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  1. Pink Panther

    Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

    Not sure Argentina is going to win it all. Last win wasn't too impressive.
  2. Pink Panther

    Economy Argentina's Government Removes Price Caps on Cable, Mobile Phone, and Internet Rates

    Oh boy. This is NOT good news. I agree. I thought it was only me. Which company do you use @GlasgowJohn? If they were already raising all of this year I wonder how much they will raise now???
  3. Pink Panther

    Thank you Argentina on behalf of all Russians that moved here to Buenos Aires!

    Welcome to Argentina and congrats on the birth of your baby.
  4. Pink Panther

    Ordering stuff from abroad

    I have used Grabr to order stuff and it works great! I didn't even think about signing up to bring stuff here!
  5. Pink Panther

    Trump Demolished President Biden tonight on the Debates

    I hate both candidates. Trump seemed much calmer than usual.
  6. Pink Panther

    Investigation shows bus firms part-owned by Milei’s father received huge state subsidies - $33 MILLION USD

    I saw that and thought the same thing. I was wondering about how Milei got his $$$$. This explains it.
  7. Pink Panther

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    Yes it has really accelerated the past few days.
  8. Pink Panther

    BA bike guide

    My cousin did this one and enjoyed it a lot. Agree with you @CraigM. It's a great way to discover a new city. We did this in Paris and also parts of Italy and it was great. Group tours might not interest you but these custom individual or for 2 people trips are great as long as you're at the...
  9. Pink Panther

    Milei's alleged success under questioning from studies measuring people's reality

    Maybe Milei should take some advice from President Lula. Just run Argentina and stop trying to rule the world. I have a feeling all these trips are going to backfire on Milei now. His narcissism has gotten too much of a problem now when he is giving speeches about why he should win the Nobel...
  10. Pink Panther

    Anyone got any overstay "horror stories" ?

    I have a friend who has been a perma-tourist for about 10 years. She said it was actually more difficult when they stamped her passport. I would have thought the reverse since they can all see it on the computer screen. She just said it depends on if you get an angry immigration official. She...
  11. Pink Panther

    Milei’s biggest challenge is to foster the societal consensus that Argentina needs to thrive

    The President seems to be in La La land going and accepting fake medals around Europe. There is all this talk about things improving in Argentina but it is just that. Talk. Talk is cheap. Poverty levels are sky-high and no arguing that they are higher under Milei vs. Alberto. Unemployment rates...
  12. Pink Panther

    Newcomer Two-day side trip in August - Mendoza or Bariloche?

    I much prefer Bariloche in the Spring or summer vs. winter. I think the city can be overrated.
  13. Pink Panther

    Homicide, robbery and petty theft on the rise in Greater Buenos Aires

    It is crazy but there are a lot of those types of events all around the world now. My friends worry and ask me if all is ok in Argentina and I laugh at them and tell them I see daily crazy events all over the world in first world countries much worse. Paris, London, USA, Ireland, Italy.
  14. Pink Panther

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    I just think Milei needs to take care of business first in Argentina. Companies are probably not going to invest until they see big changes in Argentina. The country is still as messed up as ever only now it's much more expensive vs. last year. I know many people that have moved out of...
  15. Pink Panther

    Culture Shocks from Living in Argentina as an Expat?

    I found this video by accident today after watching a video on Meloni. But it got me wondering, what are your cultural shocks for you about living in Buenos Aires or Argentina as an expat? Here is a video below about some of them from expats. For me when I first got here it was a big shock of...
  16. Pink Panther

    Meloni greets Milei @ G7 (❤️)

    I looked for the video after I read your post. I found it! What a strong woman!
  17. Pink Panther

    Thieves getting more aggressive robbing in the middle of the day to cars

    Stay safe out there. As the recession is so bad people are getting more aggressive. Thieves robbed the owner of a car during the day. I haven't seen this sort of thing before and now happening daily...
  18. Pink Panther

    The World’s Widest Avenue Has 16 Lanes – And Takes An Eternity To Cross (Avenida 9 de Julio)

    Great that people love so many different streets of the city. I enjoy walking down Avenida Corrientes. I love theaters and this is known as the Street that never sleeps. Love watching shows at the Teatro Gran Rex and never can get tired of El Ateneo Grand Splendid.
  19. Pink Panther

    How do you buy credit or "saldo" for a pre paid cell phone ?

    This kind of thing usually don't happen here. Seems strange. Are you sure they only put in the wrong amount?
  20. Pink Panther

    Extreme vandalism and damage to beautiful statues in Buenos Aires

    In that article it says some thieves got electrocuted and died. Justice.