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Newcomer Where can I buy an iPhone in Buenos Aires?


New member
Hi everyone! Does anyone know of a trustworthy store or person in CABA selling an iPhone 11 or higher? (I'm aware of the price).

On Saturday morning, I left my phone in a DiDi, and at this point, I've given it up as lost. I've filed the necessary claims but haven't received a response yet, so I'm currently without a phone. I'm from the U.S., and my carrier can easily switch my number to an iPhone that supports eSIMs. I know iPhones are really expensive here, but I just need something to get me through the month I have left abroad , it's a safety issue for me, so I need to buy one as soon as possible.
If anyone has other suggestions, I'm all ears.
Hi everyone! Does anyone know of a trustworthy store or person in CABA selling an iPhone 11 or higher? (I'm aware of the price).

On Saturday morning, I left my phone in a DiDi, and at this point, I've given it up as lost. I've filed the necessary claims but haven't received a response yet, so I'm currently without a phone. I'm from the U.S., and my carrier can easily switch my number to an iPhone that supports eSIMs. I know iPhones are really expensive here, but I just need something to get me through the month I have left abroad , it's a safety issue for me, so I need to buy one as soon as possible.
If anyone has other suggestions, I'm all ears.
You can find plenty of pages on Instagram that are trustworthy, just be sure to check the reviews before making a purchase. Some examples @eustoretech, @imark.store, @ip_argentina


They have good prices and an office in Belgrano. A friend sent me their contact info when I lost mine, and I’ve bought from them without any issues. They’re trustworthy.


They have good prices and an office in Belgrano. A friend sent me their contact info when I lost mine, and I’ve bought from them without any issues. They’re trustworthy.
Good prices is relative term here. Most places will still want to charge a huge amount compared to what an older iPhone goes for in the States. But if you're desperate that may be your only chance.
So many that either lose or have their phones stolen. Probably not worth it to pay the crazy high 2X to 3X fees on iphones. Can you just buy a cheap phone and get a replacement when you get back home? If not, try Grabr.
One of my friends got his iphone stolen in BA. He doesn't even know where it was taken. The thieves must be good there. He just bought a cheap phone there and waited to buy a new iPhone when he got back home. He said it was too expensive there.
I also think the best solution is to buy a cheap phone, maybe a Samsung or Motorola, and get an iPhone when you return. But if you really need to buy one now, here's a store in Palermo Soho.

Contact Marcela or Pablo, both speak English. WhatsApp number in Instagram @lc_techno

I met a few Americans that had their iPhones stolen at a bar. One of these shops should set up an iPhone rental service for tourists to use until they go back home. Seems like it could be a huge money maker!