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Newcomer My visa is about to expire


New member
Hey there! I've been studying here in Buenos Aires as a foreign student for a year and made sure to keep all my documents up to date and be responsible with the procedures. However, I left the country to visit my family for a while. Now that I'm back, I realize my visa is about to expire in a week. I'm in the process of renewing it, but I know it will take some time. I'm a bit worried if I might face any penalties for this. Can anyone who has been through something similar tell me if I'm at risk?
Hey. If you're in the country when your residency expires, you have an extra 30 days to renew it, as long as you don't leave.

To extend your residency, you must have been in the country for at least 50% of the time originally granted (for instance, if your original residency was for twelve months, you need to have spent 180 days in the country).

Next, you need to start inputting your data into the RADEX system (online) and pay the corresponding fees. With that, your right to an extension is "locked in."

After that, you have to follow other steps, similar to when you first obtained your residency in the country. If your original visa was obtained through consular processing, it's similar but with a few differences.

Edit: There aren't specific penalties per se.