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Any expats own gun in Argentina? Do you want to own a gun or firearm here in our country?

I suspect no one will change your mind on the matter and you won't change anyone's mind that is opposed to guns even with all your links. Many people just don't think more guns are a good idea.
i've changed my mind on a lot of things; i was raised fundamental Christian, opposed to homosexual relationships, not being comfortable with dogs, thinking Stocks were solid investments, not knowing anything about Crypto, believing a 401k and Roth IRA would hook me up with retirement when i'm 65, and when i joined the USA military i thought we were saving little girls from evil men who hate "Democracy"

so, no, i actually change my mind on a lot. just last month i researched dog diets and realized i've been lied to about dry dog food. my dog now eats whole, raw foods, which is convenient when quality beef is like $1 USD per pound here in Argentina instead of 6-10!

and just last week i researched raw garlic. it has so many anti-viral and health properties! i was always told onion and garlic and chocolate and grapes and fake-sugars were bad for dogs. but Garlic is actually good for dogs! my dog now eats a small amount of fresh, mashed garlic daily

i'm happy to adjust to new evidence. i got the 100 vaccines i was supposed to get, and during COVID i almost got the mRNA one until i started seeing the BigPharma inserts....now i don't get vaccines, and i supplement with Vitamins D3/K2. and exercise and get sun, and try to eat whole foods instead of processed crap. and avoid seed oils like Canola, Sunflower, Soybean oil.

i would love to believe the fairy-tale that not having guns around would be safer. but in the end, if a criminal wants to kill you and murder/rape/rob/whatever your family, and the police are 5 minutes away, what are you going to do? there is only one answer, and it's called a defensive pistol. i've been a cop for a bit; no one else here has, that i've seen. my family is very scared of guns. it was unnatural for me to learn firearms safety. but there's a reason a pistol is called the great equalizer; a 75-pound female can deter a 200-pound thug from hurting her. nothing else can...literally nothing. not pepper spray, Tasers, walls, nada
as Thomas Sowell said, "The key fallacy of so-called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available. If gun control zealots had any respect for facts, they would have discovered this long ago, because there have been too many factual studies over the years to leave any serious doubt about gun control laws being not merely futile but counterproductive. Places and times with the strongest gun control laws have often been places and times with high murder rates. Washington, DC, is a classic example, but just one among many."

if there were ANY statistics to show that removing firearms from peaceful citizens meant more overall safety, then gun-control freaks would be shouting the stats from every rooftop. there are no stats. in fact, the statistics show murderers and criminals and thieves prey on gun-free areas, targeting people who are most likely to be unarmed. ever seen a gun store get robbed? a police substation? it's just common sense. the more confident you make criminals that they can be psychos and have a monopoly on violence, the more they will be encouraged to commit crimes. people just don't go car-jacking or armed-robbing in rural Wyoming or Texas. why do you think that is? @Spend Thrift

i like a good debate. i like facts and evidence. i despise partisan zealot hacks that shill their tribe's sanctity and use Wokeness and victim narratives to try to silence others who are making arguments in good faith. as psychologist Gad Saad says, which could pertain to the Gun Control conversation, "Any human endeavor rooted in the pursuit of truth must rely on fact and not feelings." - guns might be scary for those who have been raised to think that, but that doesn't change the fact that feelings aren't facts, and police will use guns as the last resort.

Saad also said, which applies to the Peronists @Avocado @Che Vos @Flamingo @Wally the following: "Science should be about the pursuit of truth, and not about the defense of one’s preferred political ideology or personal beliefs." - thus, Economics and Gun Control should be based on empirical evidence, not one's favorite tribal leaders.

...if only someone who was anti-gun would offer anything other than the 'guns are scary, i don't like seeing guns, my small family/tribe never liked guns, no one in my circle has ever said guns are good, so i think guns are bad in Argentina' - we could have a discussion. but when they write bullshit, someone needs to call them out. i prefer it's not me, but when i see a thread poisoned with Local Peronists posting stupid crap, i feel the need to correct them on their fallacies
i've changed my mind on a lot of things; i was raised fundamental Christian, opposed to homosexual relationships, not being comfortable with dogs, thinking Stocks were solid investments, not knowing anything about Crypto, believing a 401k and Roth IRA would hook me up with retirement when i'm 65, and when i joined the USA military i thought we were saving little girls from evil men who hate "Democracy"

so, no, i actually change my mind on a lot. just last month i researched dog diets and realized i've been lied to about dry dog food. my dog now eats whole, raw foods, which is convenient when quality beef is like $1 USD per pound here in Argentina instead of 6-10!

and just last week i researched raw garlic. it has so many anti-viral and health properties! i was always told onion and garlic and chocolate and grapes and fake-sugars were bad for dogs. but Garlic is actually good for dogs! my dog now eats a small amount of fresh, mashed garlic daily

i'm happy to adjust to new evidence. i got the 100 vaccines i was supposed to get, and during COVID i almost got the mRNA one until i started seeing the BigPharma inserts....now i don't get vaccines, and i supplement with Vitamins D3/K2. and exercise and get sun, and try to eat whole foods instead of processed crap. and avoid seed oils like Canola, Sunflower, Soybean oil.

i would love to believe the fairy-tale that not having guns around would be safer. but in the end, if a criminal wants to kill you and murder/rape/rob/whatever your family, and the police are 5 minutes away, what are you going to do? there is only one answer, and it's called a defensive pistol. i've been a cop for a bit; no one else here has, that i've seen. my family is very scared of guns. it was unnatural for me to learn firearms safety. but there's a reason a pistol is called the great equalizer; a 75-pound female can deter a 200-pound thug from hurting her. nothing else can...literally nothing. not pepper spray, Tasers, walls, nada
as Thomas Sowell said, "The key fallacy of so-called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available. If gun control zealots had any respect for facts, they would have discovered this long ago, because there have been too many factual studies over the years to leave any serious doubt about gun control laws being not merely futile but counterproductive. Places and times with the strongest gun control laws have often been places and times with high murder rates. Washington, DC, is a classic example, but just one among many."

if there were ANY statistics to show that removing firearms from peaceful citizens meant more overall safety, then gun-control freaks would be shouting the stats from every rooftop. there are no stats. in fact, the statistics show murderers and criminals and thieves prey on gun-free areas, targeting people who are most likely to be unarmed. ever seen a gun store get robbed? a police substation? it's just common sense. the more confident you make criminals that they can be psychos and have a monopoly on violence, the more they will be encouraged to commit crimes. people just don't go car-jacking or armed-robbing in rural Wyoming or Texas. why do you think that is? @Spend Thrift

i like a good debate. i like facts and evidence. i despise partisan zealot hacks that shill their tribe's sanctity and use Wokeness and victim narratives to try to silence others who are making arguments in good faith. as psychologist Gad Saad says, which could pertain to the Gun Control conversation, "Any human endeavor rooted in the pursuit of truth must rely on fact and not feelings." - guns might be scary for those who have been raised to think that, but that doesn't change the fact that feelings aren't facts, and police will use guns as the last resort.

Saad also said, which applies to the Peronists @Avocado @Che Vos @Flamingo @Wally the following: "Science should be about the pursuit of truth, and not about the defense of one’s preferred political ideology or personal beliefs." - thus, Economics and Gun Control should be based on empirical evidence, not one's favorite tribal leaders.

...if only someone who was anti-gun would offer anything other than the 'guns are scary, i don't like seeing guns, my small family/tribe never liked guns, no one in my circle has ever said guns are good, so i think guns are bad in Argentina' - we could have a discussion. but when they write bullshit, someone needs to call them out. i prefer it's not me, but when i see a thread poisoned with Local Peronists posting stupid crap, i feel the need to correct them on their fallacies
Good to see you have come around on some issues. You clearly have lots more to go through....
@StatusNomadicus , Read up on the Dunblane shooting.

16 kids and a teacher were killed in a school in Scotland back in 1996.

UK gun laws were changed straight afterwards.

There has not been one single mass shooting since then.

Agreed. Look at how many mass shootings are in the USA. Only reason is the amount of crazy # of guns there. And ease to buy weapons. No thanks!
It is very sad to see people can't even celebrate sports together without gun violence. This shows what happens when too many people have guns in society.

It is very sad to see people can't even celebrate sports together without gun violence. This shows what happens when too many people have guns in society.

This is very sad to see and one of the reasons why I never want to see Argentina full of guns like the USA is. The worst thing is it says little kids were shot.
It is very sad to see people can't even celebrate sports together without gun violence. This shows what happens when too many people have guns in society.

Probably argument between two people that both had guns. I am surprised in some states just how many people have guns that they carry around in public. I was in Texas and a guy was tailgating me on the highway so I slowed down and told him to go around. He got angry and flashed a gun at me. I am shocked at how many carry guns in many states. This is a recipe for disaster. Almost every week you read or hear about people getting shot in the USA.
Probably argument between two people that both had guns. I am surprised in some states just how many people have guns that they carry around in public. I was in Texas and a guy was tailgating me on the highway so I slowed down and told him to go around. He got angry and flashed a gun at me. I am shocked at how many carry guns in many states. This is a recipe for disaster. Almost every week you read or hear about people getting shot in the USA.
It seems like gun violence happens just about every week in the USA these days. Very sad indeed that they have to ruin this happy day of celebration with gun violence.
It looks like it was just some dumb kids in rival gangs or something. The problem with these big groups in some of these cities is that guns are so easy to get. You mix alcohol and you see a lot of shoot outs. Look at most major sports victory parties now and it seems like violence or guns break out. It doesn't seem like they can put the genie back in the bottle with guns in the USA now.
It is very sad to see people can't even celebrate sports together without gun violence. This shows what happens when too many people have guns in society.

It's impossible for any reasonable person to argue that having so many guns in your country is a good thing. What you see on a daily basis is the result in the USA of having too many guns. This will continue to happen there. Personally, I would avoid any large events with a lot of people now. This is all too common there now. I am glad Argentina will never go to these levels of guns.
This should make you very happy @StatusNomadicus !

I don't know anything about this topic. My husband said guns were very rare there and most people there don't want guns like the United States. Is this not correct? Do Argentines generally want greater gun ownership?
I don't know anything about this topic. My husband said guns were very rare there and most people there don't want guns like the United States. Is this not correct? Do Argentines generally want greater gun ownership?
No, Argentines don't want more guns. I hope our country never becomes like the US so gun crazy with everyone with guns.
I don't know anything about this topic. My husband said guns were very rare there and most people there don't want guns like the United States. Is this not correct? Do Argentines generally want greater gun ownership?
No the typical Argentine does not want to see more guns in their country. Besides rural areas where people have farms people generally don't want to see more guns.
My cousin's neighbor in Mendoza just had an attempt to rob his house and he is one that would disagree against gun control laws! Shout and killed the thief. I doubt anyone else will try to rob him.

I keep reading how guns are rare in Argentina and no one wants them but lately stuff is coming up in my feed like this. It seems like people do have guns there.
