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Newcomer What salary would be considered good in Buenos Aires?

In most jobs, you won't be paid that much, not even a lawyer earns that, let alone a doctor. The common salary in Argentina is around $500 USD, no more than that.
A good average, with $1500 USD, you could live comfortably if you're single and childless. However, if you have children, a house, a car, and pets, you'd need around $2500 USD.
It goes without saying that it's not so much what you make, it's what you spend. Still, salaries here in Argentina aren't high. Prices have been heading up. My healthcare bill has gone up 200%+ in less than 8 months. Utilities are heading up. With kids I would say $3,000 USD month minimum accounting for some school expenses. Some younger can get by with sharing an apartment and splitting expenses but it is tough for those of us with children. It all adds up.
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In most jobs, you won't be paid that much, not even a lawyer earns that, let alone a doctor. The common salary in Argentina is around $500 USD, no more than that.
Depends on the lawyer and type of law. I have plenty of lawyer friends that earn much more than that. Same as with doctors. Just depends on specialty and employer.

Salaries are low now but this can also yo yo. Back when I first moved to Argentina salaries were much higher. It could go back to that within a few years if the economy improves. If you own your own place you can control your expenses better and easier. Wildcard is how much utilities and healthcare costs go up. Healthcare rise has been brutal.
I pay my assistant $1,200 USD per month and he says he is just getting by. I am told that is a decent salary here. His main expense is his rent each month which was locked in for almost the past 3 years but is coming off his lease soon. I am not sure how the locals do it. Things here are cheaper than the USA but salaries are a far fraction of what people earn in the USA.