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Help! I'm getting married to an Argentine and have my permanent resident interview after marriage. What evidence is needed?

Bueno, señoras y señores. You are looking at the newest permanent resident with the plastic in his hand. I finally received the DNI card this morning.

Here is the timeline from the beginning until the end. I hope the information is useful for those whose cases are still pending.

02/08/2023 - I got married.
03/08/2023 - My expediente was registered into the system. From this point on, I made about 4-5 trips to migraciones to submit additional documents and also to find out why things were not moving along etc etc. Precaria was renewed 3 times.
28/12/2023 - Interview at migraciones office.
09/02/2024 - When the expediente was finally resolved.
19/03/2024 - When Correo Argentino physically delivered the plastic to me at home.
This is terrific. I read another post from someone else that got their DNI. I wonder if the new President administration in office if things are becoming more efficient. I guess there is no way to know for sure. I am seeing all these posts on X that keep talking about getting residencies in multiple countries but it seems like some cottage industry where they are charging people to help them get residency in other countries.

I am heading there next month and can't wait. Thanks for sharing your journey.
Bueno, señoras y señores. You are looking at the newest permanent resident with the plastic in his hand. I finally received the DNI card this morning.

Here is the timeline from the beginning until the end. I hope the information is useful for those whose cases are still pending.

02/08/2023 - I got married.
03/08/2023 - My expediente was registered into the system. From this point on, I made about 4-5 trips to migraciones to submit additional documents and also to find out why things were not moving along etc etc. Precaria was renewed 3 times.
28/12/2023 - Interview at migraciones office.
09/02/2024 - When the expediente was finally resolved.
19/03/2024 - When Correo Argentino physically delivered the plastic to me at home.
So, probably a few more days for my spouse then, and then a month or so later for mine, based on your timeline.

Persistence is really the key to Argentine bureaucracy, though. It's how my spouse got hers in 55 days (after turno presencial) and how I got mine in 78 days (after turno presencial).
So, probably a few more days for my spouse then, and then a month or so later for mine, based on your timeline.

Persistence is really the key to Argentine bureaucracy, though. It's how my spouse got hers in 55 days (after turno presencial) and how I got mine in 78 days (after turno presencial).
You all unlocked the puzzle of the maze of the immigration system. Saved yourselves thousands of dollars.
So, probably a few more days for my spouse then, and then a month or so later for mine, based on your timeline.

Persistence is really the key to Argentine bureaucracy, though. It's how my spouse got hers in 55 days (after turno presencial) and how I got mine in 78 days (after turno presencial).
If you don't have IDtramite to track your plastic, you can talk to Renaper's whatsapp. It's a chatbot that will ask you to give some personal information of your expediente and then eventually it will give you the IDtramite and you can use the number to track the progress on their website from Inicio to Correo as seen below.

So, probably a few more days for my spouse then, and then a month or so later for mine, based on your timeline.

Persistence is really the key to Argentine bureaucracy, though. It's how my spouse got hers in 55 days (after turno presencial) and how I got mine in 78 days (after turno presencial).
Same for me. I followed all of your leads to send in emails. I am hoping I am a few days behind all of you and get my DNI in hand soon. Thank you all for your advice and guidance. My husband keeps telling me not to worry. Gives me comfort reading all of your experiences. Thanks.
Same for me. I followed all of your leads to send in emails. I am hoping I am a few days behind all of you and get my DNI in hand soon. Thank you all for your advice and guidance. My husband keeps telling me not to worry. Gives me comfort reading all of your experiences. Thanks.
I have been waiting 3 months now for mine and it hasn't arrived. I hope it arrives soon.
This was the full timeline for my wife and I, for what little it might help:
14/12/23 - Initial filing online
21/12/23 - Paid/received preferential turno
27/12/23 - Received precarias, intimaciones for Argentine criminal records. (Recommend getting your criminal records _before_ going, if you do preferential. It will save time.)
28/12/23 - Received and submitted Argentine criminal records.
17/01/23 - Received request for new Brazilian criminal records for my wife
20/01/24 - Began letter writing campaign because my wife's first two intimaciónes went away quickly, mine was still stuck on waiting on the Argentine antecedentes penales.
27/01/24 - My intimación went away.
07/02/24 - Request for my wife's Brazilian ID card.
20/02/24 - Wife received her resuelto. Amplified letter-writing campaign because hers was finished and mine wasn't.
23/02/24 - Requested ID Tramite for my wife from ReNaPer.
14/03/24 - Received my resuelto. Requested ID Tramite from ReNaPer.
28/03/24 - Began writing ReNaPer because we had upcoming travel. This continued until the 18th or so.
29/04/24 - DNI arrived while out of the country.
06/05/24 - My wife received her DNI.

From first login to the Migraciones website to both of us having plastic DNIs in-hand, 144 days.
This was the full timeline for my wife and I, for what little it might help:
14/12/23 - Initial filing online
21/12/23 - Paid/received preferential turno
27/12/23 - Received precarias, intimaciones for Argentine criminal records. (Recommend getting your criminal records _before_ going, if you do preferential. It will save time.)
28/12/23 - Received and submitted Argentine criminal records.
17/01/23 - Received request for new Brazilian criminal records for my wife
20/01/24 - Began letter writing campaign because my wife's first two intimaciónes went away quickly, mine was still stuck on waiting on the Argentine antecedentes penales.
27/01/24 - My intimación went away.
07/02/24 - Request for my wife's Brazilian ID card.
20/02/24 - Wife received her resuelto. Amplified letter-writing campaign because hers was finished and mine wasn't.
23/02/24 - Requested ID Tramite for my wife from ReNaPer.
14/03/24 - Received my resuelto. Requested ID Tramite from ReNaPer.
28/03/24 - Began writing ReNaPer because we had upcoming travel. This continued until the 18th or so.
29/04/24 - DNI arrived while out of the country.
06/05/24 - My wife received her DNI.

From first login to the Migraciones website to both of us having plastic DNIs in-hand, 144 days.
Thanks for sharing the journey!
This was the full timeline for my wife and I, for what little it might help:
14/12/23 - Initial filing online
21/12/23 - Paid/received preferential turno
27/12/23 - Received precarias, intimaciones for Argentine criminal records. (Recommend getting your criminal records _before_ going, if you do preferential. It will save time.)
28/12/23 - Received and submitted Argentine criminal records.
17/01/23 - Received request for new Brazilian criminal records for my wife
20/01/24 - Began letter writing campaign because my wife's first two intimaciónes went away quickly, mine was still stuck on waiting on the Argentine antecedentes penales.
27/01/24 - My intimación went away.
07/02/24 - Request for my wife's Brazilian ID card.
20/02/24 - Wife received her resuelto. Amplified letter-writing campaign because hers was finished and mine wasn't.
23/02/24 - Requested ID Tramite for my wife from ReNaPer.
14/03/24 - Received my resuelto. Requested ID Tramite from ReNaPer.
28/03/24 - Began writing ReNaPer because we had upcoming travel. This continued until the 18th or so.
29/04/24 - DNI arrived while out of the country.
06/05/24 - My wife received her DNI.

From first login to the Migraciones website to both of us having plastic DNIs in-hand, 144 days.
This was the full timeline for my wife and I, for what little it might help:
14/12/23 - Initial filing online
21/12/23 - Paid/received preferential turno
27/12/23 - Received precarias, intimaciones for Argentine criminal records. (Recommend getting your criminal records _before_ going, if you do preferential. It will save time.)
28/12/23 - Received and submitted Argentine criminal records.
17/01/23 - Received request for new Brazilian criminal records for my wife
20/01/24 - Began letter writing campaign because my wife's first two intimaciónes went away quickly, mine was still stuck on waiting on the Argentine antecedentes penales.
27/01/24 - My intimación went away.
07/02/24 - Request for my wife's Brazilian ID card.
20/02/24 - Wife received her resuelto. Amplified letter-writing campaign because hers was finished and mine wasn't.
23/02/24 - Requested ID Tramite for my wife from ReNaPer.
14/03/24 - Received my resuelto. Requested ID Tramite from ReNaPer.
28/03/24 - Began writing ReNaPer because we had upcoming travel. This continued until the 18th or so.
29/04/24 - DNI arrived while out of the country.
06/05/24 - My wife received her DNI.

From first login to the Migraciones website to both of us having plastic DNIs in-hand, 144 days.
Your case is so much faster than mine. Mine took 7 months and I married a native Argentine! 🤣
This was the full timeline for my wife and I, for what little it might help:
14/12/23 - Initial filing online
21/12/23 - Paid/received preferential turno
27/12/23 - Received precarias, intimaciones for Argentine criminal records. (Recommend getting your criminal records _before_ going, if you do preferential. It will save time.)
28/12/23 - Received and submitted Argentine criminal records.
17/01/23 - Received request for new Brazilian criminal records for my wife
20/01/24 - Began letter writing campaign because my wife's first two intimaciónes went away quickly, mine was still stuck on waiting on the Argentine antecedentes penales.
27/01/24 - My intimación went away.
07/02/24 - Request for my wife's Brazilian ID card.
20/02/24 - Wife received her resuelto. Amplified letter-writing campaign because hers was finished and mine wasn't.
23/02/24 - Requested ID Tramite for my wife from ReNaPer.
14/03/24 - Received my resuelto. Requested ID Tramite from ReNaPer.
28/03/24 - Began writing ReNaPer because we had upcoming travel. This continued until the 18th or so.
29/04/24 - DNI arrived while out of the country.
06/05/24 - My wife received her DNI.

From first login to the Migraciones website to both of us having plastic DNIs in-hand, 144 days.
Wow that seems really quick! My friend there has friends that are going through this process and they said it has been super painful. Glad yours went so quickly.

Your case is so much faster than mine. Mine took 7 months and I married a native Argentine! 🤣
Wow that is crazy that you married a local and yours took longer!
A friend of mine got his carta de ciudadania a while ago. The first time the judge forgot to sign it so he had to wait. After the judge finally signed it he then brought it to Renaper to get a new DNI only to be rejected due to his fingerprints not being clear enough for them. So, he had to go back to juzgado to ask them to issue a new one. Never a dull moment in Argentina's bureaucracy :ROFLMAO:
A friend of mine got his carta de ciudadania a while ago. The first time the judge forgot to sign it so he had to wait. After the judge finally signed it he then brought it to Renaper to get a new DNI only to be rejected due to his fingerprints not being clear enough for them. So, he had to go back to juzgado to ask them to issue a new one. Never a dull moment in Argentina's bureaucracy :ROFLMAO:
Oh wow! I hear so many horror stories like this with inefficiency. I don't get it. What is the rationale @Jakoval? Can't people follow common sense? Why do they make people jump through so many hoops. My friends in Argentina say everything is like that there. How can they function with this. Is there some reason why public workers make it so difficult? Are they wanting to get some $$ or what is the reason?
A friend of mine got his carta de ciudadania a while ago. The first time the judge forgot to sign it so he had to wait. After the judge finally signed it he then brought it to Renaper to get a new DNI only to be rejected due to his fingerprints not being clear enough for them. So, he had to go back to juzgado to ask them to issue a new one. Never a dull moment in Argentina's bureaucracy :ROFLMAO:
Yes! And that sort of thing is not uncommon. That is why I could relate. Until you see something done here you can't believe it. Seeing is believing.

Oh wow! I hear so many horror stories like this with inefficiency. I don't get it. What is the rationale @Jakoval? Can't people follow common sense? Why do they make people jump through so many hoops. My friends in Argentina say everything is like that there. How can they function with this. Is there some reason why public workers make it so difficult? Are they wanting to get some $$ or what is the reason?
I have found that public government employees simply don't like working at all. Or they will try to justify their jobs and think making it more difficult somehow justifies their position. I am hoping Milei gets rid of any public officials like this. I don't necessarily think it's corruption. Just stupidity!
A friend of mine got his carta de ciudadania a while ago. The first time the judge forgot to sign it so he had to wait. After the judge finally signed it he then brought it to Renaper to get a new DNI only to be rejected due to his fingerprints not being clear enough for them. So, he had to go back to juzgado to ask them to issue a new one. Never a dull moment in Argentina's bureaucracy :ROFLMAO:
I am sorry for your friend to have to jump through so much red tape. Such is life here in Argentina for now. Maybe with Milei it will get better but this kind of red tape usually takes a long time to get fixed. But definitely a lot of red tape here! It can drive one crazy if you are from a first world country. And even if you aren't. I have some friends from other countries that had to go through governmental paperwork and they said they never saw a country worse than Argentina.
I am sorry for your friend to have to jump through so much red tape. Such is life here in Argentina for now. Maybe with Milei it will get better but this kind of red tape usually takes a long time to get fixed. But definitely a lot of red tape here! It can drive one crazy if you are from a first world country. And even if you aren't. I have some friends from other countries that had to go through governmental paperwork and they said they never saw a country worse than Argentina.
Just talked to my friend. He said that after getting his fingerprints at juzgado fixed and went back to Renaper again, Renaper found another flaw (that they failed to mention the first time) and asked him to have juzgado fix it again. He then went back to juzgado and explained to them and even juzgado people got mad at Renaper's nitpicking. My friend said the first thing Renaper does when you present carta de ciudadania to them is find whatever mistakes they can and make your life miserable. This reminds me of how I dealt with Migraciones. Believe me I don't come from a first-world country but Argentina makes my country look more efficient than the first world :ROFLMAO: