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Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

I never saw a country where things can change so much so quickly.
Yes very very true. Not a dull country. Many locals were selling dollars to pay bills but hopefully things are stabilizing. With the lower interest rates people are losing interest in investing it in their accounts. Inflation is still too high.

It is nice to see the blue dollar finally go up. This is what I was waiting for. And prices at the grocery store are finally starting to go down. This is a big win/win. I hope the rate keeps going up. Milei cutting the interest rate definitely is helping the blue rate. It is moving fairly quickly and hope it gains momentum. Makes it much more affordable here with dollars.
Up another 2% today! Hit 1,300 today. I think by end of June we will be at 1,500 at least. But as you said @GlasgowJohn it is anyone's guess.
Seems to be momentum now. When this happens, everyone moves their spare cash and each paycheck buying dollars. For a while it slowed down but most people realize saving pesos in Argentina is not wise. Everyone I seem to talk to says it will go to 1,500 soon. So pyscholoigcally everyone will push it there probably quickly.
The blue USD closed at 1275 yesterday

A friend from Florida asked me to predict where it would be at the end of June.

I replied, Let me send you this weekend's lottery Numbers as that is much easier....
Seems like it is going so quickly now. Is it just the lowering of interest rates? That doesn't seem like it could be right? Where so many people really depositing their pesos into high interest bearing accounts? I thought locals always saved in USD? Can this explanation really be true? If interest rates are really 289% even if you're getting paid a high interest rate you are losing money just keeping it in the savings account. Something doesn't make sense.

I can't believe so many people were in fixed term deposits? @GlasgowJohn do you keep your savings in fixed term deposits? Seems like a losing proposition.

Seems like it is going so quickly now. Is it just the lowering of interest rates? That doesn't seem like it could be right? Where so many people really depositing their pesos into high interest bearing accounts? I thought locals always saved in USD? Can this explanation really be true? If interest rates are really 289% even if you're getting paid a high interest rate you are losing money just keeping it in the savings account. Something doesn't make sense.

I can't believe so many people were in fixed term deposits? @GlasgowJohn do you keep your savings in fixed term deposits? Seems like a losing proposition.

These peso is overvalued. No doubt about it. For a while and probably still people were selling their dollars to pay bills. I don't have friends that are in fixed term deposit accounts. All my local friends have always taken any peso income and immediately purchased dollars. For the past few months it has gotten strange and they didn't know what would happen and the USD was losing value. But now they are all rushing to buy USD again.

Many also believe that all of these banks offering mortgages is causing more pressure on the exchange rate true. The government is trying to do a crawling peg but I don't know if they can control it. Now everyone is going back to buying USD again. People coming to their senses. Argentina still has a ton of problems and likely to get worse as the year goes on.
My banker friend told me that much of this has to do with agriculture and harvests. Many farmers have yet to sell their harvests because the white official dollar rate is artificially low and overvalued. As the official rate goes up they make more money. I think what might happen is the government might just have to give them some special rate for the agriculture segment.
The “blue” dollar reached $1,300 for sale, in its fifth consecutive day on the rise. Analysts believe that monetary circulation and the liquidation of exports will define the trend for the banknote.
No one really knows if the trend will continue. Lots of factors at play including IMF's big disbursement.
Looks like you called it Betsy Ross. Noticed today dropped 4.69%. Very volatile.
