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Argentina has highest rice price in the world now - Thank you Milei!


Well-known member
All the food is so expense here now. Thanks to Milei. Argentina has some of the highest rice prices in the world!

All the food is so expense here now. Thanks to Milei. Argentina has some of the highest rice prices in the world!

It is not just rice. Everything is sky high in the supermarket. Bread, milk, you name it. Eating out at a restaurant seems like a distant dream for many people now. It is very sad.
It is not just rice. Everything is sky high in the supermarket. Bread, milk, you name it. Eating out at a restaurant seems like a distant dream for many people now. It is very sad.
Actually you keep posting how food prices are as higher here than anywhere else but Argentina is still affordable compared to other places. I live here in Brazil much of the year and it is expensive at the supermarket here too. Minimum wages for the poor are also low here in Brazil.

Here you can see there are a lot more expensive places around the world for groceries.

I can promise you that shopping at the supermarket in the States is MUCH more expensive vs. Argentina. Even with the recent inflation. Every time I go to BA it feels like it is very affordable minus a few things that might be comparable. Granted not as wide a selection but anything I need. I get frustrated with the lack of fresh milk, good quality cheeses and yogurts for as many cows as Argentina has. That always seems like the real mystery to me why Argentina doesn't have better milk selection/quality.
It is not just rice. Everything is sky high in the supermarket. Bread, milk, you name it. Eating out at a restaurant seems like a distant dream for many people now. It is very sad.
I am actually seeing prices over the past month to be stabilizing and many items have drastically gone down. They definitely stopped going up a few weeks ago. One thing I noticed is many restaurants are actually empty. Sure the usual hang outs like Don Julio are still packed but I worry about lots of smaller places. Business seems to be down.
I can promise you that shopping at the supermarket in the States is MUCH more expensive vs. Argentina. Even with the recent inflation. Every time I go to BA it feels like it is very affordable minus a few things that might be comparable. Granted not as wide a selection but anything I need. I get frustrated with the lack of fresh milk, good quality cheeses and yogurts for as many cows as Argentina has. That always seems like the real mystery to me why Argentina doesn't have better milk selection/quality.
Not sure the last time you were here but over the last few months it has been extreme. I just left BA and in the US now visiting my kids and here in Florida it feels like prices are the same at the grocery store vs. BA. Many things are actually less expensive than BA. I haven't been here in a while but I was surprised as people keep mentioning how expensive the States have gotten.
Not sure the last time you were here but over the last few months it has been extreme. I just left BA and in the US now visiting my kids and here in Florida it feels like prices are the same at the grocery store vs. BA. Many things are actually less expensive than BA. I haven't been here in a while but I was surprised as people keep mentioning how expensive the States have gotten.
I was just there in March. I am not sure about Florida but here in LA it is wicked expensive. Here on the West Coast our prices are much higher vs. East Coast I am sure. We have all kinds of whacky taxes and fees here. It is obscene.
Maybe because they are expiring soon? Crazy no one was buying them.

I got in on some of those deals. I think what happens is stores think they will sell out of things and keep prices high and as it expires they figure out they won't sell it and deeply discount it. I think with the recession people are going to keep cutting back on food items and prices will have to come down more.
I can promise you that shopping at the supermarket in the States is MUCH more expensive vs. Argentina. Even with the recent inflation. Every time I go to BA it feels like it is very affordable minus a few things that might be comparable. Granted not as wide a selection but anything I need. I get frustrated with the lack of fresh milk, good quality cheeses and yogurts for as many cows as Argentina has. That always seems like the real mystery to me why Argentina doesn't have better milk selection/quality.
Argentina produces very good quality cheeses and milk. To find the best cheeses you have to go to places like Kalimnos, Franco Parma, Maja Jamonería... Every neighborhood has, at least, one excellent "fiambrería" o "casa de quesos" where you find the best cheeses this country produces. Prices are high for the local market, but cheaper than same quality in the States.

I hate that the fresh milk comes in bags, but the quality is very good. BTW, bagged milk is also common in Canada, the country went from glass bottles to bags back in the '60s and, even though most of the country switched to jugs years ago, milk still comes in bags in Ontario and The Maritimes.

In CABA, the "dietéticas" sell excellent Greek yogurt. It is expensive for the locals, but the quality is much better than what you get in the States. 950 grams of Capuli brand costs around 12K (minus 10% if you pay cash).
Argentina produces very good quality cheeses and milk. To find the best cheeses you have to go to places like Kalimnos, Franco Parma, Maja Jamonería... Every neighborhood has, at least, one excellent "fiambrería" o "casa de quesos" where you find the best cheeses this country produces. Prices are high for the local market, but cheaper than same quality in the States.

I hate that the fresh milk comes in bags, but the quality is very good. BTW, bagged milk is also common in Canada, the country went from glass bottles to bags back in the '60s and, even though most of the country switched to jugs years ago, milk still comes in bags in Ontario and The Maritimes.

In CABA, the "dietéticas" sell excellent Greek yogurt. It is expensive for the locals, but the quality is much better than what you get in the States. 950 grams of Capuli brand costs around 12K (minus 10% if you pay cash).
Yes true. Here you must hunt and search for it. It's not as easy as going into the big supermarkets. Prices aren't cheap however.
Argentina produces very good quality cheeses and milk. To find the best cheeses you have to go to places like Kalimnos, Franco Parma, Maja Jamonería... Every neighborhood has, at least, one excellent "fiambrería" o "casa de quesos" where you find the best cheeses this country produces. Prices are high for the local market, but cheaper than same quality in the States.

I hate that the fresh milk comes in bags, but the quality is very good. BTW, bagged milk is also common in Canada, the country went from glass bottles to bags back in the '60s and, even though most of the country switched to jugs years ago, milk still comes in bags in Ontario and The Maritimes.

In CABA, the "dietéticas" sell excellent Greek yogurt. It is expensive for the locals, but the quality is much better than what you get in the States. 950 grams of Capuli brand costs around 12K (minus 10% if you pay cash).
I am lactose intolerant. @Sunny when you say the "best cheeses this country produces". How does it compare with the best cheese available back home? I generally hear the same complaints from my wife saying the selection here isn't compared to anything back in the States. She can spend over an hour at Whole Foods in the States selecting cheeses. She also complains about the milk here compared to the States or when we go to Europe.
Argentina produces very good quality cheeses and milk. To find the best cheeses you have to go to places like Kalimnos, Franco Parma, Maja Jamonería... Every neighborhood has, at least, one excellent "fiambrería" o "casa de quesos" where you find the best cheeses this country produces. Prices are high for the local market, but cheaper than same quality in the States.

I hate that the fresh milk comes in bags, but the quality is very good. BTW, bagged milk is also common in Canada, the country went from glass bottles to bags back in the '60s and, even though most of the country switched to jugs years ago, milk still comes in bags in Ontario and The Maritimes.

In CABA, the "dietéticas" sell excellent Greek yogurt. It is expensive for the locals, but the quality is much better than what you get in the States. 950 grams of Capuli brand costs around 12K (minus 10% if you pay cash).
This is also where I get things but I would agree with the point that quality and selection still doesn't match much of the States or Europe.
I am lactose intolerant. @Sunny when you say the "best cheeses this country produces". How does it compare with the best cheese available back home? I generally hear the same complaints from my wife saying the selection here isn't compared to anything back in the States. She can spend over an hour at Whole Foods in the States selecting cheeses. She also complains about the milk here compared to the States or when we go to Europe.
Quality and selection are two different things. This country produces excellent milk and cheese, it always has (I lived here in the '70s and '80s, believe me, I know Argie dairy well 😀). Now, when it comes to variety, the US has the best selection bar none. But, for example, then you go to The Netherlands and, even the best supermarkets there, only offer a limited selection of great tasting cheese.

Imported cheese should become available here, based on what the government is doing. We'll see what quality we get.
Quality and selection are two different things. This country produces excellent milk and cheese, it always has (I lived here in the '70s and '80s, believe me, I know Argie dairy well 😀). Now, when it comes to variety, the US has the best selection bar none. But, for example, then you go to The Netherlands and, even the best supermarkets there, only offer a limited selection of great tasting cheese.

Imported cheese should become available here, based on what the government is doing. We'll see what quality we get.
Totally agree. It sounds like imports will open and I am looking forward to that as we should see an explosion of selection and hopefully prices also come down too.
Argentina produces very good quality cheeses and milk. To find the best cheeses you have to go to places like Kalimnos, Franco Parma, Maja Jamonería... Every neighborhood has, at least, one excellent "fiambrería" o "casa de quesos" where you find the best cheeses this country produces. Prices are high for the local market, but cheaper than same quality in the States.

I hate that the fresh milk comes in bags, but the quality is very good. BTW, bagged milk is also common in Canada, the country went from glass bottles to bags back in the '60s and, even though most of the country switched to jugs years ago, milk still comes in bags in Ontario and The Maritimes.

In CABA, the "dietéticas" sell excellent Greek yogurt. It is expensive for the locals, but the quality is much better than what you get in the States. 950 grams of Capuli brand costs around 12K (minus 10% if you pay cash).
The key is to go to the places like @Sunny mentions. We still love getting a big selection each time we come home to visit my folks for the holidays. Just about any kind of cheese you can find at Whole Foods. With pepper, truffles, you name it. We are always in heaven with selection which is tougher here.
Quality and selection are two different things. This country produces excellent milk and cheese, it always has (I lived here in the '70s and '80s, believe me, I know Argie dairy well 😀). Now, when it comes to variety, the US has the best selection bar none. But, for example, then you go to The Netherlands and, even the best supermarkets there, only offer a limited selection of great tasting cheese.

Imported cheese should become available here, based on what the government is doing. We'll see what quality we get.
I wouldn't hold your breath on good imported selection at good prices.