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  1. Tango

    Buenos Aires 'taxi dancers' glide tourists through daunting tango scene

    If dancing the tango is on your bucket list but don't have a dance partner, check this out. https://www.gjsentinel.com/news/national/buenos-aires-taxi-dancers-glide-tourists-through-daunting-tango-scene/article_ea32f343-2059-568f-9d92-aab2276c6468.html
  2. Tango

    AFIP and IRS to share financial information with one another starting September 30, 2024

    It seems like AFIP is casting the net on anyone doing transactions for over 400,000 pesos on digital wallets. https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/08/22/afip-pone-la-lupa-sobre-billeteras-digitales-investigara-las-transferencias-que-superen-este-monto-en-septiembre/
  3. Tango

    World Tango Championship going on in Buenos Aires until August 27

    Attention all you fellow tango lovers. Don't forget the World Tango Championship is going on right now in Buenos Aires. There are many dance competitions, classes and dance shows. You can see the various schedules on this website. https://tangoba.org/
  4. Tango

    Argentina: Inflation Resumes Its Decline, But . . .

    The race against time. I'm amazed how much patience Argentines have had during this recession. Just like this article says, lately some of my friends that voted for Milei are losing hope that things will improve any time soon. They aren't blaming one side or another but just frustrated at their...
  5. Tango

    Day 3-5

    What dental work did you do? How much was it? I need to find a good dentist for a cleaning. Maybe I will try Dr. Meta. Thanks for sharing about your trip. Looks like you're having a great trip. How long are you in Argentina?
  6. Tango

    Day 6-7

    Have you had a chance to watch any tango @CraigM? You shouldn't leave Buenos Aires without watching some live tango. They dance in San Telmo on Sunday mornings and afternoons. Also, usually in Recoleta on the weekends over near La Biela or you can have your friends take you to a tango show...
  7. Tango

    Economy AFIP increased the amount from which banks and virtual wallets must report the movements of their clients

    Does anyone know if I have a DNI and just use my American credit cards and an ID in from the US if there is any way AFIP will be able to see any activity? When I go to the supermarket they ask for DNI and I just give them my State ID and they input that number. There is no way they can see...
  8. Tango

    Newcomer How much does it cost to live well in Buenos Aires?

    I definitely think it just depends on many factors. You can't really factor in what minimum wage or poverty level salaries are. You also have to see what neighborhood you are living in. Also, long-term rentals are not too easy to get for expats vs short-term places. Not impossible but a royal...
  9. Tango

    Economy What are Argentines' worries?

    I am not Argentine but I am living here now. My #1 worry is inflation and cost of living. I am on a fixed income and I worry if things get too expensive then I will be forced to move. Crime and security is also a concern of mine.
  10. Tango

    Weekly meal preparation services or chefs to cook meals?

    I was wondering if there are any weekly meal preparation services in Buenos Aires? Back home in the US I have used several like Hello Fresh, Home Chef, and Green Chef. I find that is much healthier than fast food. I don't like to cook. Is there any companies like this or people that do this...
  11. Tango

    Argentina on the Couch - The country has the world’s highest concentration of therapists.

    This is correct. This is a very high stress city/country so there is more demand. I think this article is older or these prices are lower. I got a few quotes and talked to friends and most are paying the equivalent of about $20 to $25 USD per hour. I realize I might be getting gringo rate but...
  12. Tango

    Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

    Without the military backing down, it doesn't seem like anything will change. Maduro sent out tanks to the streets which should quiet down protestors. And Venezuela just shut off electricity to the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela.
  13. Tango

    Javier Milei’s government will monitor social media with AI to ‘predict future crimes’

    They are already doing this in China. The problems come when the government uses it in an evil way.
  14. Tango

    Peso long-term rental prices set to drastically increase with inflation index!

    Thank you Betsy! I didn't think to do that. I will check them out. Many thanks.
  15. Tango

    Peso long-term rental prices set to drastically increase with inflation index!

    Thank you for all those details! Ok that explains why it is so difficult. Now we understand. That makes more sense now. I will try to find a listing without a realtor but on the search engines all of them seem to be with a realtor.
  16. Tango

    Peso long-term rental prices set to drastically increase with inflation index!

    It is VERY frustrating looking for long-term rental apartments here. I would think that people would be happy to have an American in their property paying cash each month but many are asking to pay up front! I read a few posts this is normal but I tried looking to maybe furnish an empty property...
  17. Tango

    136° Exposición Rural - Cool event at La Rural - 8,500 pesos

    All of the big guns were in attendance! https://www.lanacion.com.ar/lifestyle/en-fotos-todos-los-invitados-a-la-ceremonia-de-apertura-de-la-exposicion-la-rural-nid28072024/
  18. Tango

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    Same as most of my friends that ended up moving. Even if they recently left they blame Peronism for the past 20 years. Many are itching to move back but waiting to see what happens later this year. For many it's not just about cost of living but lack of opportunities here. Argentina is a great...
  19. Tango

    Official Thread on Corruption in Argentina - Milei Administration Cleaning up house

    The amount of disability fraud claims is staggering! Sounds like just getting rid of all of the various frauds out there will save Argentina billions of dollars each year...
  20. Tango

    Venezuela Election - Will Maduro finally be pushed out of power in Venezuela?

    María Corina Machado will eventually end up as the leader of Venezuela. Sooner or later. 85% of Venezuelans want change. That is too many people and Maduro will eventually topple. USA backs her and so do the people of Venezuela.