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Medical Insurance Premiums in Argentina still go up Each Month Over Inflation

Private medical insurance costs continue to spiral out of control in Argentina. The government said they were going to talk to providers to cap the costs but they continue to go up each month. Here you can see an actual medical premium bill. It's for one of our employees. We pay their medical coverage each month. This employee is on an OSDE 310 plan and has one child.

In December 2023 it was $177,931 pesos. In December 2024 it was 507,888 pesos. 185+% Year-over-year increase and the cost continues to go up each month.

It is almost criminal for the government not to intervene in the market. They said they would stop allowing these companies to keep raising but they are not helping. They should put this in the official inflation numbers and I promise you the government would stop allowing it to go up so much.
Medicus finally looks like they are going to stop increases. Let's see. They said that before and never did.

These companies all deserve to go out of business. That article said Medicus has lost 25,000 members in the past year! They only had 200,000 members total so that is a lot of clients to lose. The government said they had to freeze the prices to last years prices but that never happened.
These companies all deserve to go out of business. That article said Medicus has lost 25,000 members in the past year! They only had 200,000 members total so that is a lot of clients to lose. The government said they had to freeze the prices to last years prices but that never happened.
I just saw this article too. To lose 25,000 customers in a year when you only have 200k members is shocking!

I just saw this article too. To lose 25,000 customers in a year when you only have 200k members is shocking!

Yep, these Argentine companies are ignorant. No common sense at all.

To show you the stupidity of Argentine companies, they are losing customers and instead of freezing price increases for ALL customers. They only freeze it for new customers. This is the mentality of Argentine companies. The customers that have been loyal and paying premiums each month are going to continue to be subject to traditional monthly adjustments.

I posted about this today.

Yep, these Argentine companies are ignorant. No common sense at all.

To show you the stupidity of Argentine companies, they are losing customers and instead of freezing price increases for ALL customers. They only freeze it for new customers. This is the mentality of Argentine companies. The customers that have been loyal and paying premiums each month are going to continue to be subject to traditional monthly adjustments.

I posted about this today.

Argentine companies never operate with any common sense. I am always shocked at how they price things. No basis of reality!
Yep, these Argentine companies are ignorant. No common sense at all.

To show you the stupidity of Argentine companies, they are losing customers and instead of freezing price increases for ALL customers. They only freeze it for new customers. This is the mentality of Argentine companies. The customers that have been loyal and paying premiums each month are going to continue to be subject to traditional monthly adjustments.

I posted about this today.

In all fairness they seem to have learned this from US cable TV and cellphone providers.😉
In all fairness they seem to have learned this from US cable TV and cellphone providers.😉
Actually the space is very competitive in the USA. You can jump ship to another provider and they will give you a sweet deal. I switched over to TMobile recently after moving back to the US and they gave me several free lines for my kids phones. Much lower and better deal than I had at AT&T.
Yep, these Argentine companies are ignorant. No common sense at all.

To show you the stupidity of Argentine companies, they are losing customers and instead of freezing price increases for ALL customers. They only freeze it for new customers. This is the mentality of Argentine companies. The customers that have been loyal and paying premiums each month are going to continue to be subject to traditional monthly adjustments.

I posted about this today.

Can this be right? They are bleeding with tens of thousands of customers cancelling their plans and they don't promise to freeze prices for the old members. Just the new ones?? 🤡😂😂
Actually the space is very competitive in the USA. You can jump ship to another provider and they will give you a sweet deal. I switched over to TMobile recently after moving back to the US and they gave me several free lines for my kids phones. Much lower and better deal than I had at AT&T.
I've been with T-Mobile for a long time and always sweet talked my way in to a good deal (I used to have a dozen lines for my ICs)>
But before I cut the cord, I would hop from cable to satellite and back every year to get a better deal
Actually the space is very competitive in the USA. You can jump ship to another provider and they will give you a sweet deal. I switched over to TMobile recently after moving back to the US and they gave me several free lines for my kids phones. Much lower and better deal than I had at AT&T.
Very true. Tmobile is the best deal. I got a 2nd line free for my mom. They have those deals once a year to add a free line.

I've been with T-Mobile for a long time and always sweet talked my way in to a good deal (I used to have a dozen lines for my ICs)>
But before I cut the cord, I would hop from cable to satellite and back every year to get a better deal
Yes! They will always deal if you threaten to cancel or switch. I was with Verizon and they got me to switch and even gave me a great deal to upgrade iPhone. I travel around and love Tmobile for the free roaming.