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  1. Mother Russia Argentina

    Medical The best deep tissue and therapeutic massages - Estetica.jyn (Palermo)

    I just go a few days ago. Here is the price from July 12. I pay 17,000 pesos for 1 hour massage for a female. That was about $11 USD. They offered 4 hand massage with 2 woman for 29,000 pesos or about $19 USD.
  2. Mother Russia Argentina

    Blue dollar hits a new historical record! 1,500 to $1 USD

    It can be very addicting to always watch the rate but also better sometimes to not be so focused on rate. Does anyone else look at the rate a few times each day like me? I have to stop.
  3. Mother Russia Argentina

    Medical The best deep tissue and therapeutic massages - Estetica.jyn (Palermo)

    Thanks for posting. I got a wonderful deep tissue massage from Micaela here. Excellent! Very strong.
  4. Mother Russia Argentina

    Positive Changes for Real Estate investors in Argentina and also non-resident foreigner investors with Milei's Omnibus law

    Definitely if Argentina did a investment visa to get Passport here, many Russians would take advantage of that. @earlyretirement you have more info on that program? I sent you a direct message. We have many friends that don't want kids but they want to move out of Russia. This would be great...
  5. Mother Russia Argentina

    Chori - Delicious Choripan Restaurant in Palermo Soho

    We come to this restaurant from this post. We like it! Very delicious. Our favorite choripan so far in Argentina.
  6. Mother Russia Argentina

    Positive Changes for Real Estate investors in Argentina and also non-resident foreigner investors with Milei's Omnibus law

    Argentina wonderful country to give immigrants a chance to start over in good life here. Our daughter born here this year and Argentine. Does anyone know the YouTube of this American police officer? I would like to follow his page but I don't see link to it.
  7. Mother Russia Argentina

    Tank poses, gifts and a toast – Milei’s Independence Day military parade

    Same for me. We move here from Russia. In Russia it's normal to have big military parade but now people don't have pride in our military. People in my country just want peace. Yesterday was something different. Make me proud to have my baby born here and have passport here. We all proud to be...
  8. Mother Russia Argentina

    Brazil's Lula wants apology from Argentina's Milei

    Does anyone think Argentina will eventually pull out of Mercosur? https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/latin-america/brazil-regrets-mileis-absence-at-upcoming-mercosur-summit.phtml
  9. Mother Russia Argentina

    Most interesting expat you have ever met ?

    We learned sometimes being on the boring side is the best thing! Most of the expats we know are also Russians.
  10. Mother Russia Argentina

    Congratulations to Miss Universe Argentina - 29 year old - Magalí Benejam from Cordoba

    Very beautiful girl. She look like my sister. Russian people here very easy to blend in.
  11. Mother Russia Argentina

    The Best & Worst Countries for Living Abroad (Expat survey)

    My family and I are extremely happy for being here. We are grateful to be living here. It is a dream come true being able to leave Russia and start all over. People very friendly and safe here. This wonderful place to live where anyone has a chance for good life. The economy very difficult here...
  12. Mother Russia Argentina

    Banking Credit Card real-world rate "MEP" transaction repo (Dec2023)

    Our good friend visit Mendoza but did not like it as much as Buenos Aires. They say too small. Most Russians come to Argentina come to live in Buenos Aires. It easier for them. I want visit Mendoza this year. We hear slower pace and less noise.
  13. Mother Russia Argentina

    Trump Demolished President Biden tonight on the Debates

    I wonder the same thing. We Russians actually hope that Biden run against Trump. We don't want a replacement that can beat Trump. We think he best chance to end conflict in Ukraine. We had no conflicts with him in office. We just want peace. We watch this good video. We think Trump easily beat...
  14. Mother Russia Argentina

    Thank you Argentina on behalf of all Russians that moved here to Buenos Aires!

    Thank you so much Betsy! Thank you Import export! We came because our close friend was moving to Buenos Aires and did not want to make the trip alone. They had young children and the mother was 4 months pregnant and expecting so they also were going to have their child born here. After the...
  15. Mother Russia Argentina

    Thank you Argentina on behalf of all Russians that moved here to Buenos Aires!

    I want to thank all of you Argentina people. My family move to Buenos Aires in October 2023 and we very thankful to be living here. My daughter born here in February 2024 and I am happy she is Argentine citizen and now we have the chance to stay in Argentina. We love our home country of Russia...
  16. Mother Russia Argentina

    Economy Argentina's Government Removes Price Caps on Cable, Mobile Phone, and Internet Rates

    Same for me @GlasgowJohn. I move to BA last year and shocked when my medical coverage payment skyrocket up. I sign up in October 2023 and by march it went up 200%. My cellphone also go up. I had 6 months special price with internet but now they raise price too. I was told I have to call in...