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  1. Rick

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    You make some good points. Eating at home isn't as home as eating out but much easier on the wallet! True you can get affordable meals but plenty of places in BA where prices are out of whack. Food here is expensive compared to local wages. Not sure how anyone can argue with that. I am always...
  2. Rick

    Wooohoooo!!!!! One PR down, one to go!

    It makes NO sense that the USA Embassy in Buenos Aires is so strict on Argentines that want to visit the USA for vacation. I have several friends that have gotten rejected for a tourist visa to visit the States. This makes ZERO sense to me considering all of the illegals they are allowing to...
  3. Rick

    Water bill (Aysa) skyrocketed up 400% from normal bill. Any others?

    He said that the big increases are just starting now. I can't get through via phone or email to anyone at Aysa but will try to go to their office and see.
  4. Rick

    Chacarita Is Buenos Aires’s Quirkiest Neighborhood. Get There Soon. - New York Times

    Most likely will change like the other authentic neighborhoods. Lots of developers are now buying land there so it will probably go the same way as Soho soon. :(
  5. Rick

    Water bill (Aysa) skyrocketed up 400% from normal bill. Any others?

    I just got my Aysa water bill today. It normally is very very low but today I got a bill for 83,000 pesos. Anyone else get a big increase in their water bill? We only have 2 people in our apartment. This is over 4 X what it usually is. I asked my doorman and he said the rates drastically...
  6. Rick

    Real Estate Sales Another micro-neighborhood of Buenos Aires' Palermo - Palermo Freud

    The private garages within your own apartment building are the ones that are very expensive now. Many of those listings look like a space in a public garage. You can see in one of the listings the Estacionamento blue and white sign. Many people don't like those as there are always strangers...
  7. Rick

    New banking restrictions for expats living in Buenos Aires? Did anyone else get an email from their bank? (UIF Resolution 14/2023)

    I have just about had it with this country. So much corruption and things don't make sense at all. I have family that is going through the process for residency here and it is almost impossible to even open up a bank account to comply with regulations from Migraciones so they can get a DNI...
  8. Rick

    Taxes General contract for Monotributo

    I asked my friend that does Monotributo and he said he doesn't have any contract at all.
  9. Rick

    Newcomer Can I Drink The Tap Water In Buenos Aires?

    I would avoid tap water in BA. It is horrible. Many times I can smell the chlorine in the water when I shower.
  10. Rick

    Food & Drink Café Martínez,

    I agree the food isn't bad at these. I was just at the Cafe Martinez across from Distrito Arcos shopping mall and had a good salad and good coffee.
  11. Rick

    Newcomer WTF is the deal with Pedestrians not having the right of way in Buenos Aires. I almost got killed today at a green light

    Wow. Did someone call 911? How did they arrive there so quickly? I am amazed I almost never see ambulances in Buenos Aires. Did the girl with the moped get charged or ticketed? It seems like there is always a way to pay and get out of this situation.
  12. Rick

    Recommendations for a private Spanish instructor or tutor in Buenos Aires?

    Totally correct about dating a local. That is the best way to learn a language. You learn fast that way, especially if they don't speak English!
  13. Rick

    Western Union

    Rate hasn't moved. Today was 1239.50 pesos to $1 US.
  14. Rick

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time

    I love all of these people that pretend like you can wave a magic wand and just dollarize the Argentine economy! It is kind of funny to read this stuff. https://www.aier.org/article/dollarization-in-argentina-a-missed-opportunity/
  15. Rick

    What happens if Argentina gets too expensive? What are alternative cities/countries to move to when it's overpriced in Argentina?

    I lived in Spain, and I'm there a lot for work. I don't really agree that Spanish people are having a tough time. Sure, it's not perfect, and the salaries might not be super high, but you can get by just fine. There's plenty of work for those willing to put in the effort. They might complain a...
  16. Rick

    Price of Beef will skyrocket at Parillas and steak restaurants! Good time to become a vegeterian!

    If folks can't be bothered to do a little homework before casting their votes, well, that's their own special choice of adventure. It's not like Milei's game plan was hidden in a treasure chest guarded by dragons. It was out there, clear as day, waiting for anyone with five minutes of attention...
  17. Rick

    Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

    I did my DNI a while ago but my buddy wants to move to BA. He has been down now 6 months and he knows he wants to call it home. He is a retired Navy Seal and has a pension. He visited with a lawyer who told him that he definitely met the financial requirements of the Pensioned Visa but told...
  18. Rick

    Legal Any risk to constantly overstaying on tourist visa? How many times can you do border runs in Argentina?

    The 3 strikes rule is true. I have my DNI now and have for many years but several years ago I was also a permanent-tourist and I was specifically told by a customs/immigration officer that this was the case. I was on my 2nd overstay paying the penalty and they pulled me into a room and asked...
  19. Rick

    Economy Argentina's Milei Devalues Peso by 54% in First Batch of Shock Measures - Bloomberg

    The cepo, unlike the period from 2015-2019, still stands. Consequently, the blue dollar persists and is likely to increase in prominence. The MEP/CCL dollar, along with the blue dollar, remains the sole accessible currency for Argentines. This creates an incentive to acquire MEP/CCL/Blue dollars...
  20. Rick

    Food & Drink Does anyone else notice their coffee recently not tasting good?

    I enjoy strolling to Belgrano or Núñez, exploring the cafes along the way. Whether or not I've done a prior Google search, I enter cafes and inquire about their roasting practices. It's not uncommon to spot a small roasting machine tucked away in the back room or a side garage. The growth of...