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  1. P

    Newcomer Another Strike at Aeroparque

    They should fire all of these Aerolineas employees and just start all over. There are plenty of people that would take their jobs. I read today that the Aerolineas Argentinas pilots and their family members were able to pre-reserve award business class tickets free up to 45 days in advance...
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    Why is Javier Milei spending more on Argentina’s army?

    Tough sell. Most people I talk to have no interest in building up the military here. Especially not now when there are so many financial problems. Last thing they should be focused on.
  3. P

    How much are you allowed to bring into Argentina (Goods allowance) for Tourist and Resident?

    Quiet isn't bad but I think I would be too bored that for from the city. The charm to BA to me is just being able to come down from my apartment and have everything close by. I think being that far outside of BA wouldn't really feel like BA but to each their own. BA can get cold in the winter...
  4. P

    Taxes All the tariff increases that arrive in September

    People just need to learn to turn down their usage. So many locals were used to dirt cheap prices and just leave all their lights on and keep the heat blasting or AC all day long in the summer even if they aren't home. I saw some posts on X and the amount of kwh people are using is insane!
  5. P

    Economy Goodbye to the Pais tax (impuesto pais)?

    Economy Minister Luis Caputo announces government will lower levy known as 'PAIS tax' from 17.5% to 7.5%. This hopefully will cause people to spend money again. https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/economy/milei-lowers-impuesto-pais-key-import-tariff-to-cool-inflation.phtml
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    President Javier Milei Lays out Blueprint for Dollarization in Argentina

    Correct. I read this blog today and it was very realistic. I don't see any way the currency won't get devalued in the future...
  7. P

    Newcomer Which neighborhood do you recommend?

    Everyone talks about Recoleta and Palermo but BA has a lot of great neighborhoods that are all nice and less expensive than those areas. Don't get me wrong. Those are really nice neighborhoods. Belgrano too but there are others that are nice and less expensive. I do agree it is nice being very...
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    Real Estate Sales With money laundering, these will be the properties that will increase the most in price - IProfesional

    It definitely can't hurt the sector. I wonder how many billions will enter Argentina with this amnesty?
  9. P

    Newcomer A Large Percentage of Argentinians Want to Be Digital Nomads: A Growing Trend!

    I went to Bogota and couldn't believe how horrible the traffic is there! How do you guys manage there? My friend there told me he can only drive it part of the week and has to take public transport the rest of the week but it was very slow. I used Uber but traffic was so bad sometimes I had to...
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    Poverty has no limit in Argentina

    If the kukas had their way everything would be free. 🤡
  11. P

    Banking What is going on with the Blue dollar? Why is it going down?

    I thought we would see another devaluation but Milei says it won't happen. It is difficult to know for sure what will happen as the government is manipulating the currency so much. https://buenosairesherald.com/politics/milei-says-he-wont-devaluate-downplays-importance-of-currency-controls
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    What is the future of the Art and Cinema world under President Milei with all the funding cuts?

    I just saw this scandal with this Florenica Pena. It looks like INCA gave her film $16 million USD for a film that no one watched? Good example why they needed to get rid of funding INCA.
  13. P

    Banking Credit Card real-world rate "MEP" transaction repo (Dec2023)

    @StatusNomadicus did you ever get the refund from AMEX? I charged a charge about 2 weeks ago and still didn't get the refund back for MEP rate. Does anyone know how long this takes to get the difference back?
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    A newsletter for expats in Buenos Aires

    Thanks for taking the time to share this!
  15. P

    Day 1-2

    Second about visiting San Telmo on a Sunday. It is fun to see all of the people and the tango dancing. Looking forward to read how the rest of your trip goes. It's fun to read trip reports and people's first time impressions of Buenos Aires.
  16. P

    Fitch says default on Argentine bonds in foreign currency likely

    I guess maybe Milei is not winning that Nobel prize after all? :unsure:
  17. P

    Is it weird you never hear about expats being robbed leaving Western Union

    People need to be careful leaving exchange places or even Western Union. I was in Soho today at WU and just note if you see motorcycles. There was 2 guys on a motorcycle down the street. You can feel people are more desperate now. I see more people begging for money now than ever before.
  18. P

    Western Union

    Data point. I picked up cash today and the rate today was 1,333.50 to $1 today. MEP rate today was 1,327.
  19. P

    Donald Trump Assasination Attempt today - July 13, 2024

    But what happens in the states where they don't allow a change in the nominee?