You aren't alone. Many read old blogs that aren't too old or talk to their friends that visited Argentina not too long ago talking about it cheap. I have friends that are in the same boat and they are always shocked here.
Americans might not be as shocked as everything is expensive in America. But even they are surprised on many things. What I complain about is the quality of most things is terrible. Fresh fruits and produce in the store, towels and sheets and bedding, electronics. Don't get me started on the cost of clothing and shoes. Overpriced for what poor quality you get.
I know someone that moved here in 2023 when it was very cheap and they deeply regret it now. They lugged a few kids here when it was cheap and now tuition prices have more than doubled, healthcare prices skyrocketed and restaurant bills have gone up and even grocery bills while slowed down increases are still going up.
If you are on a budget
@Bingo you better make sure you have enough. Inflation could go up late this year again however the blue dollar might be higher helping.