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  1. J

    Most interesting expat you have ever met ?

    I remember that incident. You have to be careful who you befriend in a city like BA. I know on that old board they have members that meet up with one another on a regular basis. Not sure what the purpose of it is other than to possibly make friends or people are bored and lonely. Someone I know...
  2. J

    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    @CraigM getting stuck in a snow storm here in Argentina is not fun!
  3. J

    Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

    But it's not just WW3. The world is a mess right now including USA. More conflicts than ever before. This is Los Angeles.
  4. J

    Food & Drink What's your favorite local dish, and where do you get it?

    I have never tried Puchero @Sunny. I will have to try it. I honestly don't think Argentina has too many really local dishes. The most popular always seems to be asdado, empanadas, and a few other things mentioned here. When I am in town I get kind of tired of beef. Buenos Aires is very limited...
  5. J

    James Heckman, Nobel Prize winner in economics: “Argentina has many problems, but I still see an opportunity”

    Milei just keeps getting more and more traction. He is the real deal. Respected by people all over the world and with today's win he is proving that this time it's going to be different.
  6. J

    Newcomer Moving to BA and Essential Apps to use

    GREAT list of essential Buenos Aires apps. I have a folder on my iPhone for BA and most of these apps are already in them. I added a few that you all mentioned. Very helpful.
  7. J

    What is Modo, Argentina's virtual wallet (Discounts at Coto and other stores) - Mercado Pago competitor

    But this would be like asking someone why they would sign up for Venmo. Peer to peer payments are the future. Even in a cash society like Argentina they eventually will get adoption of most people to go digital. Call me crazy but in the future some countries will probably just make paying with...
  8. J

    How do you buy credit or "saldo" for a pre paid cell phone ?

    Sol also has some info on this. https://solsalute.com/blog/argentina-sim-card/
  9. J

    Why have there been so many cases of workplace violence lately?

    Yes it is horrible here in California. I read about that incident in SF. Just terrible. We are getting protests and violence at UCLA and other campuses. The amount of hostility and violence going on right now is worrysome...
  10. J

    Argie ice cream in Dallas, TX.

    I had no idea Texas had so many Argentines. I wonder in which city? Nice article but reading between the lines it sounds like a family that misses Buenos Aires. The article mentioned they are in some supermarkets. I wonder which ones. I go to Dallas now and again for business. I'd try it if...
  11. J

    Milei orders military parades for Independence Day celebrations - I thought No Hay Plata!

    I think this is a mistake spending money on military parades. He has made a lot of good decisions but I can't understand the logic of spending money on military parades and I don't like the direction he is going with all this military spending. No Argentines I know are particularly war mongers...
  12. J

    Air Traffic Controller's Strike for June 9 to June 30 - 18 Days of Strikes

    My friend that works at EZE told me the strike was suspended. https://www.infobae.com/sociedad/2024/06/05/tras-un-acuerdo-salarial-se-suspendieron-la-protesta-de-controladores-aereos-pautadas-para-este-mes/?outputType=amp-type
  13. J

    Far more homeless in the streets in Palermo!

    That is a sad trend but this is the same everywhere. Look here in Los Angeles or many major cities in the USA now and it has skyrocketed. Los Angeles has become depressing. They are all over. So while BA has increased, it's a small fraction of what we have here in most cities.
  14. J

    Buenos Aires Gay Community warns of dangers under Milei

    There are a lot of kooks in BA. Not only setting other people on fire but setting themselves on fire! https://elchorrillero.com/nota/2024/06/05/466412-un-hombre-se-prendio-fuego-frente-al-ministerio-publico-fiscal-me-persigue-la-policia/amp/
  15. J

    Extreme vandalism and damage to beautiful statues in Buenos Aires

    I just saw this online. How sad. Does anyone know the reason they are doing this?
  16. J

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    I saw this post on X. Wow, This doesn't sound like that much food and $60 USD. Prices sure have gone up since last Fall.
  17. J

    Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

    I think President Milei is doing a lot of things right but this ain't one of them. I saw this old article online. I'm not sure what they mean by "providing assistance" or "military aid". Argentina doesn't have any money to send to other countries. This seems ridiculous to me. Milei went on...
  18. J

    Any expats own gun in Argentina? Do you want to own a gun or firearm here in our country?

    I keep reading how guns are rare in Argentina and no one wants them but lately stuff is coming up in my feed like this. It seems like people do have guns there.
  19. J

    Anyone else started coming to this site because the other site's moderator(s) are very biased?

    I also switched over. I had my posts deleted. That forum became an echo chamber and if the Moderator/owner didn't agree with a political post they would edit/delete it. That is just wrong. There have been a lot of complaints over the years if you look on X people have been complaining for many...