many people are saying the border-crossing is now being scrutinized. it is definitely circumventing Immigrations, regardless if it's been tacitly allowed in the past. and no, i don't know if it's possible with a dog (i heard it is if you have a car), so i wouldn't try it without knowing for sure.
so silly to punish people for being squared-away. and i'm less likely to spend money on he next Airbnb, tours, etc. if i don't even know if i can stay in the country in 10 days! this is a serious downside to Buenos Aires. thanks for this info! i was going to waste my time today, since i'm picking-up my new passport nearby anyway. Immigrations has been wholly unhelpful online.
but that's the thing; before 2024, i wouldn't hesitate to trust this. but the premise of these threads is that people are giving real-world experiences about being turned back. what if i go to the ferry, go to Uruguay, then try to come back in and the border guards say
"Migraciones won't le us re-stamp you, because you should have extended your visa at their office in BsAs" - are you guys on this forum going to help me cross illegally so i can get back with my gf and dog?
😉 there's just too much risk, since i'm the main Spanish-speaker. here are all the sources of the
no-border-or-ferry-crossings-anymore concern:
@VINO's experience with their friend in 2023 (not sure on how many times until it was blocked).
@overstayed's conversation with Immigration about possibly needing to leave Argentina soon (not sure the outcome or cause of this).
@Soytoy's story of someone who did border runs for years, getting denied.
@naked's denial when they had to change plans embarrassingly a few years ago.
@Nasdaq's friend who might be banned from Argentina for years.
@former expat's experience in the past of getting denied after 8 years of runs.
@Rick's three-strike rule he was told.
@Cardiac Arrest getting flagged in the system and warned on the 2nd time, after overstaying a year.
@illegal alien's concern of not getting back in (not sure if there was ever a denial).
10. 18Dec2023 posting on the old forum by
@Bajo_cero2 "
Visa runs are illegal according to decreto 616/2010. It is called abuse of tourist visa and allow them to reject you at the border. It is better to overstay, then you become an inhabitant protected by the National Constitution."
11. @miguel741's question on the old forum "There is a lot of theoretical posts on here saying 'forget going to colonial, forget renewing, just overstay as long as you want and nothing bad will ever happen to you' - Has anyone actually done this or is it all just talk ?"
(i believe you guys here are giving bad advice to do border runs).
everyone who is saying 'don't worry about it, it's always worked, and no one will get deported' is just speculating. the rules are changing, there is a new presidency, and things are biometric now. so, no one knows how it will work, or what algorithm will flag them, or how that
Migraciones supervisor will feel subjectively about your case. this isn't to fear-monger, it's to collect info and make a plan for people wanting to come here, but who don't get approved for 1-year temporary Visas.
anyone who has actual experience, please post! i can't do the 10-day window until a month from now, sorry.