My sister in LA told me that flights were expensive last month. She was going to visit me but said it was expensive. Maybe it depends what airport you are flying out of. She said she could go to Europe for less even from the West Coast. The thing BA is very affordable is on apartment rentals. Hotels not so much but Airbnbs are still cheap here.

I want to go to Europe this summer but have to see flight prices from BA. Flights here are expensive.
From a tourist's perspective BA is still quite cheap. Flights and accommodations are your biggest expense for families and those are far cheaper for BA than anywhere in Europe. Flights to Europe are about 50% more than BA and accommodations in Italy are probably 4x. I've heard Spain and Portugal are much cheaper for accommodations but that'll have to be next year. In BA we could stay at one of the best available 3br AirBnBs and eat at Don Julio every night, and it would still cost far less than Italy.
I agree accommodations are less here but I would argue that Don Julio is going to be more than most places in Europe. Food is not expensive in Europe. The typical meal for even 2 people at Don Julio's today is more than $150 dollars. I don't know how many people are in your family. Are you saying that Don Julio is cheaper than European restaurants? I would disagree with you on that. Italy has affordable restaurants everywhere.

Or maybe you mean the total cost? I don't know about flight prices from the USA to Europe. Remember that your summer is our winter in BA. Are you planning on going skiing or to mountains?
What bothers me is people that complain all the time when it gets expensive but living it up while locals are suffering yet they have a strong blue dollar. Sometimes I think people don't like BA for BA and just here when it's cheap. Annoying.
What bothers me is people that complain all the time when it gets expensive but living it up while locals are suffering yet they have a strong blue dollar. Sometimes I think people don't like BA for BA and just here when it's cheap. Annoying.
What we are supposed to just keep our mouths shut and not talk about what is happening? I love Argentina more than anyone but this is just right.

The exchange rate is manipulated. Prices are artificially high. It is ok to complain and talk about it. People with the attitude trying to gas light people complaining about prices are wrong. Look at all the Argentines and expats that have left Argentina and still leaving. Argentina has had ups and downs but I have not seen anything like this before. Prices are crazy. Anyone that denies that is crazy.

I can go to the supermarket and they offer 25% to 35% off discounts using various payment methods. Do you think that is normal or healthy??? This is not healthy and pretending it is normal is wrong.
What we are supposed to just keep our mouths shut and not talk about what is happening? I love Argentina more than anyone but this is just right.

The exchange rate is manipulated. Prices are artificially high. It is ok to complain and talk about it. People with the attitude trying to gas light people complaining about prices are wrong. Look at all the Argentines and expats that have left Argentina and still leaving. Argentina has had ups and downs but I have not seen anything like this before. Prices are crazy. Anyone that denies that is crazy.

I can go to the supermarket and they offer 25% to 35% off discounts using various payment methods. Do you think that is normal or healthy??? This is not healthy and pretending it is normal is wrong.
I think it is fair to complain about the prices now. I don't think places charging as much as $6 to $7 for a coffee is right. And even $3 coffee is expensive and that is searching around. I do not think coffee should be a luxury to locals. Even the things like medialunas which I love are going up. Eating beef once in a while shouldn't be a luxury in Argentina. It makes me angry that I can't afford these things when I want.