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Legal Lawyer in Argentna for immigration to USA?


New member
Is there anyone familiar with a lawyer in Argentina, whether working full-time or part-time, who can provide guidance on immigration to the U.S. for Argentine nationals? Any insights or recommendations would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Sorry but I don't think that lawyers in ARGENTINA would specialize with immigrating to the USA. Typically in this kind of scenario, you'd hire an immigration attorney in the country you are trying to get to (the USA in this case).
Certainly, there are attorneys in Buenos Aires specializing in this field. I connected with one last year, but unfortunately, I can't find his contact information now. Some lawyers may split their time between the U.S. and Argentina. While there are many immigration lawyers in Miami, New York, and other cities, I'm specifically looking for one who practices in Buenos Aires, at least part of the year, and ideally comes with a recommendation. Thanks for any assistance.
but really aren't such lawyers a scam.... for most developed countries, the rules should be clear and easily available on the Internet.
but really aren't such lawyers a scam.... for most developed countries, the rules should be clear and easily available on the Internet.
For most people it just comes down to how they value their time. Very rarely are things so simple when it comes to immigration and getting permanent residency.

Even if everything is spelled out and information out there...you can spend lots of time spinning your wheels.

When I got my permanent residency in Argentina I probably could have figured it out myself but spent thousands of dollars getting it and it was worth it to me as I'm sure it would have taken much longer doing it on my own.

Unfortunately lawyers are a necessary "evil" these days when doing business.

I've met several people that have done the process of getting permanent residency in the USA via the investment visa. So far, all of them I heard used lawyers.... I'm not sure what they paid though.