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What is the future of the Art and Cinema world under President Milei with all the funding cuts?

The utter destruction of our culture in the name of "no hay plata" is turning Argentina into a backward mess in Latin America! Our film industry, which is the best in Latin America, brings in massive benefits to society and its people. Numerous Argentine films have clinched international awards, putting this country on the map. This nonsense needs to stop before we lose everything that makes us great!
Benefits to society? Or benefits to actresses in secret deals?

Andrea Del Boca was paid in 2016, 36 million Argentine pesos from public funds to produce her next telenovela, Mamá corazón. It caused a major controversy and a backlash against the actress, and even though the series was almost completed, it was never aired. That does not sound like "massive benefits to society" to me @Larry!
Benefits to society? Or benefits to actresses in secret deals?

Andrea Del Boca was paid in 2016, 36 million Argentine pesos from public funds to produce her next telenovela, Mamá corazón. It caused a major controversy and a backlash against the actress, and even though the series was almost completed, it was never aired. That does not sound like "massive benefits to society" to me @Larry!
Yes they have uncovered massive fraud so the best thing is to just stop it for now.

.An expert opinion carried out by the Supreme Court determined that Andrea Del Boca and her relatives received a total of $3,141,734 for the novel “Mama Corazón”, which was financed by the former Minister of Planning K, Julio De Vido, and that was never broadcasted on the air.
....The amounts emerge from an investigation led by the Justice Dept to determine how the 36 million pesos that the Argentine Universal Content Audiovisual Bank (BACUA) had granted to put it on the air were spent, something that never happened. According to material seized from the production company A + A Group, in charge of producing the series, Andrea del Boca pocketed $1,799,426. Her father, Nicolás, received $1,010,826. while Ana, the actress's mother, received $35,200. Meanwhile, her sister Anabella collected $193,600 and Ana Chiara, her daughter, $102,682. (Mitre)....
I don't know Argentina all that well but been here long enough to know corruption is in all parts of the government. I think that's why many government employees are scared of Milei. This corruption seems like it extends to the world of art and films as well. No reason the government should be financing this, IMHO. It it is meant to be the private companies will finance it.

The way I look at it, if the government isn't awarding it to the Arts, they will steal it another way.
The majority of the 'artists' who got grants and awards from the previous government were all party members. In the vast majority of cases they hadn't sold a painting or successfully held an exhibition on their own behalf in their whole careers. manty singers managed to get concert contracts ten times in excess of their real value.

Artists ? More like crooks and theives, in my opinion

Any artist worh his salt will be able to be succesful without any help from the starte.
The majority of the 'artists' who got grants and awards from the previous government were all party members. In the vast majority of cases they hadn't sold a painting or successfully held an exhibition on their own behalf in their whole careers. manty singers managed to get concert contracts ten times in excess of their real value.

Artists ? More like crooks and theives, in my opinion

Any artist worh his salt will be able to be succesful without any help from the starte.
Maybe this is why Argentina has so many issues. I didn't imagine corruption was so bad in Argentina. I walked around and you would never imagine so much corruption. I stayed at the Park Hyatt hotel and it was so wonderful around that area. It is clear to me there is a lot of money in Buenos Aires.
I read a post today that claimed that the Minister of Justice of Argentina claimed that INCAA spent 70% of their budget on administrative expenses like salaries and stuff and only 30% on funding films. This sounds like a bunch of people on the payroll just taking a salary. I read in another article (not sure if it's true) that INCAA only produced one firm in 2023!
I read a post today that claimed that the Minister of Justice of Argentina claimed that INCAA spent 70% of their budget on administrative expenses like salaries and stuff and only 30% on funding films. This sounds like a bunch of people on the payroll just taking a salary. I read in another article (not sure if it's true) that INCAA only produced one firm in 2023!

INCAA is involved in various activities. Firstly, it acts like a library by cataloging and preserving Argentine films, including over 10,000 films that might have otherwise been lost. Secondly, it plays a role in education and rehabilitation by screening films in prisons and schools for free, benefiting both inmates and students. Thirdly, it supports museums across the country with grants, technical assistance, and film loans for their film exhibitions.

Additionally, INCAA has an awards program that promotes Argentine films and encourages aspiring filmmakers. Lastly, it provides grants to filmmakers, even though these grants are often modest in size.
Many things are very sad now. All of these firings in the public sector are going to cause horrible situation. Many of these people can't find jobs. Tough enough time and things will get worse.
Very but the Malba is still affected in some ways by this which you can read in the article.