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  1. J

    Rapid collapse of birth rates in Argentina and South America

    Agree with you @StatusNomadicus. It used to be that people would have kids no matter what. Even if they didn't have stable incomes. But now more people are seeing how expensive life is and they can barely take care of themselves let alone children. Also, you are correct it is a factor of all the...
  2. J

    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    Funny you mention nameless faceless people @oil rush. I get in my feed on X every day people claiming residency and tax services and they all operate under companies where although they say you can legally pay 0% taxes, they don't have any biography or even their name on their website! That...
  3. J

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    Very good idea. Now if they can only find all the assets that CFK has purchased with ill gotten funds!
  4. J

    Water bill (Aysa) skyrocketed up 400% from normal bill. Any others?

    Wow I got my water bill today and it skyrocketed upwards. The building shares the water bill between all the owners. My apartment is empty much of the year so I lose out on it but I was surprised with the jump up. Almost 100,000 pesos!
  5. J

    La Plata - underrated city - 40kms / 25 miles from BA

    I don't know anything at all about Masons. I will have to do some research. I haven't visited La Plata but would just based on this post. @FuturoBA how do you define hard core mason? Do they just travel around and visit unique cities or monuments that Masons built?
  6. J

    Rapid collapse of birth rates in Argentina and South America

    This sounds like all of my nephews and nieces. They are busy traveling around the world. They don't seem to care about saving money or retiring. They seem to be living their best life now.
  7. J

    Newcomer Happiness: Only one-third of Argentinians feel satisfied with their lives

    This was excellent @StatusNomadicus. Thanks for posting.
  8. J

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    Yes, that is the form. I got one of these many years ago. I can't recall if there was a way to get it online. I did it in person. Very convenient that they allow you to apply for it online now.
  9. J

    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    I like it better this way so you can be assured that even if there are posts that people disagree with at least you can read the unfiltered posts. I agree with most posts but there are a few posters that seem like Peronists. I had posts deleted on the other forum for no reason other than the...
  10. J

    Medical The best deep tissue and therapeutic massages - Estetica.jyn (Palermo)

    This website has been around for a long time. It's where all the massage people advertise. The website is very old but I have used it for years. Good advice if you want a legitimate massage to look for the ones that are matriculada which means they have a legitimate massage license and they...
  11. J

    Milei's approval ratings are going up!

    As the recession drags on it probably will start to go down. But inflation is tamed so maybe people will give him some more time. But many people have lost their jobs including a few people I know here and they say it's very difficult to find companies hiring now.
  12. J

    Trip Reports "Barrio Chino", Belgrano

    Great! Glad I will be in town for the event. It has been fun watching this area grow over the past few years. I had no idea it was around so long.
  13. J

    Why more Asian women are flocking to Buenos Aires’ milongas for Argentine tango, beyond the tourist traps

    Interesting. I have some friends from LA that also come down for tango.
  14. J

    Be careful guys.....

    I don't understand why anyone would use Tinder in Medellin. For all the reported cases of people getting drugged, just imagine how many people don't report it out of embarrassment that don't end up dead.
  15. J

    Economist Magazine Lists Buenos Aires as the Best City to live in Latin America

    Yep. I also hate São Paulo. A friend got robbed there by gun. Several co-workers that are from there have bullet proof cars. On the contrary, I love Rio de Janeiro. Naturally beautiful city. Laid back people. Great food, great beaches. But agree with The Economist that Buenos Aires is the top...
  16. J

    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    You will be wowed @CraigM. Are you planning to see both the Argentina and Brazil sides? Definitely do it as they are unique and totally different.
  17. J

    The Best & Worst Countries for Living Abroad (Expat survey)

    Interesting responses and I can relate to some of them. I go down to Buenos Aires a few times each year for the past 20 years. Besides Covid when the country was shut down. I agree the banking/finance part of the equation could be better but just coming down a few weeks each time it is easy...
  18. J

    Most interesting expat you have ever met ?

    I'm always fascinated about hearing people's life stories. I always assumed that people in BA that owned several properties were wealthy but now I have a different perspective hearing that story. Good for her!
  19. J

    Banking Credit Card real-world rate "MEP" transaction repo (Dec2023)

    There are many Argentines that live off rental income from properties they own. I have several friends from Buenos Aires that inherited several properties and they just rent them out. I own a small studio apartment in Palermo in a skyscraper that I was fortunate enough to buy many years ago...
  20. J

    Banking Credit Card real-world rate "MEP" transaction repo (Dec2023)

    Everyone has their own reasons for small vs. big city. I live in Los Angeles and like bigger cities. Love the ability to get just about any type of food I want any time. Go to the theatre or museums or broadway play. Sporting events or concerts and distinct neighborhoods. You taught me...