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Glad you arrived safely and enjoying the city. I've been all over the world. Literally almost 600 cities around the world in 85 countries or so and Buenos Aires is still one of my favorites! It's a special city. It has it's fair share of problems but nothing matches the energy and life of this city.

I still think that most tourists aren't going to have issues at all. I was one of the ones that helped develop Soho and Hollywood after the corralito. I purchased up much of the real estate there. I always saw that potential of what it was going to become. It is a very trendy area and it's the most requested area for tourists to want to stay because of its proximity to so many places. I personally wouldn't choose to live there long time but for tourists coming for a week or so, they mostly want to be in that area. I own a property in Palermo Hollywood and tourists absolutely love it.

Belgrano is a wonderful area but it's just too far away for the vast majority of tourists that are mostly looking to come on vacation. I'm not sure how long @Jenn is looking to stay for. If it's just a few weeks then I think Palermo is fine. Belgrano is just too far for me when I come into town for work. Almost all my meetings are in Palermo or Recoleta with some downtown or Puerto Madero. With traffic just the amount of time it takes to get from Palermo to Belgrano doesn't work as I'm back and forth all the time to Palermo.

I came down with a client of mine and I needed a 2 bedroom with bigger beds and everything in Palermo and Recoleta were booked. I booked a really nice apartment in Belgrano but it was not convenient just going back and forth to meetings. In between meetings I like to come to my apartment but I couldn't do that in Belgrano as it was too far back and forth.

I'd still recommend Palermo or Recoleta for the typical tourist coming. For living long-term I'd still pick Recoleta or parts of Palermo. I'm not a fan of heart of Soho as it's just too congested with tourists. I enjoy staying in my Palermo Hollywood apartment when I come down or my Recoleta apartment before I leased it out long-term. I bought a few new places in Palermo Freud that I will probably stay in when I come down for work.

Yes really anywhere you have to be careful these days but Soho is an easy place for tourists that aren't paying attention to get their phones stolen. Avoid flashy watches. Last year an Uruguayan tourist was wearing a Rolex and 2 guys robbed him crossing the street. It was during the day and caught on camera. Most of them are NOT violent. Most are like this below:

I liked Belgrano ok enough but I just found that anytime a friend wanted to meet up or I wanted to go someplace it was in Palermo. Palermo was more central and Belgrano seemed boring to me as a single guy. Maybe if I had kids but I liked staying in Palermo and just being able to walk to most places I needed to go or a 5 minutes Uber ride.

I didn't find Palermo to be dangerous at all. I think you have to be careful in any major city but these days Paris is probably more dangerous than Buenos Aires. I had my phone out all the time and never had issues. But I travel a lot and am aware of my surroundings. @earlyretirement is correct that most people I met up with wanted to be in Hollywood or Soho or not too far from that area.
How did it happen? Where you close to the people being robbed?

I was telling Jenn, the other day, that Palermo Soho and Hollywood are thief-infested because of all the tourists hanging out there, with so many restaurants and Airbnbs in the area. Right now, the way things still are, I would not book a place in that area of Palermo if traveling alone, maybe I would if I were a guy, but, no, I'd much rather book it in Belgrano.
Thanks @Sunny for that really nice DM. I was going to post and ask people here for their opinion on what you mentioned. I get your point about Soho and Hollywood but my friends say as long as you're just aware. They have been near Villa Crespo and haven't had issues although they say Hollywood is much nicer and Soho as well but a bit crowded but most places they frequent are near there. For me Belgrano is too far out for my first 2 weeks in BA. Maybe if I decide to settle there. My friends also told me that Belgrano is a bit boring for them and too far out.

Recoleta also looks very nice and central. I am not too worried about being robbed. I will be careful with my cellphone and that sounds like the main thing to worry about. My two females friends walk around late at night and neither has had problems.

Glad you like it there @Anchor Baby! What neighborhood are you staying in?