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Argentina Rentista Visa for 2024? What is the minimum income now for retirement visa for Argentina?

Fair enough. You express yourself very well without the name-calling so, please, refrain from it. Thanks.

I will check that link later, don't have the time now. But, if I recall correctly, you start being taxed after the first year of becoming a resident. I'll get back to you on this.
I agree with Sunny. Many of your posts come across as intelligent but then when I read some of your other posts it is a huge turn off and makes me wonder if your posts I thought were intelligent are accurate. Just skip the foul talk.
Fair enough. You express yourself very well without the name-calling so, please, refrain from it. Thanks.

I will check that link later, don't have the time now. But, if I recall correctly, you start being taxed after the first year of becoming a resident. I'll get back to you on this.
Also agree. No forum needs cursing. It adds zero value at all to the discussion.
Argentina's AFIP and USA's IRS will begin to share information with one another starting in 2025
part of that new-world-order stuff, eh? that would be a shame, but it's always smartest to hedge against those things ... 'plan for the worst while hoping for the best'

of note for the handful of people who think cursing is never appropriate - feel free to mute me. i've already muted the usual suspects like Avocado, Flamingo, Larry...the ones who offer nothing of value, yet post constantly on an Expat forum. i don't really care if you think cursing is "bad" and i've already presented an argument for why it's fine to swear at times. i have no issues with 95% of the people here, and don't swear in most of my posts, but every now and then when Avocado et al. are polluting the forum with peronist propaganda, it's alright to use some profanity. especially when they are confirmed liars and political zealots, brigading an Expat forum (again: why are Peronist Argentines on an Expat forum? that's weird).

you start being taxed after the first year of becoming a resident.
1. a tax resident is "a foreigner who has obtained its permanent residence status in Argentina or has legally been living in the country for twelve or more (Income Tax Law, section 119)" according to https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-...nce/tax-residency/Argentina_Tax_Residency.pdf

2. "You become a tax resident in Argentine if you fall under one of the following categories: Native and naturalized Argentine citizens. Foreign individuals who are granted permanent residence in Argentina. Foreign individuals who remain in the country under temporary authorisation for a period of 12 months or more" https://contractortaxation.com/argentina/tax-in-argentina/

...so i think you're right, if you mean that Permanent Residency or Expats/etc. who are in Argentina for a year. i'll be asking my accountant in Cordoba about this, and if anyone needs a good Public Accountant, i can for sure recommend Mercedes "Mecha" Jalil (but she is from the college in Cordoba Province, so if you're in CABA/BsAs you probably need an accountant from that province)
part of that new-world-order stuff, eh? that would be a shame, but it's always smartest to hedge against those things ... 'plan for the worst while hoping for the best'

of note for the handful of people who think cursing is never appropriate - feel free to mute me. i've already muted the usual suspects like Avocado, Flamingo, Larry...the ones who offer nothing of value, yet post constantly on an Expat forum. i don't really care if you think cursing is "bad" and i've already presented an argument for why it's fine to swear at times. i have no issues with 95% of the people here, and don't swear in most of my posts, but every now and then when Avocado et al. are polluting the forum with peronist propaganda, it's alright to use some profanity. especially when they are confirmed liars and political zealots, brigading an Expat forum (again: why are Peronist Argentines on an Expat forum? that's weird).

1. a tax resident is "a foreigner who has obtained its permanent residence status in Argentina or has legally been living in the country for twelve or more (Income Tax Law, section 119)" according to https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-...nce/tax-residency/Argentina_Tax_Residency.pdf

2. "You become a tax resident in Argentine if you fall under one of the following categories: Native and naturalized Argentine citizens. Foreign individuals who are granted permanent residence in Argentina. Foreign individuals who remain in the country under temporary authorisation for a period of 12 months or more" https://contractortaxation.com/argentina/tax-in-argentina/

...so i think you're right, if you mean that Permanent Residency or Expats/etc. who are in Argentina for a year. i'll be asking my accountant in Cordoba about this, and if anyone needs a good Public Accountant, i can for sure recommend Mercedes "Mecha" Jalil (but she is from the college in Cordoba Province, so if you're in CABA/BsAs you probably need an accountant from that province)
I guess you would prefer an echo chamber where people only post if they agree with your thoughts. Cursing on forums is just strange to me.
I don't want to mute you. I do curse too and use the F word when I lose it. The reason I have asked you to avoid name-calling is because this forum is the nicest forum out there and I would hate to see it get to the level of the Argentine subs on Reddit where the trolling, name-calling, and the worst and most disgusting cursing/slang are used.

I've muted two people here because of the trolling they do most days. Engaging with that kind of people is a complete waste of time, they are not here to learn from us, as they claim, they are here to stir the pot so I don't give them the satisfaction.

Yeah, I thought so.
Agree about Reddit. Not just on the BA Forum but most turn into a cesspool which renders going to them useless as you're having to scroll through endless amounts of it to find gems.
I don't want to mute you. I do curse too and use the F word when I lose it. The reason I have asked you to avoid name-calling is because this forum is the nicest forum out there and I would hate to see it get to the level of the Argentine subs on Reddit where the trolling, name-calling, and the worst and most disgusting cursing/slang are used.

I've muted two people here because of the trolling they do most days. Engaging with that kind of people is a complete waste of time, they are not here to learn from us, as they claim, they are here to stir the pot so I don't give them the satisfaction.

Yeah, I thought so.
I agree this is the best Buenos Aires forum available. I hope it stays that way. Everyone is mostly very nice and civil here.
continuing on with Rentista/Pensionista discussion, on the old censored forum there is chatter about a Pension-earner having to deposit 2 months worth of 5x salary, in Pesos, to get their DNI approved:

for Rentista, i did not (yet) get this requirement. i was verbally told in Cordoba Province at Migraciones (when i asked; otherwise there was no mention of the details) that i would need to deposit in Pesos the 5x monthly salary for every month i wanted Residency. calculating a possible 35% tax as well as losing the many Pesos from Blue Dollar to Official rate, this could be very expensive over 2 years, especially since i'm not making any money, but am instead using a HYSA/High-Yield Savings Account with fixed disbursements monthly to my Checking account (all in the USA, all in Dollars). if the monthly salary is 234,316 Pesos: https://www.infobae.com/economia/20...el-salario-minimo-vital-y-movil-en-mayo-2024/

...x5 would be 1,171,580 Pesos per month, at the Official Rate 905.50 Pesos/USD seems like the best-possible scenario (not sure about this) https://bluedollar.net/official-rate/

.....the requirement would be $1,294 USD per month, deposited into an Argentine account (for me, at BNA) in Pesos. if that was taxed at 35%, it would be a cost of $453 USD per month, and if you add-in the 214.5 Peso/USD difference between Blue and Official Dollar rates (1120 - 905.50), $1,294 x 214.5 Pesos = 277,563 Pesos per month lost, or $248 USD per month extra, so 24 months of 453 and 248 could potentially be $16,824 USD to get citizenship if you followed these possible requirements.

****this math is surely wrong, and i don't know which Buy/Sell (Compra/Venta) number to use for the Blue and Official Dollar rates, and i'm sure i made several mistakes, but i'm not sure anyone has ever tried to calculate the potential cost of a Pension/Rentier cost in the worst-case scenario*****

that being said, i wouldn't just go send Rubilar @Bajo_cero2 $7,000 USD and hope for the best, given his lack of actual references who have won citizenship after being illegal (insert joke about Roman slave serf laws, as needed). but it might not be a bad idea for someone who is making $5,000 USD/month in a Pension/retirement to hire a Public Accountant or some sort of financial law firm, because the few grand spent might save you any more thousands. got any clients who have any actual number about possible lost Dollar value, @earlyretirement? or have anyone you know that has done this math, @Betsy Ross or @Wally? on the old forum, @steveinbsas would have been really great at calculating this much better than my initial attempt.

BUT, for actual real-world data as of May2024, my letter or "Intimación" for Rentista (Savings) said:
"Por la presente se lo intima a Ud. dentro de los 30 días de ésta notificación a presentar ante la Delegación de esta DNM con jurisdicción sobre su domicilio, la siguiente documentación: ACREDITAR ANTE LA DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES EL INGRESO AL PAIS DE LOS FONDOS PERCIDIBOS, POR INTERMEDIO DE INSTITUCIONES BANCARIAS O FINANCIERAS AUTORIZADAS POR EL BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA. PRESENTAR CONSTANCIA DE CUENTA BANCARIA ABIERTA EN ARGENTINA. LA PRESENTE SE EFECTUA BAJO APERCIBIMIENTO DE RESOLVER CON LOS ELEMENTOS OBRANTES EN AUTOS. IMPORTANTE: La documentación solicitada deberá ser adjuntada a través de la página web: www.migraciones.gob.ar, sección de Autogestión. Deberá ingresar a "Residencias – Seguí el estado de tu trámite" y luego colocar su número de expediente y fecha de nacimiento en los campos requeridos. Desde allí podrá incorporar la documentación como archivo pdf. Quedan exceptuadas aquellas intimaciones en las cuales Ud. ha sido expresamente citado a presentarse en forma presencial."
"You are hereby invited within 30 days of this notification to present to Migraciones the following documentation: ACCREDITED ENTRY OF FUNDS INTO ARGENTINA, THROUGH BANKS REGULATED BY THE CENTRAL BANK. SUBMIT 'CONSTANCIA' PROOF OF OPEN BANK ACCOUNT IN ARGENTINA. THIS IS MADE UNDER THE WARNING OF RESOLVING WITH THE ELEMENTS WORKING IN CARS. IMPORTANT: The requested documentation must be attached through the website: www.migraciones.gob.ar, Self-management section. You must enter 'ResidencIes – Follow the status of your procedure' and then enter your file number and date of birth in the required fields. From there you can add the documentation as a pdf file. Exceptions are those summonses in which you have been expressly summoned to appear in person."

(i have no idea what "apercibimiento de resolver con los elementos obrantes en autos" means, and neither does Google Translate, apparently). cars? automatically??

anyway, i was required with this "Intimación" to open a bank account (did it at Banco de la Nacion/BNA, with my Precaria), then upload a "Constancia" (opening proof/statement), then i went from "Web Pendiente" status to "Tramite en Proceso de Supervision" - which others have mentioned can take 2 months or almost a year to get a DNI. i suspect the next thing they will send is a requirement to show proof i have deposited Pesos. we shall see! i probably won't take the 'hit' on the exchange rate, and risk paying a ton of taxes to the IRS (AFIP), until i'm forced to (and when both an Accountant and Lawyer tell me there's no way around it).


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continuing on with Rentista/Pensionista discussion, on the old censored forum there is chatter about a Pension-earner having to deposit 2 months worth of 5x salary, in Pesos, to get their DNI approved:

for Rentista, i did not (yet) get this requirement. i was verbally told in Cordoba Province at Migraciones (when i asked; otherwise there was no mention of the details) that i would need to deposit in Pesos the 5x monthly salary for every month i wanted Residency. calculating a possible 35% tax as well as losing the many Pesos from Blue Dollar to Official rate, this could be very expensive over 2 years, especially since i'm not making any money, but am instead using a HYSA/High-Yield Savings Account with fixed disbursements monthly to my Checking account (all in the USA, all in Dollars). if the monthly salary is 234,316 Pesos: https://www.infobae.com/economia/20...el-salario-minimo-vital-y-movil-en-mayo-2024/

...x5 would be 1,171,580 Pesos per month, at the Official Rate 905.50 Pesos/USD seems like the best-possible scenario (not sure about this) https://bluedollar.net/official-rate/

.....the requirement would be $1,294 USD per month, deposited into an Argentine account (for me, at BNA) in Pesos. if that was taxed at 35%, it would be a cost of $453 USD per month, and if you add-in the 214.5 Peso/USD difference between Blue and Official Dollar rates (1120 - 905.50), $1,294 x 214.5 Pesos = 277,563 Pesos per month lost, or $248 USD per month extra, so 24 months of 453 and 248 could potentially be $16,824 USD to get citizenship if you followed these possible requirements.

****this math is surely wrong, and i don't know which Buy/Sell (Compra/Venta) number to use for the Blue and Official Dollar rates, and i'm sure i made several mistakes, but i'm not sure anyone has ever tried to calculate the potential cost of a Pension/Rentier cost in the worst-case scenario*****

that being said, i wouldn't just go send Rubilar @Bajo_cero2 $7,000 USD and hope for the best, given his lack of actual references who have won citizenship after being illegal (insert joke about Roman slave serf laws, as needed). but it might not be a bad idea for someone who is making $5,000 USD/month in a Pension/retirement to hire a Public Accountant or some sort of financial law firm, because the few grand spent might save you any more thousands. got any clients who have any actual number about possible lost Dollar value, @earlyretirement? or have anyone you know that has done this math, @Betsy Ross or @Wally? on the old forum, @steveinbsas would have been really great at calculating this much better than my initial attempt.

BUT, for actual real-world data as of May2024, my letter or "Intimación" for Rentista (Savings) said:
"Por la presente se lo intima a Ud. dentro de los 30 días de ésta notificación a presentar ante la Delegación de esta DNM con jurisdicción sobre su domicilio, la siguiente documentación: ACREDITAR ANTE LA DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES EL INGRESO AL PAIS DE LOS FONDOS PERCIDIBOS, POR INTERMEDIO DE INSTITUCIONES BANCARIAS O FINANCIERAS AUTORIZADAS POR EL BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA. PRESENTAR CONSTANCIA DE CUENTA BANCARIA ABIERTA EN ARGENTINA. LA PRESENTE SE EFECTUA BAJO APERCIBIMIENTO DE RESOLVER CON LOS ELEMENTOS OBRANTES EN AUTOS. IMPORTANTE: La documentación solicitada deberá ser adjuntada a través de la página web: www.migraciones.gob.ar, sección de Autogestión. Deberá ingresar a "Residencias – Seguí el estado de tu trámite" y luego colocar su número de expediente y fecha de nacimiento en los campos requeridos. Desde allí podrá incorporar la documentación como archivo pdf. Quedan exceptuadas aquellas intimaciones en las cuales Ud. ha sido expresamente citado a presentarse en forma presencial."
"You are hereby invited within 30 days of this notification to present to Migraciones the following documentation: ACCREDITED ENTRY OF FUNDS INTO ARGENTINA, THROUGH BANKS REGULATED BY THE CENTRAL BANK. SUBMIT 'CONSTANCIA' PROOF OF OPEN BANK ACCOUNT IN ARGENTINA. THIS IS MADE UNDER THE WARNING OF RESOLVING WITH THE ELEMENTS WORKING IN CARS. IMPORTANT: The requested documentation must be attached through the website: www.migraciones.gob.ar, Self-management section. You must enter 'ResidencIes – Follow the status of your procedure' and then enter your file number and date of birth in the required fields. From there you can add the documentation as a pdf file. Exceptions are those summonses in which you have been expressly summoned to appear in person."

(i have no idea what "apercibimiento de resolver con los elementos obrantes en autos" means, and neither does Google Translate, apparently). cars? automatically??

anyway, i was required with this "Intimación" to open a bank account (did it at Banco de la Nacion/BNA, with my Precaria), then upload a "Constancia" (opening proof/statement), then i went from "Web Pendiente" status to "Tramite en Proceso de Supervision" - which others have mentioned can take 2 months or almost a year to get a DNI. i suspect the next thing they will send is a requirement to show proof i have deposited Pesos. we shall see! i probably won't take the 'hit' on the exchange rate, and risk paying a ton of taxes to the IRS (AFIP), until i'm forced to (and when both an Accountant and Lawyer tell me there's no way around it).
Thanks for sharing all that info. No, I don't have any clients that have recently gotten their permanent residency here. Most of my clients never bother with DNI. Only a few over the years have gotten their DNI. There are big tax consequences for Americans to have permanent residency here so most don't bother with it.

Hopefully things get less murky with Milei as President but all of this is a bit murky. I'm glad I did mine 20 years ago. 2 of my kids were born there so I can easily get Citizenship there but I've just not had time for it and will wait until I move back to Argentina permanently in a few years.
I also haven't known anyone that has gone through the DNI process recently. I did mine many years ago. There is a lot of confusion from the sound of things on financial requirements to send in. I wouldn't know anything about that. I read a lot of old posts in the post but don't read the old forum anymore since I moved over here. Rubilar used to post a lot and not sure if he does anymore. I didn't use him. I never met anyone that did. I didn't like the fact that there was no testimonials that I could talk to.

Here in Argentina you can hire someone and pay them but when there is no guarantee I'm not sure what recourse you would have if things went sideways.
continuing on with Rentista/Pensionista discussion, on the old censored forum there is chatter about a Pension-earner having to deposit 2 months worth of 5x salary, in Pesos, to get their DNI approved:

for Rentista, i did not (yet) get this requirement. i was verbally told in Cordoba Province at Migraciones (when i asked; otherwise there was no mention of the details) that i would need to deposit in Pesos the 5x monthly salary for every month i wanted Residency. calculating a possible 35% tax as well as losing the many Pesos from Blue Dollar to Official rate, this could be very expensive over 2 years, especially since i'm not making any money, but am instead using a HYSA/High-Yield Savings Account with fixed disbursements monthly to my Checking account (all in the USA, all in Dollars). if the monthly salary is 234,316 Pesos: https://www.infobae.com/economia/20...el-salario-minimo-vital-y-movil-en-mayo-2024/

...x5 would be 1,171,580 Pesos per month, at the Official Rate 905.50 Pesos/USD seems like the best-possible scenario (not sure about this) https://bluedollar.net/official-rate/

.....the requirement would be $1,294 USD per month, deposited into an Argentine account (for me, at BNA) in Pesos. if that was taxed at 35%, it would be a cost of $453 USD per month, and if you add-in the 214.5 Peso/USD difference between Blue and Official Dollar rates (1120 - 905.50), $1,294 x 214.5 Pesos = 277,563 Pesos per month lost, or $248 USD per month extra, so 24 months of 453 and 248 could potentially be $16,824 USD to get citizenship if you followed these possible requirements.

****this math is surely wrong, and i don't know which Buy/Sell (Compra/Venta) number to use for the Blue and Official Dollar rates, and i'm sure i made several mistakes, but i'm not sure anyone has ever tried to calculate the potential cost of a Pension/Rentier cost in the worst-case scenario*****

that being said, i wouldn't just go send Rubilar @Bajo_cero2 $7,000 USD and hope for the best, given his lack of actual references who have won citizenship after being illegal (insert joke about Roman slave serf laws, as needed). but it might not be a bad idea for someone who is making $5,000 USD/month in a Pension/retirement to hire a Public Accountant or some sort of financial law firm, because the few grand spent might save you any more thousands. got any clients who have any actual number about possible lost Dollar value, @earlyretirement? or have anyone you know that has done this math, @Betsy Ross or @Wally? on the old forum, @steveinbsas would have been really great at calculating this much better than my initial attempt.

BUT, for actual real-world data as of May2024, my letter or "Intimación" for Rentista (Savings) said:
"Por la presente se lo intima a Ud. dentro de los 30 días de ésta notificación a presentar ante la Delegación de esta DNM con jurisdicción sobre su domicilio, la siguiente documentación: ACREDITAR ANTE LA DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES EL INGRESO AL PAIS DE LOS FONDOS PERCIDIBOS, POR INTERMEDIO DE INSTITUCIONES BANCARIAS O FINANCIERAS AUTORIZADAS POR EL BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA. PRESENTAR CONSTANCIA DE CUENTA BANCARIA ABIERTA EN ARGENTINA. LA PRESENTE SE EFECTUA BAJO APERCIBIMIENTO DE RESOLVER CON LOS ELEMENTOS OBRANTES EN AUTOS. IMPORTANTE: La documentación solicitada deberá ser adjuntada a través de la página web: www.migraciones.gob.ar, sección de Autogestión. Deberá ingresar a "Residencias – Seguí el estado de tu trámite" y luego colocar su número de expediente y fecha de nacimiento en los campos requeridos. Desde allí podrá incorporar la documentación como archivo pdf. Quedan exceptuadas aquellas intimaciones en las cuales Ud. ha sido expresamente citado a presentarse en forma presencial."
"You are hereby invited within 30 days of this notification to present to Migraciones the following documentation: ACCREDITED ENTRY OF FUNDS INTO ARGENTINA, THROUGH BANKS REGULATED BY THE CENTRAL BANK. SUBMIT 'CONSTANCIA' PROOF OF OPEN BANK ACCOUNT IN ARGENTINA. THIS IS MADE UNDER THE WARNING OF RESOLVING WITH THE ELEMENTS WORKING IN CARS. IMPORTANT: The requested documentation must be attached through the website: www.migraciones.gob.ar, Self-management section. You must enter 'ResidencIes – Follow the status of your procedure' and then enter your file number and date of birth in the required fields. From there you can add the documentation as a pdf file. Exceptions are those summonses in which you have been expressly summoned to appear in person."

(i have no idea what "apercibimiento de resolver con los elementos obrantes en autos" means, and neither does Google Translate, apparently). cars? automatically??

anyway, i was required with this "Intimación" to open a bank account (did it at Banco de la Nacion/BNA, with my Precaria), then upload a "Constancia" (opening proof/statement), then i went from "Web Pendiente" status to "Tramite en Proceso de Supervision" - which others have mentioned can take 2 months or almost a year to get a DNI. i suspect the next thing they will send is a requirement to show proof i have deposited Pesos. we shall see! i probably won't take the 'hit' on the exchange rate, and risk paying a ton of taxes to the IRS (AFIP), until i'm forced to (and when both an Accountant and Lawyer tell me there's no way around it).
Looking thru some old bookmarks there was this post on the old forum of someone using Rubilar
Looking thru some old bookmarks there was this post on the old forum of someone using Rubilar
Yikes! I never saw that post but reading it doesn't exactly inspire confidence. I'm not sure if you meant for that to be a testimonial or not. I was confused by it as it sounded like a lot of mistakes and then at the end he said he had to hire a residency lawyer in 2016. That didn't sound like it was Rubilar unless I'm mistaken. That sounds like a lot of years and it wasn't successful until he married an Argentine permanent resident.
Yikes! I never saw that post but reading it doesn't exactly inspire confidence. I'm not sure if you meant for that to be a testimonial or not. I was confused by it as it sounded like a lot of mistakes and then at the end he said he had to hire a residency lawyer in 2016. That didn't sound like it was Rubilar unless I'm mistaken. That sounds like a lot of years and it wasn't successful until he married an Argentine permanent resident.
Read the last post. In the end he said he would still recommend him. That sounds like a very difficult case with an arrest record of a serious criminal conviction. Back when I applied they were very strict and I don't believe you could have any criminal record and in fact I had a friend that had an assault charge as he got in a fight and was defending himself but he was denied a DNI. This was many years ago.

Things are complicated here. That is a LONG time to get it but at the end the OP says he would recommend him.
this post on the old forum of someone using Rubilar
great link, love it when people journal things like that! props, @Camel

note that there are some serious issues with how Rubilar was reported to perform (versus his very bold claims in the old forum for years). the client asked if a quick USA trip would interrupt the 2 years of continuous residence, and Rubilar assured them no (he most recently ha assured 7 months in Argentina per calendar year is sufficient), yet that did not end up being the case for the judge.

i know everyone wants to believe most lawyers are professional and all of that, but i still believe the $6,500 USD contains money to bribe certain judges. i have no proof other than commonsense and the way the world works; the same thing happens with physicians prescribing certain brands of medications, medical folks referring certain 'associates', etc. (or lobbying from various entities/SuperPACs). it's not evil, it's just how most high positions get paid more. this makes sense why some lawyers keep changing judges until they get certain ones 🙂 the report from @camel shows how he wasn't informed about 1: the parent-name-delay of 4 years, 2: the rejection from leaving Argentina for a short time in the USA that Rubilar approved, 3: the weird process of demanding to be arrested by the USA Embassy, and 4: Rubilar's continual Nazi-name-calling strategies (and i imagine some 'Roman serf slave feudal law' comments as well) that may have put @camel's case in jeopardy to set a precedent for other Rubilar cases.

also, on the old censored forums, @bwyonsea/@Bajo_cero2 never responds to criticisms; if i was running a business and offering advice online, i would absolutely never sit quietly if people were questioning my integrity. i would immediately offer evidence for why i'm following the ethical and legal way (not only to get more clients, but to show i'm acting in good faith). but one of hundreds of criticisms like "key to the resolution of that case turned out to be the exact thing [Rubilar] claims is never needed - residency. (That he repeats this claim in this very thread, knowing full well the circumstances of the case, is every bit the chutzpah I’ve come to expect from the learned gentleman.)"

...goes unanswered like almost all questions/criticisms. this is why i never hired Rubilar, and why i wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless there was literally no other choice (there probably is). too many unanswered questions, too many criticisms that he ignores (but spends time on the forum answering other questions and posting about Roman slavery racism laws), and too high of a price with zero guarantee (and the mothafucka wants 6k USD cash; bro, it's Argentina, that would be over eight thousand 1,000-Peso notes, or carrying around thousands of USD (which are almost impossible to get unless you bring them on the flight)...just accept electronic payment like everyone else! we all know you upper-class folks have several USD offshore accounts; everyone does.

at the end he said he had to hire a residency lawyer in 2016. That didn't sound like it was Rubilar unless I'm mistaken.
i read it the same as well. but once the Residency lawyer got residency, it seemed to unlock the Citizenship case Rubilar had already started. who knows!

at the end the OP says he would recommend him.
yeah, i agree as a last resort, but probably just spending some money to get legit Residency would be quicker and cheaper for 95% of people. no idea!


continuing on with the process in Cordoba Province, my status on Migraciones' site

https://www.migraciones.gov.ar/accesible/consultaTramitePrecaria/ConsultaUnificada.php (which you do NOT receive an email about, so i've been checking it every morning with coffee)

finally changed from "Supervision" to "DISPOSICIÓN DE RESIDENCIA PROTOCOLIZADA" - which shows as the last step...yet i still have a button to Attach a PDF. website poor design/glitch, or am i suddenly going to need to show deposited Peso money in my Argentine bank account at the last minute of my 90-day Precaria? lots of unknowns still, but overall my lady and i have been quite successful at doing everything without hiring a translator/expediter/lawyer (i did pay for 3 short consultations when i was first in BsAs to see if they had any sort of common theme - they did not).

the last i was told by the Cordoba Migraciones is that 5x-salary needs to be transferred every month i want residency. they told my girlfriend a few weeks later that she just needed to deposit a 5x-salary once into her Banco Nacion account. this is a huge difference; transferring would be at official rate, probably taxed, and certainly incurring fees 12 times a year...yet she might be able to take out Pesos with WesternUnion and deposit cash at the Blue rate only once to get her DNI. what the hell! will update more later. as of May2024 the salary is:

234,315 Pesos

x5 is 1,171,575 Pesos/month
which at 1298 ARS/USD on WU site right now without fees, would be $903 USD one time for her, supposedly to get a DNI and a year's worth of Residencia Rentista. that would be amazing! and the debit MasterCard that comes with the BNA/BancoNacion account has some offers to use for local spends on groceries and services, though i haven't tried any yet: https://bna.com.ar/personas/descuentosypromociones

**note that her Precaria was granted the day she had her appointment (in the office at 10:45, didn't get seen until 13:30, wasn't done until 14:00) but she has an "Intimacion" to complete - she was told within 30 days to show a stamped piece of paper that the million-ish Pesos are in her BNA savings account (the paper actually says she has 90 days). she was able to use an electronic Precaria (i've been calling it a pre-Precaria, the one that was in-between her Tourist Visa for 9 days until her initial appointment at Migraciones) to open a "cuenta de ahorros" at BNA - the staff didn't seem to notice a difference between a 9-day Precaria and a 90-day "real" Precaria...i played dumb translating for her, and it worked! they asked her for her Social Security Number (could be related to USA and Argentina eventually sharing tax stuff?) but i didn't have to do that, so i told the bank employee that she didn't feel comfortable since so many scams "estafas" in the USA involve the SSN. she was a bit confused, but i explained that a DNI number is thrown-around in Argentina, but a SSN is neverrrrrr just mentioned at the grocery store; it's basically just for direct government interactions. my girlfriend was able to get her "Constancia" proof of Argentine bank account by using her passport number only (and maybe her parcel number/parcel County tax ID in the USA, not sure).

so, the next step is seeing if a Western Union cash deposit will work for proof, and how to get a stamped paper that the deposit was done. and if i can do the same, avoiding doing it 12 times per year. maybe i'll master this stuff and charge a small price to be a Migraciones/RadEx guide in the future, if i learn enough 😉

now, to travel a bit in Argentina during the 90-day period! no car, but renting a car for 2 days to move my pup has been somewhat doable. i'll update more when i learn if in 2024 you can renew Precarias online within 5 or 10 days (i was told both), and how the process is actually done (end of July i'll post here). if anyone has a reliable cheap vehicle they want to lease to me or sell to me, i'm starting to research if it is worth it (but has prices are so high at 1050 Pesos/liter...maybe the global oil price drop will help, or the Milei cabinet will delete some gas tax laws). i found @BowTiedMara's substack post about it here:

great link, love it when people journal things like that! props, @Camel

note that there are some serious issues with how Rubilar was reported to perform (versus his very bold claims in the old forum for years). the client asked if a quick USA trip would interrupt the 2 years of continuous residence, and Rubilar assured them no (he most recently ha assured 7 months in Argentina per calendar year is sufficient), yet that did not end up being the case for the judge.

i know everyone wants to believe most lawyers are professional and all of that, but i still believe the $6,500 USD contains money to bribe certain judges. i have no proof other than commonsense and the way the world works; the same thing happens with physicians prescribing certain brands of medications, medical folks referring certain 'associates', etc. (or lobbying from various entities/SuperPACs). it's not evil, it's just how most high positions get paid more. this makes sense why some lawyers keep changing judges until they get certain ones 🙂 the report from @camel shows how he wasn't informed about 1: the parent-name-delay of 4 years, 2: the rejection from leaving Argentina for a short time in the USA that Rubilar approved, 3: the weird process of demanding to be arrested by the USA Embassy, and 4: Rubilar's continual Nazi-name-calling strategies (and i imagine some 'Roman serf slave feudal law' comments as well) that may have put @camel's case in jeopardy to set a precedent for other Rubilar cases.

also, on the old censored forums, @bwyonsea/@Bajo_cero2 never responds to criticisms; if i was running a business and offering advice online, i would absolutely never sit quietly if people were questioning my integrity. i would immediately offer evidence for why i'm following the ethical and legal way (not only to get more clients, but to show i'm acting in good faith). but one of hundreds of criticisms like "key to the resolution of that case turned out to be the exact thing [Rubilar] claims is never needed - residency. (That he repeats this claim in this very thread, knowing full well the circumstances of the case, is every bit the chutzpah I’ve come to expect from the learned gentleman.)"

...goes unanswered like almost all questions/criticisms. this is why i never hired Rubilar, and why i wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless there was literally no other choice (there probably is). too many unanswered questions, too many criticisms that he ignores (but spends time on the forum answering other questions and posting about Roman slavery racism laws), and too high of a price with zero guarantee (and the mothafucka wants 6k USD cash; bro, it's Argentina, that would be over eight thousand 1,000-Peso notes, or carrying around thousands of USD (which are almost impossible to get unless you bring them on the flight)...just accept electronic payment like everyone else! we all know you upper-class folks have several USD offshore accounts; everyone does.

i read it the same as well. but once the Residency lawyer got residency, it seemed to unlock the Citizenship case Rubilar had already started. who knows!

yeah, i agree as a last resort, but probably just spending some money to get legit Residency would be quicker and cheaper for 95% of people. no idea!


continuing on with the process in Cordoba Province, my status on Migraciones' site

https://www.migraciones.gov.ar/accesible/consultaTramitePrecaria/ConsultaUnificada.php (which you do NOT receive an email about, so i've been checking it every morning with coffee)

finally changed from "Supervision" to "DISPOSICIÓN DE RESIDENCIA PROTOCOLIZADA" - which shows as the last step...yet i still have a button to Attach a PDF. website poor design/glitch, or am i suddenly going to need to show deposited Peso money in my Argentine bank account at the last minute of my 90-day Precaria? lots of unknowns still, but overall my lady and i have been quite successful at doing everything without hiring a translator/expediter/lawyer (i did pay for 3 short consultations when i was first in BsAs to see if they had any sort of common theme - they did not).

the last i was told by the Cordoba Migraciones is that 5x-salary needs to be transferred every month i want residency. they told my girlfriend a few weeks later that she just needed to deposit a 5x-salary once into her Banco Nacion account. this is a huge difference; transferring would be at official rate, probably taxed, and certainly incurring fees 12 times a year...yet she might be able to take out Pesos with WesternUnion and deposit cash at the Blue rate only once to get her DNI. what the hell! will update more later. as of May2024 the salary is:

234,315 Pesos

x5 is 1,171,575 Pesos/month
which at 1298 ARS/USD on WU site right now without fees, would be $903 USD one time for her, supposedly to get a DNI and a year's worth of Residencia Rentista. that would be amazing! and the debit MasterCard that comes with the BNA/BancoNacion account has some offers to use for local spends on groceries and services, though i haven't tried any yet: https://bna.com.ar/personas/descuentosypromociones

**note that her Precaria was granted the day she had her appointment (in the office at 10:45, didn't get seen until 13:30, wasn't done until 14:00) but she has an "Intimacion" to complete - she was told within 30 days to show a stamped piece of paper that the million-ish Pesos are in her BNA savings account (the paper actually says she has 90 days). she was able to use an electronic Precaria (i've been calling it a pre-Precaria, the one that was in-between her Tourist Visa for 9 days until her initial appointment at Migraciones) to open a "cuenta de ahorros" at BNA - the staff didn't seem to notice a difference between a 9-day Precaria and a 90-day "real" Precaria...i played dumb translating for her, and it worked! they asked her for her Social Security Number (could be related to USA and Argentina eventually sharing tax stuff?) but i didn't have to do that, so i told the bank employee that she didn't feel comfortable since so many scams "estafas" in the USA involve the SSN. she was a bit confused, but i explained that a DNI number is thrown-around in Argentina, but a SSN is neverrrrrr just mentioned at the grocery store; it's basically just for direct government interactions. my girlfriend was able to get her "Constancia" proof of Argentine bank account by using her passport number only (and maybe her parcel number/parcel County tax ID in the USA, not sure).

so, the next step is seeing if a Western Union cash deposit will work for proof, and how to get a stamped paper that the deposit was done. and if i can do the same, avoiding doing it 12 times per year. maybe i'll master this stuff and charge a small price to be a Migraciones/RadEx guide in the future, if i learn enough 😉

now, to travel a bit in Argentina during the 90-day period! no car, but renting a car for 2 days to move my pup has been somewhat doable. i'll update more when i learn if in 2024 you can renew Precarias online within 5 or 10 days (i was told both), and how the process is actually done (end of July i'll post here). if anyone has a reliable cheap vehicle they want to lease to me or sell to me, i'm starting to research if it is worth it (but has prices are so high at 1050 Pesos/liter...maybe the global oil price drop will help, or the Milei cabinet will delete some gas tax laws). i found @BowTiedMara's substack post about it here:

Great work as always @StatusNomadicus on keeping us updated.

WRT to Rubilar, I agree he's very cryptic and hard to understand and when pressed doesn't always clarify. Regarding bribe money, who knows if that may or may not be true but using him or any other attorney, part of it is having connections to either expedite or be more lenient on your case. Not saying that's right or wrong, but in any field having connections lends to being viewed more favorably.
@StatusNomadicus thank you for keeping up with your process. It will help many other people. You will find that most people never want to share the knowledge for whatever reason. I agree about the criticisms if someone was criticizing my business I would respond but I don't think he cares one way or the other. I'm not sure about bribes but it is a way of life here in that type of industry most likely. I did mine many, many years ago with a friend of a friend that was an attorney but she passed away a few years ago. I wasn't too involved in the process. She just told me what to do and asked now to question it and it worked out.
great link, love it when people journal things like that! props, @Camel

note that there are some serious issues with how Rubilar was reported to perform (versus his very bold claims in the old forum for years). the client asked if a quick USA trip would interrupt the 2 years of continuous residence, and Rubilar assured them no (he most recently ha assured 7 months in Argentina per calendar year is sufficient), yet that did not end up being the case for the judge.

i know everyone wants to believe most lawyers are professional and all of that, but i still believe the $6,500 USD contains money to bribe certain judges. i have no proof other than commonsense and the way the world works; the same thing happens with physicians prescribing certain brands of medications, medical folks referring certain 'associates', etc. (or lobbying from various entities/SuperPACs). it's not evil, it's just how most high positions get paid more. this makes sense why some lawyers keep changing judges until they get certain ones 🙂 the report from @camel shows how he wasn't informed about 1: the parent-name-delay of 4 years, 2: the rejection from leaving Argentina for a short time in the USA that Rubilar approved, 3: the weird process of demanding to be arrested by the USA Embassy, and 4: Rubilar's continual Nazi-name-calling strategies (and i imagine some 'Roman serf slave feudal law' comments as well) that may have put @camel's case in jeopardy to set a precedent for other Rubilar cases.

also, on the old censored forums, @bwyonsea/@Bajo_cero2 never responds to criticisms; if i was running a business and offering advice online, i would absolutely never sit quietly if people were questioning my integrity. i would immediately offer evidence for why i'm following the ethical and legal way (not only to get more clients, but to show i'm acting in good faith). but one of hundreds of criticisms like "key to the resolution of that case turned out to be the exact thing [Rubilar] claims is never needed - residency. (That he repeats this claim in this very thread, knowing full well the circumstances of the case, is every bit the chutzpah I’ve come to expect from the learned gentleman.)"

...goes unanswered like almost all questions/criticisms. this is why i never hired Rubilar, and why i wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless there was literally no other choice (there probably is). too many unanswered questions, too many criticisms that he ignores (but spends time on the forum answering other questions and posting about Roman slavery racism laws), and too high of a price with zero guarantee (and the mothafucka wants 6k USD cash; bro, it's Argentina, that would be over eight thousand 1,000-Peso notes, or carrying around thousands of USD (which are almost impossible to get unless you bring them on the flight)...just accept electronic payment like everyone else! we all know you upper-class folks have several USD offshore accounts; everyone does.

i read it the same as well. but once the Residency lawyer got residency, it seemed to unlock the Citizenship case Rubilar had already started. who knows!

yeah, i agree as a last resort, but probably just spending some money to get legit Residency would be quicker and cheaper for 95% of people. no idea!


continuing on with the process in Cordoba Province, my status on Migraciones' site

https://www.migraciones.gov.ar/accesible/consultaTramitePrecaria/ConsultaUnificada.php (which you do NOT receive an email about, so i've been checking it every morning with coffee)

finally changed from "Supervision" to "DISPOSICIÓN DE RESIDENCIA PROTOCOLIZADA" - which shows as the last step...yet i still have a button to Attach a PDF. website poor design/glitch, or am i suddenly going to need to show deposited Peso money in my Argentine bank account at the last minute of my 90-day Precaria? lots of unknowns still, but overall my lady and i have been quite successful at doing everything without hiring a translator/expediter/lawyer (i did pay for 3 short consultations when i was first in BsAs to see if they had any sort of common theme - they did not).

the last i was told by the Cordoba Migraciones is that 5x-salary needs to be transferred every month i want residency. they told my girlfriend a few weeks later that she just needed to deposit a 5x-salary once into her Banco Nacion account. this is a huge difference; transferring would be at official rate, probably taxed, and certainly incurring fees 12 times a year...yet she might be able to take out Pesos with WesternUnion and deposit cash at the Blue rate only once to get her DNI. what the hell! will update more later. as of May2024 the salary is:

234,315 Pesos

x5 is 1,171,575 Pesos/month
which at 1298 ARS/USD on WU site right now without fees, would be $903 USD one time for her, supposedly to get a DNI and a year's worth of Residencia Rentista. that would be amazing! and the debit MasterCard that comes with the BNA/BancoNacion account has some offers to use for local spends on groceries and services, though i haven't tried any yet: https://bna.com.ar/personas/descuentosypromociones

**note that her Precaria was granted the day she had her appointment (in the office at 10:45, didn't get seen until 13:30, wasn't done until 14:00) but she has an "Intimacion" to complete - she was told within 30 days to show a stamped piece of paper that the million-ish Pesos are in her BNA savings account (the paper actually says she has 90 days). she was able to use an electronic Precaria (i've been calling it a pre-Precaria, the one that was in-between her Tourist Visa for 9 days until her initial appointment at Migraciones) to open a "cuenta de ahorros" at BNA - the staff didn't seem to notice a difference between a 9-day Precaria and a 90-day "real" Precaria...i played dumb translating for her, and it worked! they asked her for her Social Security Number (could be related to USA and Argentina eventually sharing tax stuff?) but i didn't have to do that, so i told the bank employee that she didn't feel comfortable since so many scams "estafas" in the USA involve the SSN. she was a bit confused, but i explained that a DNI number is thrown-around in Argentina, but a SSN is neverrrrrr just mentioned at the grocery store; it's basically just for direct government interactions. my girlfriend was able to get her "Constancia" proof of Argentine bank account by using her passport number only (and maybe her parcel number/parcel County tax ID in the USA, not sure).

so, the next step is seeing if a Western Union cash deposit will work for proof, and how to get a stamped paper that the deposit was done. and if i can do the same, avoiding doing it 12 times per year. maybe i'll master this stuff and charge a small price to be a Migraciones/RadEx guide in the future, if i learn enough 😉

now, to travel a bit in Argentina during the 90-day period! no car, but renting a car for 2 days to move my pup has been somewhat doable. i'll update more when i learn if in 2024 you can renew Precarias online within 5 or 10 days (i was told both), and how the process is actually done (end of July i'll post here). if anyone has a reliable cheap vehicle they want to lease to me or sell to me, i'm starting to research if it is worth it (but has prices are so high at 1050 Pesos/liter...maybe the global oil price drop will help, or the Milei cabinet will delete some gas tax laws). i found @BowTiedMara's substack post about it here:

I read that post and that would NOT give me confidence in that lawyer reading it. It sounds like a lot of mistakes were made. The thing is the process under him with that method seems so cryptic and takes years and years. In that kind of system running a business, it's might be that he is hoping after so many years people don't post about the experience so it was nice to read that from that user, Camel.

If I experienced that same thing, I would NOT be recommending him. But to each his own. My experience was like @Betsy Ross where the lawyer just asked me to do A, B and C and said just trust me on this and that's what I did. I didn't have time to get involved in the process as I am so busy. I did what the lawyer asked and it was relatively painless.