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Help! I'm getting married to an Argentine and have my permanent resident interview after marriage. What evidence is needed?

I'll let you know the minute my status changes. I don't think 'scientific' can be used with Argentina especially when it comes to bureaucracy :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Ha! Yes, NO such thing as scientific when it comes to Argentine bureaucracy. I have 2 kids that were born in Argentina so I believe the process is easier but I'm not sure. I will get around to getting Citizenship there. I've been a 20+ year permanent resident and my wife as well has been a permanent resident for 15 years. After I got my DNI I haven't been in any rush to get Citizenship there. I hold a bunch of permanent residences but odds are I will get my Citizenship in Mexico before Argentina just because I spend a lot of time there and it's very easy to get to from my home.

Argentina is where I plan to retire someday. It's probably the country I love the most.
I'll let you know the minute my status changes. I don't think 'scientific' can be used with Argentina especially when it come

Thank you!! Yes, thank God this is the last step! Please if you can post when your status changes and I will do the same. My husband said that the holiday it delays things. But that isn't scientific! He always says things as if they are facts! Ha.
I just checked and my status has finally changed. Now it's a matter of when my DNI will arrive. Yayyy!!!

I just checked and my status has finally changed. Now it's a matter of when my DNI will arrive. Yayyy!!!

View attachment 1509
Thank you! Of course the day I don't check it and sure enough mine also changed yesterday! I have the same. Do you know @Jakoval how long the DNI will take to get? My husband told me to stop checking every day so I stopped yesterday as I had a friend in town and very busy. Thank you for your update!!! I am so happy. Congratulations also. You made my weekend!
Thank you! Of course the day I don't check it and sure enough mine also changed yesterday! I have the same. Do you know @Jakoval how long the DNI will take to get? My husband told me to stop checking every day so I stopped yesterday as I had a friend in town and very busy. Thank you for your update!!! I am so happy. Congratulations also. You made my weekend!
No idea how long till the plastic arrives. Do we need to stay home to pick it up in person? I heard so but am not sure. But yeah I checked every day, several times a day haha. Congrats to you too!
$7K lying around
but my point was that if someone is paying $10k USD for an arranged marriage to get citizenship, 7k is way cheaper and will save a ton of money and heartache down the road. so this is a strange comment

i'm doing the math on residency. assuming you can take one college class for $1,200 USD per semester at UB, and get a Student Visa approved for 3 years in a row,and successfully do all the paperwork on your own, you are still paying 1200 x 5 semesters at a minimum to apply for citizenship. this is $6k at a minimum, with a lot of risk. for 1000 more, you have the guarantee of a lawyer, so it's actually a smart move. Rubilar requires 3,250 up-front if i remember correctly, and then you need to live in Argentina for 7 months a year. if you don't have 3,250 bucks to spend on citizenship, you shouldn't be looking at citizenship. being an Expat is cheap in some ways, but not when obtaining permanent residency or citizenship. some people pay 500,000 USD for Golden Visas n some country. 7k is chump change if it lets you save a ton of money on daily expenses, coming from NYC or SanFran or Oslo or Zurich, for instance.
I just checked and my status has finally changed. Now it's a matter of when my DNI will arrive. Yayyy!!!
Thank you! Of course the day I don't check it and sure enough mine also changed yesterday! I have the same. Do you know @Jakoval how long the DNI will take to get? My husband told me to stop checking every day so I stopped yesterday as I had a friend in town and very busy. Thank you for your update!!! I am so happy. Congratulations also. You made my weekend!
Hi @Jakoval and @Faith. I've been crossing my fingers for both of you! Huge congrats. I know many things here you would think in principle if you followed all the rules and you know it will happen, until it actually comes you never know! I've done so much business here over the past 22 years I can give you many, many examples until it happens and I get it in my hands ONLY then will I believe it. LOL.

No idea how long till the plastic arrives. Do we need to stay home to pick it up in person? I heard so but am not sure. But yeah I checked every day, several times a day haha. Congrats to you too!
I asked as I was so worried when we had our interview and the person told me it will come by official mail and will be certified and someone needs to sign for it. I don't think it actually has to be me but we don't have a full time maid so now the next worry is wondering every day until it arrives! I think I will have the same worrying approach, until I get that in my hand I won't believe it. I know it's horrible to have that attitude. But seeing is believing.

They told me someone just needs to be home to sign for it. I think if no one is home you have to go down and pick it up. But I hate not being here for official stuff. Once my friend got something and the notice got lost or they didn't leave it. Then when she checked something got sent back as she never got the notice.
I asked as I was so worried when we had our interview and the person told me it will come by official mail and will be certified and someone needs to sign for it. I don't think it actually has to be me but we don't have a full time maid so now the next worry is wondering every day until it arrives! I think I will have the same worrying approach, until I get that in my hand I won't believe it. I know it's horrible to have that attitude. But seeing is believing.

They told me someone just needs to be home to sign for it. I think if no one is home you have to go down and pick it up. But I hate not being here for official stuff. Once my friend got something and the notice got lost or they didn't leave it. Then when she checked something got sent back as she never got the notice.
I think if no one iS at home they will leave an official note and you have to pick it up at the Post Office.
Hi @Jakoval and @Faith. I've been crossing my fingers for both of you! Huge congrats. I know many things here you would think in principle if you followed all the rules and you know it will happen, until it actually comes you never know! I've done so much business here over the past 22 years I can give you many, many examples until it happens and I get it in my hands ONLY then will I believe it. LOL.

@Faith @earlyretirement You were right. I shouldn't believe it till I see it in my hand. Sure enough today my status went back to Tramite Intimado. They sent me this request: NUEVO CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES PENALES DE SU PAíS DE ORIGEN DEBIDAMENTE TRADUCIDO Y LEGALIZADO ATENTO QUE EL QUE CONSTA EN EL EXPEDIENTE NO SURGE SI POSEE O NO ANTECEDENTES PENALES EN SU PAíS.

I already gave them everything but from my understanding they don't like it because it actually doesn't say specifically if I have a criminal record or not and they told me to produce a new one. But there's no new one. This is the only format provided by my home country. I'm so frustrated. On my penales, it shows this:1705332977322.png

It says, "This is to certify that Mr. XXX is a person with no behavior endangering the peace and order or the security of the state." which means in essence I do not have a criminal record.
This was legalized by both the foreign ministry and the argentine embassy in my country and if they don't accept it, there's nothing else to offer.
Not sure what else I can do at this point.
@Faith @earlyretirement You were right. I shouldn't believe it till I see it in my hand. Sure enough today my status went back to Tramite Intimado. They sent me this request: NUEVO CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES PENALES DE SU PAíS DE ORIGEN DEBIDAMENTE TRADUCIDO Y LEGALIZADO ATENTO QUE EL QUE CONSTA EN EL EXPEDIENTE NO SURGE SI POSEE O NO ANTECEDENTES PENALES EN SU PAíS.

I already gave them everything but from my understanding they don't like it because it actually doesn't say specifically if I have a criminal record or not and they told me to produce a new one. But there's no new one. This is the only format provided by my home country. I'm so frustrated. On my penales, it shows this:View attachment 1583

It says, "This is to certify that Mr. XXX is a person with no behavior endangering the peace and order or the security of the state." which means in essence I do not have a criminal record.
This was legalized by both the foreign ministry and the argentine embassy in my country and if they don't accept it, there's nothing else to offer.
Not sure what else I can do at this point.
SEE! This is my worst nightmare. NOTHING has been easy. I keep telling my husband that until I see it in my hands I won't believe it. Other friends dealt with same kind of BS and they had to end up using a lawyer to at least respond back to the office. They have since left Argentina as they couldn't adjust here. Quite honestly, if I didn't have my husband here maybe we would have left. My husband is trying to get a job in Spain where he also has a passport. I won't believe it until I get mine. Very sorry @Jakoval you are dealing with this.
I think if no one iS at home they will leave an official note and you have to pick it up at the Post Office.
Yes, in principle this is how it should be but I can tell you many, many examples of them NOT leaving an official notice when they should have or when they said they did. You just never know. I'm writing a book and I'm going to post about some crazy things in Argentina. It will blow people's minds away. I was having dinner with Bowtied Mara from Twitter a few months ago giving him example after example and he couldn't believe it.

@Faith @earlyretirement You were right. I shouldn't believe it till I see it in my hand. Sure enough today my status went back to Tramite Intimado. They sent me this request: NUEVO CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES PENALES DE SU PAíS DE ORIGEN DEBIDAMENTE TRADUCIDO Y LEGALIZADO ATENTO QUE EL QUE CONSTA EN EL EXPEDIENTE NO SURGE SI POSEE O NO ANTECEDENTES PENALES EN SU PAíS.

I already gave them everything but from my understanding they don't like it because it actually doesn't say specifically if I have a criminal record or not and they told me to produce a new one. But there's no new one. This is the only format provided by my home country. I'm so frustrated. On my penales, it shows this:View attachment 1583

It says, "This is to certify that Mr. XXX is a person with no behavior endangering the peace and order or the security of the state." which means in essence I do not have a criminal record.
This was legalized by both the foreign ministry and the argentine embassy in my country and if they don't accept it, there's nothing else to offer.
Not sure what else I can do at this point.
I'm really sorry to hear about this @Jakoval! This is horrible and I'm sure it must be very frustrating for you. I don't understand why they wouldn't say this ahead of time. Things like this make NO sense to me at all. How can they flip flop the process like this. But THIS is the chaos that IS Argentina. I've been doing business here 22 years and I can tell you horror stories.

Until I actually see the actual result whether that is all the paperwork complete, money in my account (or my client's account), etc. It's ALWAYS a grind here. Almost nothing is easy and a lot of red tape and bureaucracy. It's almost as if they are setting people up for failure. Even if you provide everything they ask, they confirm it's ok, then stuff like this happens.

Fortunately, the FBI arrest record/ crime report is well received here in Argentina. I remember when I had to do mine and I was dealing with expiration dates, etc. I hope this turns out well for you. What will you do Jakoval? Will you try to do it yourself? You are so close!
Hi @Jakoval and @Faith. I've been crossing my fingers for both of you! Huge congrats. I know many things here you would think in principle if you followed all the rules and you know it will happen, until it actually comes you never know! I've done so much business here over the past 22 years I can give you many, many examples until it happens and I get it in my hands ONLY then will I believe it. LOL.

Yep. You called it @earlyretirement!
Yes, in principle this is how it should be but I can tell you many, many examples of them NOT leaving an official notice when they should have or when they said they did. You just never know. I'm writing a book and I'm going to post about some crazy things in Argentina. It will blow people's minds away. I was having dinner with Bowtied Mara from Twitter a few months ago giving him example after example and he couldn't believe it.

I'm really sorry to hear about this @Jakoval! This is horrible and I'm sure it must be very frustrating for you. I don't understand why they wouldn't say this ahead of time. Things like this make NO sense to me at all. How can they flip flop the process like this. But THIS is the chaos that IS Argentina. I've been doing business here 22 years and I can tell you horror stories.

Until I actually see the actual result whether that is all the paperwork complete, money in my account (or my client's account), etc. It's ALWAYS a grind here. Almost nothing is easy and a lot of red tape and bureaucracy. It's almost as if they are setting people up for failure. Even if you provide everything they ask, they confirm it's ok, then stuff like this happens.

Fortunately, the FBI arrest record/ crime report is well received here in Argentina. I remember when I had to do mine and I was dealing with expiration dates, etc. I hope this turns out well for you. What will you do Jakoval? Will you try to do it yourself? You are so close!
@earlyretirement I have no idea what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll wait it out and keep extending my precaria till I get la carta de ciudadania because the same penales was accepted by juzgado and the tramite of my citizenship seems to be coming along pretty well. Beats me how things work in this country.
@earlyretirement I have no idea what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll wait it out and keep extending my precaria till I get la carta de ciudadania because the same penales was accepted by juzgado and the tramite of my citizenship seems to be coming along pretty well. Beats me how things work in this country.
I'm really really sorry that you have to deal with this red tape. I wish I could say that I was surprised or that things will turn out well for you. But this is pretty much par for the course here. Like I said, I've set up over 7 corporations here. I've done a LOT of business here. I've dealt with over 1,000 property purchases and sales for foreign clients. I wish I could say that it will get easier or you can go and talk to someone but many things don't make sense in this country.

It's been 22 years since I started investing in Argentina and doing business here and still as chaotic today as when I first moved here. Good luck amigo!
Yes, in principle this is how it should be but I can tell you many, many examples of them NOT leaving an official notice when they should have or when they said they did. You just never know.
That's how it used to work but not in reality. I've had two letters from GOV UK sent to me which never arrived and no note was left by Correo at the house. My wife has had mobile messages in recent weeks tellng her to go to the main post office in town to pick up packages. Packages which they said couldn't be delivered due to noone being at home. Which was total nonsense, again no notes were left.
Given a choice I'd avoid Correo altogether.
@Faith @earlyretirement You were right. I shouldn't believe it till I see it in my hand. Sure enough today my status went back to Tramite Intimado. They sent me this request: NUEVO CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES PENALES DE SU PAíS DE ORIGEN DEBIDAMENTE TRADUCIDO Y LEGALIZADO ATENTO QUE EL QUE CONSTA EN EL EXPEDIENTE NO SURGE SI POSEE O NO ANTECEDENTES PENALES EN SU PAíS.

I already gave them everything but from my understanding they don't like it because it actually doesn't say specifically if I have a criminal record or not and they told me to produce a new one. But there's no new one. This is the only format provided by my home country. I'm so frustrated. On my penales, it shows this:View attachment 1583

It says, "This is to certify that Mr. XXX is a person with no behavior endangering the peace and order or the security of the state." which means in essence I do not have a criminal record.
This was legalized by both the foreign ministry and the argentine embassy in my country and if they don't accept it, there's nothing else to offer.
Not sure what else I can do at this point.
Oh my lord!! This is really horrible. This country is broken. I hate when things like this happen. I will pray for you!
That's how it used to work but not in reality. I've had two letters from GOV UK sent to me which never arrived and no note was left by Correo at the house. My wife has had mobile messages in recent weeks tellng her to go to the main post office in town to pick up packages. Packages which they said couldn't be delivered due to noone being at home. Which was total nonsense, again no notes were left.
Given a choice I'd avoid Correo altogether.
Yes same thing happened to me. I think lazy workers say they tried to attempt delivery but they just didn't do it. I have a maid that is there every day. Someone is always home and this happened a few times over the years. Avoid Correo Argentina!!
That's how it used to work but not in reality. I've had two letters from GOV UK sent to me which never arrived and no note was left by Correo at the house. My wife has had mobile messages in recent weeks tellng her to go to the main post office in town to pick up packages. Packages which they said couldn't be delivered due to noone being at home. Which was total nonsense, again no notes were left.
Given a choice I'd avoid Correo altogether.
Yes same thing happened to me. I think lazy workers say they tried to attempt delivery but they just didn't do it. I have a maid that is there every day. Someone is always home and this happened a few times over the years. Avoid Correo Argentina!!
Yes exactly. I also had a maid that worked Monday to Friday when I lived there. Always someone home and they routinely said that they attempted to deliver a package. I have a lot of horror stories. To be honest, I don't know if it's gotten better. But the past few times I had to get official documents from the government, I did indeed get it delivered Ok. I got my kids passports and DNI renewed and it was pretty smooth.

Anything goes in this country though. You can get grey hair and very frustrated with how things work.
Hi @Jakoval and @Faith. I've been crossing my fingers for both of you! Huge congrats. I know many things here you would think in principle if you followed all the rules and you know it will happen, until it actually comes you never know! I've done so much business here over the past 22 years I can give you many, many examples until it happens and I get it in my hands ONLY then will I believe it. LOL.

It is CRAZY how you called this ahead of time @earlyretirement! That is just crazy! I was reading this thread thinking ain't no way it's not all good. Then reading this makes me realize how screwed up this country is! Sorry @Jakoval you have to deal with this!
@earlyretirement I have no idea what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll wait it out and keep extending my precaria till I get la carta de ciudadania because the same penales was accepted by juzgado and the tramite of my citizenship seems to be coming along pretty well. Beats me how things work in this country.
Im very sorry you have to deal with this. I embarrassed for my country things don't work so good. I cross my fingers for you. Good luck.