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  1. Blockchain

    Electricity and gas: the Government is considering freezing tariffs throughout the winter

    I read on another thread that if you quality it is easy to apply and get your bill lowered. That subsidy chart is wild! I just posted in another thread. Look at that jump up in just one month. Wowzers.
  2. Blockchain

    Economy What will the cost of living increases be for August 2024 (Utilities, transportation, rent, etc) ?

    Interesting. So it looks like when President Macri came into office in 2015 he did the same thing raising the utility prices and lowering subsidies. Then in 2019 when he lost they heavily subsidized it again. It is amazing to see that sharp spike up in a matter of months vs. years like before...
  3. Blockchain

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    I don't think anyone really knows for sure what will happen. The fact that it is jumping around so much shows that. Also, the rate probably depends on how much intervention is going on. Is the government still manipulating the rate? I read that they can't build up their reserves now. Sounds like...
  4. Blockchain

    Newcomer How to Obtain a Driver’s License in Argentina with a Japanese Permit

    @earlyretirement I probably already know the answer but I assume you never actually paid for the speeding ticket?? :ROFLMAO:
  5. Blockchain

    Newcomer How to Obtain a Driver’s License in Argentina with a Japanese Permit

    Are you renting a car @StatusNomadicus? I met an expat that was living in BA for years and he said that he always rents cars while going to Bariloche and other places while on extended trips. He never had any issues. He just said he gets the full insurance when he rents cars. Or are you...
  6. Blockchain

    Changes in the Sube - Now you can load up to $40,000 on your card

    I wonder if the price will be the same for foreigners using their credit/debit cards or people using Sube cards?
  7. Blockchain

    Black people in Argentina

    So it sounds like there IS indeed racism in Argentina after all. https://buenosairesherald.com/op-ed/the-denial-of-racism
  8. Blockchain

    La Plata - underrated city - 40kms / 25 miles from BA

    It sounds like a fascinating city. I wonder why the Masons chose La Plata to build this type of unique city. I am fascinated about it. Great to read about this. I met a girl in BA from La Plata. She said she just graduated from some University in that town. She told me there were a lot of...
  9. Blockchain

    Wow I like Milei's Picks for Deputies for LLA party!

    I guess it's true about Milei's tastes. Saw the other thread and his latest girlfriend. Crazy. I was in BA a few weeks and I didn't notice that many females with augmentation this large. Is this an Argentina thing? I didn't notice it. I guess I was missing out.
  10. Blockchain

    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    Judging by some of the sporting events, no one is watching the Olympics anyway!
  11. Blockchain

    Javier Milei’s government will monitor social media with AI to ‘predict future crimes’

    Totally agree. Here was another website that wrote about this in Argentina. Although who knows how good it will be. I read this and laughed. In a related note, a 2021 study [PDF] of AI readiness in five Latin American countries says that IBM, Accenture, and Oracle, asked to develop Prometea...
  12. Blockchain

    Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

    Cristina must be watching what is going on in Venezuela on X and just nervous as hell. Any communist leader in any country must be watching things unfold live and be nervous. I thought Elon Musk was a fool for paying so much for Twitter but it's turning into THE place to watch things unfold in...
  13. Blockchain

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    Amazing how quickly things can change. It got cheaper but it sounds like give it another month or 2 or 3 and it can swing back the other way.
  14. Blockchain

    Milei faces a "trilemma" and explains why he is making "a bet on everything or nothing"

    Wow. Does this money include the $16 billion dollars that the vulture fund has won? Or is that separate?
  15. Blockchain

    Newcomer First day of the Olympics in Paris: Argentines say "This is a disaster"

    Friends are there and they said the laser light show at the Eiffel Tower was pretty fantastic.
  16. Blockchain

    Food & Drink The best Malbec in the world is Argentine

    I was amazed at how affordable great wine was in Argentina. I knew import taxes were high in Argentina but I didn't know export taxes were also high. I got spoiled by how cheap wine was in Buenos Aires even at nice places. Back here in Dallas and at many places a totally mediocre bottle of...
  17. Blockchain

    Food & Drink The best Malbec in the world is Argentine

    $20 USD seems expensive for Colombia. That's probably what a $6 dollar bottle of wine in Argentina?
  18. Blockchain

    President Milei has now traveled 20% of his entire Presidency in other countries

    Very true. I was telling my friend how great this President is doing and how he has improved inflation. Most of my friends don't know anything at all about Argentina. I was telling them it's down to 5% a month and they laughed at me and looked at me like I was crazy. I told them it was 300% a...
  19. Blockchain

    Crypto Worldcoin Iris Scan Scam in Argentina. Is anyone doing it?

    I don't honestly care if the government has my data. Unless you are a criminal doing shady stuff, you don't really have anything to worry about.