On Monday, the Government and private health insurance companies will face off in front of Judge Juan Rafael Stinco in the Federal Civil and Commercial Court. He has summoned them to a conciliation hearing at 10 in the morning for the case in which the Executive branch demanded that the companies roll back their price increases to December and refund the money charged.
Economy - Private Health Insurance: large companies in the sector are analyzing a return scheme that does not go below 6 installments - Infobae
Prepaid: large companies in the sector are analyzing a return scheme that does not go below 6 installments - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/24/prepagas-la-empresas-grandes-del-sector-analizan-un-esquema-de-devolucion-que-no-baje-de-las-6-cuotas/ May 24, 2024...