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Help! I'm getting married to an Argentine and have my permanent resident interview after marriage. What evidence is needed?

Just talked to my friend. He said that after getting his fingerprints at juzgado fixed and went back to Renaper again, Renaper found another flaw (that they failed to mention the first time) and asked him to have juzgado fix it again. He then went back to juzgado and explained to them and even juzgado people got mad at Renaper's nitpicking. My friend said the first thing Renaper does when you present carta de ciudadania to them is find whatever mistakes they can and make your life miserable. This reminds me of how I dealt with Migraciones. Believe me I don't come from a first-world country but Argentina makes my country look more efficient than the first world :ROFLMAO:
Do you have any guess @Jakoval why they always look for excuses and make it so miserable? I'm just trying to figure out if there is some reason for this? I've often wondered because I have heard stories like this for many years. I wonder if there is some master directive from someone to make it difficult? I'm glad that the judge was so angry but I wonder why they make it difficult. A friend had a similar issue a few years ago.
Just talked to my friend. He said that after getting his fingerprints at juzgado fixed and went back to Renaper again, Renaper found another flaw (that they failed to mention the first time) and asked him to have juzgado fix it again. He then went back to juzgado and explained to them and even juzgado people got mad at Renaper's nitpicking. My friend said the first thing Renaper does when you present carta de ciudadania to them is find whatever mistakes they can and make your life miserable. This reminds me of how I dealt with Migraciones. Believe me I don't come from a first-world country but Argentina makes my country look more efficient than the first world :ROFLMAO:
I had a friend from Vietnam that was going through the process here and they also had similar type issue with complaints to redo fingerprints. Sounds like someone trying to justify their position or maybe just job security making people keep going through the motions! It would be one thing if someone was trying to perpetrate a fraud or something but the steps to get Citizenship you would think are cut and dry and as long as you supply everything on the list and jump through the hoops.

For a judge to issue the order and then have them make additional steps seems crazy. This is one reason why I think that President Milei needs to fix inefficiency and allow companies including the government to fire worthless employees. Sometimes I think it is better to fire all of the old employees and just start fresh!