it's not that different from anywhere else in the world. i've been to 50 countries and there are always discount restaurants/stores, and touristy places where you can spend a ton of Dollars. i documented many affordable meals in CABA the 3 months i was there, in Villa Crespo, Monserrat, Palermo Chico, and Belgrano...of course if you want to live cheap, you buy beef and cook/grill at home. eating out is always more expensive, and eating out in Palermo SoHo is of course the craziest
it's much better now! when were you in Argentina, early 2024? i just got a 4-pack of economy toilet paper for 900 Pesos each (20 cents USD per roll). there are expensive brands that you can pay $5 USD for a pack, especially if you shop at the closest store to an upscale building/area. i've been enjoying home delivery once a week from Jumbo/etc. for getting screaming deals on certain days!
yeah, but mostly just because the majority of first-time tourists are told (me included) to stay in Palermo, so prices are ALWAYS higher. but once you have a month under your belt, it's easy to walk around and notice that prices are much cheaper away from the rich folk. the same thing happens in the USA, where grocery stores like Whole Foods charge 4x for the same product in a normal neighborhood's shopping center (Kroger, etc.) - i used to watch my roommate buy $6 gallons of Organic milk from Sprout's/WholeFoods while i went a mile away and bought a gallon of regular Kroger whole milk for $1.99 USD. it's just a matter of applying that same scrutiny when you're traveling or living as an Expat
🙂 most people buy things at the closest Kiosk and pay $2 USD for a can of beer that you can get on sale for 500 Pesos (40 cents USD) a block away.
agreed, Argentina is super safe, and Mendoza is EXTREMELY safe and clean on the main trendy street Aristides. i saw a few shady druggies in CABA, but never in Mendoza. Cordoba has a downtown with some beggars that i didn't like, but overall it felt a little safer than BsAs. we have to remember that most of the Peronists are in BsAs, and it's like judging the USA on New York City problems.
i heard a good way to describe
wealth: if your money flow stopped today, how long would you be able to sustain your lifestyle? days, weeks, months? i could live in Argentina for 2 years with the 40k i brought for my Rentier residency, easily. probably more once i have a DNI and am more settled in Mendoza. infinitely, once i buy a house/apartment with crypto (renting a couple rooms out would pay all my bills, most likely, and i'd never have to work a 'real' job again).
i suspect the amount of
supply is affecting the perception of less rentals - remember we just this year had the Rental Law restrictions repealed, so apartments sitting empty probably have been returned to Airbnb, so overall landlords have to compete more, and travelers have more options and better prices:
have you checked with the commies, like Larry and the usual suspects? (i haven't seen Avocado or CheVos in a while, but they usually float over every now and then to spew their tribal propaganda) - actually, the Noquis and others explicitly say that it is evil Milei that caused everything. maybe check with your local
peronistas and get back to me? and they always cite something as record-high to 'prove' it
oh yeah,
@Vero here ya go! you guys can chat about it if you want. dumb-dumb-Larry is clearly saying that poverty levels are all-time-high right now, and wanna take a bet what his beliefs are regarding
just like in the USA, if you seek-out one side's propaganda newspapers, you can find a 'journalist' saying what you want to hear. in the case of the FearPorn here:
"Argentina’s poverty rate almost 52%, university study finds"
The report states that approximately 14.2 million urban residents are below the poverty line
yeah? which university? who paid for the study? what are their political motivations? has it been peer-reviewed? are there economists at that same university who would disagree? did anyone ask them? did other universities agree and come to the same independent numbers? how does the 52% compare to Dec2023? is this based on official dollar rate versus Blue, or using the now-higher Official rate after it was hiked-up this year?
14.2 million people are under the poverty line, really? (Apr2024 claim).
from that article, "Yearly inflation in Argentina is now running at 287.9%, according to figures released on Friday. The number, 9.7 points higher than February’s, indicates that Argentina’s runaway price hikes remain the worst in the world. Monthly inflation cooled to 11% in March, a two-point drop from February, according to the report. The number marks the third monthly decrease in a row after it hit 25.5% in December, the highest since February 1991. Cumulative inflation for the first three months of the year reached 51.6%."
...i watched prices change weekly in CABA Nov-Dec2023. i have seen price increases in the latter half of this year MUCH LESS frequently. again: if Tuna was 5000 Pesos a can when i got here, and now it's 1600 Pesos, how come that wasn't in the "study"? how come
Bife Ancho and similar steaks were 6000-9000 Pesos per kilo earlier this year, and they are still that price today in Sep2024? this is one of those cases where real life just doesn't match the claims of "Experts"
obviously BuenosAiresHerald is a left-wing paper. have they ever published anything hopefuly or positive about this year's reforms and deregulations?
next FearPorn example:
"Poverty climbed to 55.5% in first quarter, according to UCA"
Data obtained in new study highlights chilling growth in poverty levels – nearly 25 million people in urban areas nationwide are now considered to be poor.
"The latest report from the influential Observatorio de la Deuda Social of the Universidad Católica Argentina (Social Debt Observatory of the Catholic University of Argentina, ODSA-UCA) put poverty at 55.5 percent for the first quarter of this year – up from 44.7 in the third quarter of 2023 and 49.5 percent in December, when President Javier Milei was sworn into office."
...ah yes, the unbiased Vatican-funded school and its 'Science' for this one. so, the same Pope who lambasts free markets and nationalism, and wants western countries to be overrun with third-world Islamist illegal immigrants, is totally unbiased when doing a 'study' on Argentine poverty? lolz.
"poverty affects some 25 million people nationwide" - really,
25 million in Argentina? and "An adult making less than US$132 is considered to live in extreme poverty, or destitution." - ummmm, first of all, what are their bills? if they live without rent in a shared house that their family owns, and don't make car payments, and phone/internet is dirt cheap, and rice/flour/sweet potatoes/basic goods are extremely cheap in Argentina, what exactly is "poverty" about that? and how would this Catholic university even track income to 132 dollars??
"an economy with almost 50 percent informal employment." - ah, there's the bullshit! 50%? you guys think it's 50% in the country? everyone trying to sell me a house is saying to record 20-40% of the value on the deed. anyone else think the
negra work percentage is more like 70-80%? because overwhelmingly that's what i'm told now for 9 months - at least 70% of gigs/sales/etc. is under the table. in cash. untraceable, mostly. so Catholic university nonsense studies have even admitted they're at least
half full of sh*t : )
let's be real, there are a crapload of lazy people who are contributing nothing to society, sitting on their butts all day, and many are mad because they used to get paid to be helpless, and now they need to find a way to work and make money and provide services/goods to society. life's hard - Argentina ABSOLUTELY doesn't have higher poverty than Nigeria, for example. you can make all the fake studies you want, but it doesn't mean anything. remember when 'scholars' made-up 'studies' to 'prove' all sorts of Woke stuff, and it got peer-reviewed and published? i do! Leftist universities and left-wing newspapers aren't reliable sources for this type of politically-charged data, sorry.
last FearPorn i'll try to debunk (i am not an expert, but neither are any of these clowns who probably voted for vaccine passports/mandates/lockdowns, and thus have zero credibility)
"Argentina's August inflation still stubborn as residents struggle to save" 11Sep2024
"Argentina's monthly inflation rate stood at 4.2% in August, official data published on Wednesday showed, rising from last month and surpassing analysts' forecasts, while Argentines tighten their wallets to deal with spiraling costs." - man, you'd really think the country was imploding, reading that. yet, i see Argies traveling every damn weekend to different areas on family vacations. of course there are poor people around the world. this article, and other similar ones, are saying that this is a
new phenomenon yet we know that all of 2023 was a death-spiral for the Peso and the economy here. also, how many of these scammy articles are using the trickery of the Official/Blue Dollar difference that happened this year?
in the real world, prices have been stable for the first time since i got here. anyone who wants specifics can message me and i'll happily walk around and document prices for ya. some better links than commie propaganda AKA fake news:
1. January starting inflation
2. Pesos are not used as much as the commies imply. Dollars are stored and used more than anyone knows
3. prices at stores are SO MUCH BETTER than the chaos i walked into in November 2023. i literally came to Argentina to track this, from election victory, to Inauguration, to law reform, to Milei's visit to Cordoba in May2024, to now as we descend into the global recession that the US Empire created (and nearing WW3 with nukes). if anyone wants to show me prices in early 2024 compared to late 2024, i'm happy to see evidence otherwise. here's data point 99,999 that i've shown here, yet i've received no evidence to back the claims that Argentina is somehow unique in 2024 with Milei, versus in 2022-2023 with the Ks were sucking the country dry
sure. the loud minority are, though. and all they care about is screaming about how Milei is evil...because their remote-work paychecks turned off. sucks to meet reality, but it was inevitable. "Many people are struggling in _________" - this is true about any city in every part of the world. so what? how many of them are druggies? how many are lazy and prefer to be transients? these appeals to emotion don't work on me, and they're not good for any country to entertain. 95% of people who want free sh*t are physically able to get a job instead of walking around selling trash bags or socks. sorry, tough love is necessary sometimes. otherwise people end up having Learned Helplessness and dependency on the government