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  1. Blockchain

    Economy Will Clothing Prices Drop?

    I thought clothings and shoes were crazy expensive here. And some of the electronics here are crazy! Prices of iphones here are crazy!
  2. Blockchain

    Newcomer A Large Percentage of Argentinians Want to Be Digital Nomads: A Growing Trend!

    One night in Bangkok will make a hard man humble. :) Seriously I loved my trip there. Beautiful beaches and people. Some of the best food I had in Asia. I haven't met anyone who goes through the time and trouble of getting Digital Nomad visa for Argentina. Why would you spin your wheels getting...
  3. Blockchain

    Argentina Unveiled Mandatory Registry For Bitcoin And Crypto Platforms

    More bad news. I just saw this new law about crypto in Argentina. No one is going to do this. https://www.ccn.com/news/crypto/new-argentina-law-declare-crypto-hefty-taxes/
  4. Blockchain

    Argentina Unveiled Mandatory Registry For Bitcoin And Crypto Platforms

    Yeah this ain't happening. Least not in Argentina!
  5. Blockchain

    Argentina Unveiled Mandatory Registry For Bitcoin And Crypto Platforms

    Yes, advantages and disadvantages of each. Still, I would think if a bigger company like Coinbase got hacked, they would make the client whole. I know people that are finally getting funds back after Mt Gox hack back in 2014. He jokes probably the best thing as he would have spent it. As far...
  6. Blockchain

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    He sure is building up the frequent flyer miles! https://buenosairesherald.com/politics/milei-makes-fifth-trip-to-the-us-since-taking-office-for-investors-conference
  7. Blockchain

    Economy Small-face bills

    I wish the exchange places were forced to take the older bills. I came down with a few thousands of dollars as I heard cash was king here. Some of the bills weren't the latest bills and exchange houses won't take them without a discount. Crazy to think about banks here not accepting cash. I...
  8. Blockchain

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    Crazy how quickly things change here. It is funny to see the thread name questioning why the blue dollar is so weak and a few months later people asking why it's so strong. I get there are problems with the economy but why all of a sudden is it getting so crazy? Any explanations?
  9. Blockchain

    Blue dollar hits a new historical record! 1,500 to $1 USD

    It really is incredible just how much the exchange rate can move in a relatively quick amount of time. I've only been here a few weeks and can't believe how weak the peso is.
  10. Blockchain

    A Bartender’s Guide To Buenos Aires

    Some of those might be ok but I'd discount the advice by them including Afrika Club on the list. That place is a joke. The employees are rude. The place smells and the night I went I saw a rat walking around! Disgusting. They have some hot girls but some that I talked to were escorts just...
  11. Blockchain

    Best sports bar to watch the UEFA Euro 2024 on Sunday in Buenos Aires (UK vs. Spain)

    There is a new American style sports bar in Palermo Soho called The Classic Sports Bar. It's the typical type of American sports bar but I'm sure they would have the big soccer matches on Sunday. Good chicken wings and food is decent. Beer is cold. They had some NBA games when I went in...
  12. Blockchain

    Building HOA expenses in Buenos Aires rose 88% from January to June 2024

    Thank you so much for the explanation! That is interesting about listing names and delinquent amounts on the bill. I guess it would be uncomfortable being in the elevator if everyone knows you are behind. I doubt you would ever see anything like that in the States with privacy concerns. But I...
  13. Blockchain

    Does anyone else find it strange Argentina still thinks they won the Falklands War?

    I didn't know anything at all about the Falkland Islands. I heard about it but didn't know the story. I just read up on it and like many things it seems like Argentina is living in a parallel universe that is devoid of reality like the article mentions. I found this online...
  14. Blockchain

    Newcomer Have you ever felt discriminated against or treated unfairly just because you're a foreigner or tourist in Buenos Aires?

    That is just crazy about these residents in Barcelona. That country is falling apart. Those morons don't realize besides tourism there isn't much else.
  15. Blockchain

    Building HOA expenses in Buenos Aires rose 88% from January to June 2024

    Jesus you hear about inflation but I can't imagine my HOA fee jumping up 300% in one year. Brutal! How do you see your neighbors are defaulting? Is this listed on your individual statement? You can see how delinquent all your neighbors are??
  16. Blockchain

    AFIP and IRS to share financial information with one another starting September 30, 2024

    Holy sh*t! No wonder all these restaurants in Soho are always packed with locals even if the economy is in the shitter. But is it that easy to open up a bank account in the USA by foreigners? I thought after 9/11 it was very difficult to open up bank accounts in the US by foreigners.
  17. Blockchain

    Extension renewal experience. A warning.

    Damn dude that's some flawed logic. Are you ok with locals scamming you then? Are you ok with paying 100% more at meals? Or cafes or restaurants or laundromat? So if you go out to a restaurant and they charge you 100% more with the logic that a bottle of wine in Dallas might cost $100 bucks and...
  18. Blockchain

    AFIP and IRS to share financial information with one another starting September 30, 2024

    Damn! I had no idea nearly $100 billion had been declared in those amnesty programs! I thought people would just ignore it but that is shocking how much money was declared! I wonder how many people already declared before? If $100 billion already declared could there really be that much more...
  19. Blockchain

    Interested to move to Buenos Aires from the US. Is $5k enough to live on?

    Yeah that time zone thingy is great for remote work office hours. I'm not sure how common Internet going out is but it happened off and on in 2 of my Airbnbs. The worst thing is the Airbnb owner called in and the internet company just said they were working in the area and were upgrading lines...