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  1. F

    Politics Riots in Congress During the Debate on the Bases Law: They Are Not Protesters, They Are Savages

    But why don't the police shoot them with rubber bullets or stop them? How are they allowed to do this? Isn't there some plan when these types of things happen?
  2. F

    What is the best Steak to order in Argentine restaurant?

    I don't mind cooking at home but on vacation just dine out. Buenos Aires has so many great restaurants. We didn't have a bad meal our entire trip.
  3. F

    What is the best Steak to order in Argentine restaurant?

    We ordered several types of steaks in Buenos Aires. I'd highly recommend Don Julio even though it was expensive by local standards. We tried the Short ribs, rib eye and Tenderloin there and all were delicious. Portions were very big but the sides were also very good there.
  4. F

    What place has the best medialunas in Buenos Aires?

    I loved the croissants in Argentina. So delicious. My family loved Punto Cafe in San Telmo. So many great meals there. I can't wait to go back.
  5. F

    Any expats own gun in Argentina? Do you want to own a gun or firearm here in our country?

    I don't know anything about this topic. My husband said guns were very rare there and most people there don't want guns like the United States. Is this not correct? Do Argentines generally want greater gun ownership?
  6. F

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    We visited Don Julio and had a very good meal. Was not cheap but typical of what we would pay in a nice steakhouse here in the USA. We were expecting something better based on the long line and the need to book far ahead of time. We had many fine meals in BA. None with long lines like this.
  7. F

    Homicide, robbery and petty theft on the rise in Greater Buenos Aires

    Is this different than the Buenos Aires Herald? My husband formally lived in Buenos Aires a while ago and he told me they used to have an English speaking newspaper. We looked for it when we were in town and it looks like it's no longer in publication. I agree about figures otherwise you can...
  8. F

    Legal Any risk to constantly overstaying on tourist visa? How many times can you do border runs in Argentina?

    It is that way everywhere in the world isn't it? There is a law and if it is broken or not followed that is breaking the law. It seems like just because previous governments allowed it doesn't mean this administration will. It sounds like they are cleaning house and actually enforcing laws now.
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    Medical If COVID comes back and mutates into something else will you get another vaccinated against it?

    We also got Covid a few times. We will NOT be getting anymore doses of the vaccine.
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    Largest Immigrant Groups in Argentina over the years 1820-2023

    Thanks for sharing. I was amazed on my trip that many of the locals all look very European.
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    Politics Elon Musk calls to invest in Argentina after meeting up with Milei in LA

    My husband is in the oil and gas industry. He said within 10 years Argentina could become one of the largest oil and gas producing nations in the world. With previous administrations, no companies wanted to risk investing in Argentina with the threat of nationalization but now they are all...
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    Question to local members

    He was going to transfer to Buenos Aires. He lived here many years ago while working for the same company. But his company is looking to possibly exit operations out of Argentina so we thought best not to disrupt our lives as we have 2 children. I visited and had a good visit but I'm not sure...
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    Question to local members

    I don't qualify for a local but I joined up in December before my first trip here with my husband and 2 kids. My husband formally lived in BA many years ago when he was single. He worked for an oil exploration company. I found the website on a search and mostly lurk but I post once in a...
  14. F

    Ordering stuff from abroad

    My husband used to live in Buenos Aires. I just recently went and it was funny. I went with my kids and we had to bring an entire suitcase full of items that work colleagues of my husband asked him to bring. Just be careful as customs will go through them at or least they did when we went...
  15. F

    New DNI - What's next? How to build credit?

    Why would someone not sign up for this? Is this just akin to people using coupons or lack of it? This seems like a no brainer. Is Coto a major supermarket there? I didn't see any while I was in Buenos Aires.
  16. F

    Argentine woman arrested after taking her dog to be slaughtered

    Thank you all for confirming eating dogs is NOT common in Argentina. I didn't know people ate horses. Shocking Argentina kills 200,000 horses a year to export them to other countries that do eat them. This shouldn't be a thing.
  17. F

    Argentine woman arrested after taking her dog to be slaughtered

    I was shocked to see this in the news. Is this sort of thing common in Argentina? I thought they were big dog lovers here. Is this just an oddball whack? Or common there...
  18. F

    Food & Drink República del Fuego

    What a pity we did not get a chance to go here. My husband's office also had this place as a good option but by the end of the trip my kids were tired of steak so we went to Pasta at Sotto Voce which was excellent. But I will add this to my must dine at list. I very much enjoyed Buenos Aires.
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    Food & Drink One of my favorite all-around restaurants for great steaks and gourmet food - El Preferido de Palermo

    We also dined here for dinner a few weeks ago. The steak was fabulous. We thought this was one of the best french fries out of all the restaurants we had fries in. It was more affordable than Don Julio. We enjoyed that there was more room here vs. Don Julio which was very cramped. It was a...
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    Food & Drink Best Sushi in all of Buenos Aires - Osaka

    We very much enjoyed our dinner here. It was my kid's favorite restaurant during our stay in Buenos Aires. Everything we had was fabulous and delicious. Some of the best sushi I have had outside of Japan.