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  1. Redpoint

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    Here’s an audio that shows the violence Alberto inflicted on his wife. The abuse, vulgarity, and violence are terrible. It’s unbelievable that this person claimed to be a leading defender of women and their rights.
  2. Redpoint

    Food & Drink Gōkana Restaurant

    exactly! no signage, you have to ring the bell to enter .
  3. Redpoint

    Food & Drink Gōkana Restaurant

    I know people on this forum love gourmet food, so I have to say the place isn’t cheap, but I can assure you it’s worth every penny. My wife and I went to Gōkana Restaurant, and we tried a bit of everything, but the ceviche was by far the best. We spent $135 usd for the two of us, with a bottle...
  4. Redpoint

    Politics 63% of Argentines approve of Javier Milei's management - Infobae

    The latest poll for President Javier Milei showed that his personal approval and the approval of his government stayed high in July, above 50%, and remained steady. This is despite the widening gap between the official and free market dollar rates and a jump in country risk. People are still...
  5. Redpoint

    Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

    Maduro shutting down Twitter in Venezuela for 10 days is a severe attack on freedom of expression. It's clear that he's doing this to prevent people from speaking out and showing what’s really happening in the country. By cutting off such a crucial platform, he’s trying to control the narrative...
  6. Redpoint

    Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

    The chats between Fabiola and the president have also come to light, with her questioning him about why he hits her, mentioning three consecutive days of abuse! That guy is a crazy psychopath who is now threatening to commit suicide.
  7. Redpoint

    Newcomer What are the most interesting aspects of Argentine culture for you?

    I love the positive spirit of celebration and open-mindedness that Argentinians generally have. It's a country where anyone can easily adapt because the locals are very hospitable and supportive, always willing to help. That's not something you find in many countries. Despite the current...
  8. Redpoint

    What place has the best medialunas in Buenos Aires?

    I want to share my experience with you because I tried the best "medialunas" in Buenos Aires so far. They were delicious, fluffy, sweet, and large. I had the butter ones, but they also offer "medialunas de grasa" and a variety of pastries that looked equally delicious. The place is called...
  9. Redpoint

    Tips for my 2 weeks trip to BA - Apartment recommendations

    Well, they always broadcast the most popular games, I guess if no one was watching they should have let you watch Messi's game without problems but you know there is a certain rivalry between Argentina and Uruguay...they still think they are superior, so I guess they must not love Messi haha.
  10. Redpoint

    Tips for my 2 weeks trip to BA - Apartment recommendations

    Another option is the Desarmadero Bar, I've been there and the atmosphere is very good for watching games. It is in Palermo. https://maps.app.goo.gl/VtWLTTMBHfT8HGkm6
  11. Redpoint

    Politics Javier Milei recanted after saying that Alberto Fernández drank Cristal champagne in Olivos every day - Infobae

    Javier Milei recanted after saying that Alberto Fernández drank Cristal champagne in Olivos every day - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/06/javier-milei-se-retracto-tras-haber-dicho-que-alberto-fernandez-tomaba-champagne-cristal-en-olivos-todos-los-dias/ March 06...
  12. Redpoint

    Economy After the Government's announcement, the bus ticket could exceed a thousand pesos in some provinces - Infobae

    After the Government's announcement, the bus ticket could exceed a thousand pesos in some provinces - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/02/08/que-puede-pasar-con-el-boleto-de-colectivos-en-el-interior-tras-la-quita-de-subsidios/ February 09, 2024 The elimination of the...
  13. Redpoint

    Newcomer What aspects of Buenos Aires are unexpected to you?

    I didn't notice any gutter issues. It's intriguing that people have to wave at a bus for it to stop. In two places in Buenos Aires and Uruguay, I found North American outlets conveniently located by the bed. Although I had plugs that were supposed to fit in Argentina and Uruguay, I discovered...
  14. Redpoint

    Newcomer Please provide recommendations for a walking tour guide in BA

    Reach out to Martin Soliani, one of the top guides in Buenos Aires: solianimartin@gmail.com He is exceptional, considerate, exceptionally knowledgeable, fluent in English, and a pleasure to be with. Strongly recommended.
  15. Redpoint

    Newcomer What is the duration required for customs clearance?

    I would advise against opting for a brief layover. Even if your initial flight is punctual, immigration procedures might consume two hours or even longer. Additionally, the journey between the two airports by bus surpasses the two-hour mark. While a taxi may offer a slightly quicker option, it...
  16. Redpoint

    Trip Reports How is Christmas in Argentina...

    If you want to know how the porteños celebrate Christmas, watch this video haha I think I want to live in this amazing country! :)
  17. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina's Milei Devalues Peso by 54% in First Batch of Shock Measures - Bloomberg

    I observed that the Nampe Malbec 2023 has been replenished at my nearby Chinese market, priced at 1350 units of the local currency. Considering the current exchange rate, this translates to approximately $1.30 per bottle in US dollars.
  18. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina's Milei Devalues Peso by 54% in First Batch of Shock Measures - Bloomberg

    Thank you, but I continue to gauge inflation using my wine index. For instance, where I usually find Nampe, it's still around $1.50 US. At that price, it's a great deal.
  19. Redpoint

    Newcomer Questions about Cabify and Uber in Buenos Aires

    Hello, As I plan for my upcoming trip to Buenos Aires, I've encountered issues registering for a Cabify account. It appears that the app may not be sending verification codes to non-Spanish phone numbers. Has anyone managed to successfully set up a Cabify account using a UK or non-Spanish...
  20. Redpoint

    Economy Argentina isn't the affordable option

    I assume these are the same five million individuals that this person is referring to when discussing those who go without meals. During its initial phases, the transition was underway. Presently, all pension disbursements are conducted electronically. They could keep a minimal amount of pesos...