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On Monday, the Government and private health insurance companies will face off in front of Judge Juan Rafael Stinco in the Federal Civil and Commercial Court. He has summoned them to a conciliation hearing at 10 in the morning for the case in which the Executive branch demanded that the companies roll back their price increases to December and refund the money charged.
In addition to all the price increases, many private health insurance companies have started charging co-payments for consultations. A friend of mine works at a private hospital and told me that some consultations can cost up to $18,000, depending on the plan. This seems to be a common occurrence with plans from Swiss Medical. I asked if the same thing happens with Osde, and she said not yet. But today, an article came out where the government has given the green light for these co-payments. It seems excessive to me.

In addition to all the price increases, many private health insurance companies have started charging co-payments for consultations. A friend of mine works at a private hospital and told me that some consultations can cost up to $18,000, depending on the plan. This seems to be a common occurrence with plans from Swiss Medical. I asked if the same thing happens with Osde, and she said not yet. But today, an article came out where the government has given the green light for these co-payments. It seems excessive to me.

Welcome to how it is in the USA. We pay huge payments for medical care, have co-payments and big deductibles each year. Sounds like you guys are heading down that same road.
Welcome to how it is in the USA. We pay huge payments for medical care, have co-payments and big deductibles each year. Sounds like you guys are heading down that same road.
I have friends there and they always complain about it...in fact I received this explanation from one of them haha I think it graphs exactly how things are there.

In any case, Argentina and the USA are two countries that are not at the same level ....
The government is auditing union health plans and private insurance plans to address the mess left by previous administrations, with over 25,000 unresolved member complaints. Finally, proper checks are being implemented, and fines will be issued for non-compliance. This is how it should have always been. Kudos to Milei for getting things in order.

Terrible news. After my premiums skyrocketed, it stopped going up for a few months. It never came back down but at least they stopped going up until this month's bill. Mine went up about 4% and they say it will go up another 4.5% next month. Anyone worried they will keep going up now with inflation? I am with Medicus.
I heard they will start raising the healthcare payments again! They said they were going to give refunds for the outrageous increases but they never did. They just subtracted about 6,000 pesos from my bill the past 2 months. Almost nothing. This is a disaster if these premiums keep going up. Already many had to cancel their prepagos.
The party's over: real oversight is finally happening. Manuel Adorni mentioned that after years of chaos under Kirchnerism, the Ministry of Health finally stepped up and fined health insurance providers for their irregularities. The Superintendence of Health Services adjusted the fines for providers that ignored people's complaints. In 2023, there were 25,000 complaints, but only 6,000 led to formal investigations.
During the review, they found that 60 health insurance providers weren't offering any services at all. It's crazy, corruption was everywhere.

The question is when am I going to get a refund for all of those increased prices I paid last year? My bill still hasn't gone down!