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  1. J

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    Let's hope the 2nd half of the year Milei does some good things and the economy improves. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/op-ed/and-so-it-begins.phtml
  2. J

    I don't care what they say about me as long as they spell the name of the country Argentina right.

    See that Milei picked up another semi-dodgy prize in Germany. To all of you Milei supporters that think it's ok to go around the world and accept all these awards. How many is enough? How often should he be doing this? Doesn't Argentina have enough problems going on now to solve? It sounds...
  3. J

    Argentina and Ukraine working on joint weapons? Is this true?

    The world all over just seems to have changed in the past few years. People are all more angry than before. So much conflict and disputes. Immigration problems all over. There is also a big separation of people that have money and people that don't.
  4. J

    Post office is requesting immigration paperwork or forms when picking up a package in Buenos Aires?

    I met up with an American that has been living in Buenos Aires the past 15 months. It was an acquaintance of a friend. He did not speak Spanish at all but he claims that he ordered something from the USA and his mom sent it via the post office and it was just a book and worth almost nothing...
  5. J

    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    Yes if they keep up with these increases one would have to assume many will just cancel their plans. At a certain point you reach a tipping point where they will get cancellations but maybe that is their goal?
  6. J

    Advice on buying a new car in Buenos Aires?

    Funny you mention this. Just last night I saw a car parallel parking in Soho and there was a really tight spot. There was a car behind that had a lot of room in front of it and the guy wedged his car in and was bumping on the bumper ahead and kept pushing the car. I don't know if that causes...
  7. J

    Medical Healthcare medical monthly premiums are going to get increased!

    I just talked to one of my friends that told me their healthcare bill went up almost 40% in January and it's going up 31% in February. That seems crazy to me.
  8. J

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    Totally correct. It is funny people are celebrating but I think half the time journalists talk about Argentina or pretend to understand it, most of them probably have never set foot in the country or understand what is going on here.
  9. J

    Food & Drink Vegan food in BA?

    Hierbabuena was good and tasty. Hierbabuena · AAN, Av. Caseros 454, C1152 CABA, Argentinien ★★★★☆ · Naturkostrestaurant maps.app.goo.gl Vegan Fox on Gorriti was awesome. VEGAN FOX · Gorriti 5213, C1414 CABA, Argentinien ★★★★★ · Burgerrestaurant maps.app.goo.gl La Veverde was good too! La...
  10. J

    Food & Drink Pizza Restaurants in Buenos Aires - What are some of your favorite pizza places in Buenos Aires, Argentina?

    I went to a few good places that were vegan as my friend with us was vegan. Hierbabuena was good and tasty. https://maps.app.goo.gl/sMJFVqs1qYbMrgxG7 Vegan Fox on Gorriti was awesome. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Qid7e1V7Cstq85zY9 La Veverde was good too! https://maps.app.goo.gl/fdrirw6G82y7fLVJ6
  11. J

    Changes in the SUBE: users who do not have it registered will have to pay up to $589

    Just an FYI, I went to the main Subte office at the Retiro station yesterday morning and there was a very long line of people waiting to register their card. If I had to guess there were probably about 175 people in line.
  12. J

    Is anyone else cutting back on vacation with the inflation? Most of my friends are.

    Definitely cutting back. Did not go home this year. Heading to Brazil before they make the change to have to get a Visa. They extended it and I hope they extend it again.
  13. J

    Western Union

    Western Union rate today was 1,293.13.
  14. J

    Newcomer Tickets for the Independiente vs Racing match on February 25 or General Soccer Game Advice?

    Are these tours worth it? I thought it would be easier and cheaper to go to a soccer match in Argentina! I heard it was a poor country and surprised tickets cost so much. It's all a bit overwhelming and expensive and doesn't feel authentic at all. Feels like a touristy type thing going to...
  15. J

    Economy They hacked a digital wallet and emptied dollar accounts of Argentine users - Infobae

    They hacked a digital wallet and emptied dollar accounts of Argentine users - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/19/hackearon-una-billetera-digital-y-vaciaron-cuentas-en-dolares-de-usuarios-argentinos/ Payoneer, a multi-currency tool widely used by freelancers who...
  16. J

    Economy New York Times - Paul Krugman: Why dollarization is a fantasy

    I have much to learn about Argentine economy. What is the main motivation for Milei wanting to dollarize economy? It doesn't sound like it will happen any time soon. But I was curious.
  17. J

    Chori - Delicious Choripan Restaurant in Palermo Soho

    Thanks @earlyretirement! That is cool how you take photos of the menu throughout year. I never thought of that but will check that App out. Is it free? That is some crazy inflation all within the past few months.
  18. J

    Price of Beef will skyrocket at Parillas and steak restaurants! Good time to become a vegeterian!

    Thanks for posting the prices! I was wondering what the recent prices are. I saw some Twitter posts but the price seems like it's flip flopping at Don Julio. Thanks for posting this. Helpful! Still looks darn expensive to me compared to other places for steak!
  19. J

    Extending a Tourist Visa in Buenos Aires to be a permanent-tourist in Argentina

    Welcome! I'm glad it helped. Good luck. Just note the employees at these government offices are very lazy. I don't know if you can speak Spanish but that helps as none of them speak any English. Just a note that the Caja sign isn't some official sign. They only had it written on a piece of...