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Newcomer How bad is racism in Buenos Aires against Asian people?


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I'm a 22-year-old South Korean male planning to visit Buenos Aires for about 18 days to visit a friend, and I'm really looking forward to the trip.
While researching Argentina, I came across some news about racism in the country, which has raised some concerns for me:
  1. The Argentine President's racist tweet against Chinese people.
  2. Instances of 'Asian eyes' gestures made by famous Argentine football celebrities.
Now, I'm genuinely worried about the possibility of encountering racism during my visit. I've traveled extensively and am familiar with the impact of racism.
I believe that most people in Buenos Aires are friendly, but my concern lies with those who may not be.
I've seen posts on forums mentioning 'casual racism' that is not necessarily intended to be offensive, but this doesn't provide much comfort.
I have some straightforward questions, and I would greatly appreciate honest answers:

  1. Should I be more concerned about being targeted by criminal acts compared to other residents?
  2. Is there a likelihood of experiencing any form of violation or discrimination due to my race?
  3. Are there any historical instances of major hate crimes against Asian people in Argentina?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and respond.
I'm a 22-year-old South Korean male planning to visit Buenos Aires for about 18 days to visit a friend, and I'm really looking forward to the trip.
While researching Argentina, I came across some news about racism in the country, which has raised some concerns for me:
  1. The Argentine President's racist tweet against Chinese people.
  2. Instances of 'Asian eyes' gestures made by famous Argentine football celebrities.
Now, I'm genuinely worried about the possibility of encountering racism during my visit. I've traveled extensively and am familiar with the impact of racism.
I believe that most people in Buenos Aires are friendly, but my concern lies with those who may not be.
I've seen posts on forums mentioning 'casual racism' that is not necessarily intended to be offensive, but this doesn't provide much comfort.
I have some straightforward questions, and I would greatly appreciate honest answers:

  1. Should I be more concerned about being targeted by criminal acts compared to other residents?
  2. Is there a likelihood of experiencing any form of violation or discrimination due to my race?
  3. Are there any historical instances of major hate crimes against Asian people in Argentina?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and respond.
Hey LiuPark,

I spent a few days in Buenos Aires in May 2022, alone, and I'm Asian. Honestly, I didn't experience any racism. The locals are generally friendly. Just do the right things, and you'll be fine, I think. As Lanchasire mentioned above, there aren't a lot of Asian tourists in Buenos Aires (for a change, haha). I bumped into a handful. You'll probably find more (still scarce) in Rio. Anyway, have fun!
I'm a 22-year-old South Korean male planning to visit Buenos Aires for about 18 days to visit a friend, and I'm really looking forward to the trip.
While researching Argentina, I came across some news about racism in the country, which has raised some concerns for me:
  1. The Argentine President's racist tweet against Chinese people.
  2. Instances of 'Asian eyes' gestures made by famous Argentine football celebrities.
Now, I'm genuinely worried about the possibility of encountering racism during my visit. I've traveled extensively and am familiar with the impact of racism.
I believe that most people in Buenos Aires are friendly, but my concern lies with those who may not be.
I've seen posts on forums mentioning 'casual racism' that is not necessarily intended to be offensive, but this doesn't provide much comfort.
I have some straightforward questions, and I would greatly appreciate honest answers:

  1. Should I be more concerned about being targeted by criminal acts compared to other residents?
  2. Is there a likelihood of experiencing any form of violation or discrimination due to my race?
  3. Are there any historical instances of major hate crimes against Asian people in Argentina?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read and respond.
Hey LiuPark,

I wanted to share that in Buenos Aires, there's really no racism against Asians; on the contrary, there's a great admiration for their culture. They even have Chinatown, where Asian communities come together. Despite its name, 'Chinatown' is a place where various Asian communities gather. Moreover, with the rising popularity of K-dramas (as a fan of this genre), I can tell you that women are more interested in Korean men, so maybe you should consider coming and not worry too much! :)
I'm Asian and never felt the slightest racism towards me. One person did give me a look, but think it was more surprise or curiosity, as even though there were plenty of Asians to be seen, I was the only one solo.

Always give everyone the benefit of doubt, that any feeling you have, is them being curious or ignorant and rarely if ever racist.
last night i bought groceries at a DIA Mercado shop, and the 40-year-old cashier was Chinese, didn't speak Spanish, and had never heard of California. so, i think his life has been pretty safe and asia-centric here in BsAs :p
You will have NO issues at all. It's a total non-issue. Although I'm American and was born and raised in the USA, I'm Asian American. My parents were both born in South Korea. I moved to Buenos Aires after the corralito after 2002 and I built up one of the most successful businesses in Argentina. Some people say it was one of the most important real estate companies in the history of Argentina. I'd agree with that statement. It opened the door for most foreigners to invest in Argentina after the crash. If Argentina was such a racist country, it would have been impossible for me to have been successful here and continue to be successful here in Argentina.

I NEVER had any issues in Argentina (or really anywhere in Latin America. I am a big investor in Mexico as well and I will get my Mexican passport in 2024). Shortly after I moved to Argentina, I was dating many beautiful local models and a few actresses. Some of them are famous now and on TV or radio there in Argentina. I'm writing my autobiography and I'll chronicle many things. I had NO problems in Argentina at all then or even now.

If anything, I think there is reverse discrimination and people assume Asians are overly smart and successful. LOL. My wife is Colombian and I always tell my kids to put on all the demographic information from school that they are Latinos and NOT Asians because there is reverse discrimination in Universities and colleges. Argentines are friendly people. Once they see I speak fluent Spanish they are even friendlier and more surprised. And they respect that I love their country so much. Now I consider myself a Porteño too and my kids have Argentine passports.

Don't worry at all. Here you can see a photo of me - https://www.expatsba.com/threads/mi...luxury-market-of-post-election-argentina.240/

When I first moved to Buenos Aires, there were almost NO Asians at all. Throughout the past 21+ years there is a tremendous explosion of Chinese immigrants who have come to open grocery stores and other businesses. If you go to Chinatown in Belgrano, you will see that Argentines love the culture. My daughter is a big K-Pop fan and I was surprised Buenos Aires has several K-Pop stores and a decent one downtown.

My absolute BEST friend in Buenos Aires is dating a girl from Hong Kong. I'd say the locals love Asians. Everywhere I go, I've never felt anything but love from the locals. Even here in the USA, in the school and community where I live in San Diego, it's mostly affluent Asians who are moving to the area now. Asians if anything have reverse racism where people assume they are smarter than they are.

Anywhere I go around the world, people seem to love Koreans. I was in Greece with my wife just after COVID and a young beautiful girl in an ice cream shop told my wife how lucky she was! I loved that!
Wow I really didn't expect these answers! this forum is really excellent! you have helped me a lot and have taken away my fears..You even told me that I will be able to be successful with girls there hahaha funny! I think I got carried away just by a rumor!
And special thanks to @earlyretirement for sharing his story with me!

Thank you all!
You’re totally welcome. You will have NO issues as long as you are respectful to the locals and always a gentleman.

Here is the sign in Santorini that I saw and asked her. It made my trip as people are always saying how lucky I am to have a beautiful wife. I asked who Aggeliki is and she said it was her. I asked what the story was about the Korean guy and she said during COVID she got addicted to Korean dramas on Netflix. She said that the guys are so handsome, successful and know how to take care of a woman. So she decided she only wanted to marry a Korean guy. I loved that story!

She said, "you're Korean aren't you?" And then she turned to my wife and said, "You are SO lucky". LOL. I love that story.

You will have NO issues at all. It's a total non-issue. Although I'm American and was born and raised in the USA, I'm Asian American. My parents were both born in South Korea. I moved to Buenos Aires after the corralito after 2002 and I built up one of the most successful businesses in Argentina. Some people say it was one of the most important real estate companies in the history of Argentina. I'd agree with that statement. It opened the door for most foreigners to invest in Argentina after the crash. If Argentina was such a racist country, it would have been impossible for me to have been successful here and continue to be successful here in Argentina.

I NEVER had any issues in Argentina (or really anywhere in Latin America. I am a big investor in Mexico as well and I will get my Mexican passport in 2024). Shortly after I moved to Argentina, I was dating many beautiful local models and a few actresses. Some of them are famous now and on TV or radio there in Argentina. I'm writing my autobiography and I'll chronicle many things. I had NO problems in Argentina at all then or even now.

If anything, I think there is reverse discrimination and people assume Asians are overly smart and successful. LOL. My wife is Colombian and I always tell my kids to put on all the demographic information from school that they are Latinos and NOT Asians because there is reverse discrimination in Universities and colleges. Argentines are friendly people. Once they see I speak fluent Spanish they are even friendlier and more surprised. And they respect that I love their country so much. Now I consider myself a Porteño too and my kids have Argentine passports.

Don't worry at all. Here you can see a photo of me - https://www.expatsba.com/threads/mi...luxury-market-of-post-election-argentina.240/

When I first moved to Buenos Aires, there were almost NO Asians at all. Throughout the past 21+ years there is a tremendous explosion of Chinese immigrants who have come to open grocery stores and other businesses. If you go to Chinatown in Belgrano, you will see that Argentines love the culture. My daughter is a big K-Pop fan and I was surprised Buenos Aires has several K-Pop stores and a decent one downtown.

My absolute BEST friend in Buenos Aires is dating a girl from Hong Kong. I'd say the locals love Asians. Everywhere I go, I've never felt anything but love from the locals. Even here in the USA, in the school and community where I live in San Diego, it's mostly affluent Asians who are moving to the area now. Asians if anything have reverse racism where people assume they are smarter than they are.

Anywhere I go around the world, people seem to love Koreans. I was in Greece with my wife just after COVID and a young beautiful girl in an ice cream shop told my wife how lucky she was! I loved that!
I think I know that friend of yours 😁 Asians? The most beautiful women ❤️ no doubt!