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Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

A bummer watching the blue dollar start to go down again.
I asked my local friends there that I met why this is happening and they said that many locals are just tapped out and selling their US dollars that they had saved to pay bills, etc. I am not sure if this is true or not but a few mentioned they are having to liquidate their savings in dollars and buy pesos to pay their bills which have all gone up now.

They said transportation has skyrocketed, healthcare, and also their monthly expenses and food too. My heart goes out to them.
Anyone know why the blue dollar is going down?

This is the explanation in today's La Nacion. Prices keep going higher.

There are simply more people selling USD than buying them.

Yes many locals are dumping US dollars and buying pesos. Today the Blue dollar rate is less than the MEP rate for the first time that I have seen.

I went to a cueva today and they didn't have any pesos. Then I went to another and they were also out of pesos as they said everyone has been buying pesos. Today was 1,000 and it will probably go below 1,000. Getting more expensive by the day for those of us that have USD.
I also went to an exchange house today and they were also out of pesos today. But that happens once in a while.
I was there in November 2023. You have to keep things in perspective. It was 1,000 pesos to $1USD when I was there and it looks like it's still that now. That seems like a great exchange rate to me. I found Buenos Aires extremely affordable compared to the USA and inflation looks like it is slowing down.
I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. To be fair I haven't been back there since November and I am only going by what I am reading online which may be far from reality. I hope all of you that live there have things go well for the next few months and beyond.
Fortunately we're okay. It's the less well off I feel sorry for. I can't imagine how it is for them. Hopefully it'll all work out for the better for everyone in the end. I'm sure it will.
Fortunately we're okay. It's the less well off I feel sorry for. I can't imagine how it is for them. Hopefully it'll all work out for the better for everyone in the end. I'm sure it will.
I totally agree with you @Scottishgaucho. Most of us expats will land on our feets just fine. I do feel sorry for the locals. This is extremely painful for them and the next few months will also be painful. Fixing Argentina definitely spelled a period of pain but hopefully Argentina is in a much better place by this time next year.

This was a great analysis of what is going on with the blue dollar. Spot on target as usual.

So the figures keep telling us. I can't say I've noticed.
Agreed! Where is that one guy who kept insisting that there was no inflation in USD terms?

I totally agree with you @Scottishgaucho. Most of us expats will land on our feets just fine. I do feel sorry for the locals. This is extremely painful for them and the next few months will also be painful. Fixing Argentina definitely spelled a period of pain but hopefully Argentina is in a much better place by this time next year.

This was a great analysis of what is going on with the blue dollar. Spot on target as usual.

I read that this morning.

For people earning in foreign currency, local prices have roughly 2x’d in dollar terms since December last year.
I have learned something in coming to Buenos Aires for the past few decades. Never bet against the US dollar vs. the Argentine peso. The peso might have bouts of strength, but the USD always is better to keep vs. pesos.