been away from this forum for a long time - came to ask if anyone has renewed their
Residencia Temporaria in 2025 yet - can't find anything in the search results here or on the old censored forum...looks like the cost of starting or renewing a Residency is the same price, but the price is now 100,000 Pesos plus 6,000 for
ReNaPer and 4,800 for
Antecedentes Penales criminal history here in Argentina. total would be 110,800 Pesos or $90.82 USD at the Blue rate,
~97 USD at the MEP real-world rate for everything.
Residencia Permanente o Temporaria / Prórroga Residencia Temporaria y/o cambio de categoría a Residente Permanente
100 UMSM"
talk about a price difference from a year ago! i thought i remembered the price being 6,000 Pesos instead of 100k, since i was getting stuck and confused why there were 2 charges of the same 6k and one for 4,800. so i think the Argentine criminal history and
ReNaPer prices are the same, but 6k went to 100k for the
Migraciones submission to start the
does anyone else know anything about any other changes to the process?
@Darksider415 @Vince @betsyross
this will be my first renewal on RadEx (i'm helping someone again), and i know some things might have changed. i'll document all of it for the next person here...all the documents should be the same ones already uploaded for the initial
RadEx application, except now this application includes a photo of the current
DNI card front and back. hopefully the process here in Mendoza will be easier, since it's just a renewal, and they shouldn't need fingerprints or anything new Apostilled. that being said, i'll plan for the worst and hope for the best, since worst-case
Migraciones could require all new rental contract, translated and apostilled, new Accountant number crunching for the person's
Rentista funds, etc. - luckily they haven't left Argentina for a year, so the process should be as smooth as it possibly can be.
for now, all i can report is that you can still pay the
RadEx fee with a US credit card, but you still need to pay cash for the 6,000 and 4,800 Pesos at a post office or bank. and the system seems to be working well for showing the paperwork process. more to come! but 100,000 Pesos is the thing that obviously changed the most for us non-
MerCoSur folks.